He was a terrible slaver! You talk of one as if one would devour the corpse! Surely, considering my past tirades with slavery my actions are understandable Lyra. -Spacechaser
((Node)) Molren's bounty was 35,000 pixels. This is an acceptable price. Wire me the money privately, and I will deliver his body to you.
-GoldLeaf, speech to text- Only sssstupids buy corpssse. Corpssse worthlessss. If want corpssse sssstab ssstranger, buy corpssse ssstupid and sssick.
((Node)) If it's stupid, then why did I make 35,000. Don't open your mouth if you have nothing intelligent to say, Floran.
Actually, I do believe the floran was trying to explain the stupidity of buying a corpse, not selling it. -Spacechaser