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Mike's PDA

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Venom, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Venom

    Venom New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ((The contents of this thread are stored on Michael's PDA/home computer. If you can access these devices, you can access this log ICly. Clarify with me first, however.))

    April 10, 2414

    Navy shrink seems to think that writing some of this stuff down will help. So we're stationed in Marathon now, some mega city in the Alpha sector. I ended up getting a commission, it's been different.. I never imagined myself as an officer. At the end of the day, though, not much has changed. My Marines come first. The pay is definitely appreciated, though.

    My mother's dementia is getting worse. The last time I visited, she didn't even know who I was. That was extremely painful to bear. She's the only family member I have left, and the worst part is that there is nothing I can do about it. I've been paying to put her up somewhere nice, hopefully they can make some progress... or at least make her happy.

    The Vice Admiral described me as a serial killer the other day. It's a bit disturbing to hear that. I do not enjoy killing, but force is the only thing that some individuals understand. While I may not enjoy it, I will do what is necessary to protect me and my own. That's been extremely apparent lately, especially with the incident with Ensign Fyord.. never thought I'd have to put one of our own in the ground. It's a bit sickening. I keep the wolf from the door by serving, but have I turned into a wolf in the process? It's debatable, but I don't think so. There are clear moral lines that separate us.

    "Be a man of principle. Fight for what you believe in. Keep your word. Live with integrity. Be brave. Believe in something bigger than yourself. Serve your country. Teach. Mentor. Give something back to society. ... Lead from the front. Conquer your fears. Be a good friend. Appreciate your friends and family. Be a leader and not a follower. Be valorous on the field of battle. And take responsibility for your actions."
    - Major Douglas A. Zembiec, USMC, Principles My Father Taught Me
    #1 Venom, Apr 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014
  2. Venom

    Venom New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    April 11, 2414.


    Haven't heard from you lately. I hope these are still reaching you and that you are doing well. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to visit lately, things have been extremely busy. They stationed the 2/7th in some city named Marathon. It's big, bustling, loud and a little bit annoying. They gave me a pretty nice place, though. Killer view, too.

    The worst part is that we've had to act like cops while we were here, though. This isn't what I signed up for; I'm a Marine, not a police officer. Ended up finishing my degree recently like I mentioned. They ended up commissioning me, some enlisted to officer program. I'm not sure what to think of it yet. I won't worry you with the rest of the details, you know what a day in the life is like. Oh, and there's a girl. Maybe you can meet her some day soon. I'll try to get down there soon.

    Your Loving Son,

  3. Venom

    Venom New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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