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Neverwinter Knights Unite

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DirtyGoblin, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    So. Who else 'round here, loves some good old Neverwinter Nights. Or even... Neverwinter Nights 2.
    Servers? Screenies? Stories? PCs?

    Tell your "War-Stories" to the younglin's :O
  2. Sen

    Sen Guest

    A tasty brew of drama, vitriol and corruption. Game is still kicking, though.
  3. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Man I love the Neverwinter Nights Games it used all I'd play.
  4. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    The mmo made me sad. It pooped on nwn's tradition of player made worlds and kinda kicked their RP communits in the balls. Granted that community was kinda stagnant from a lack of new blood. But still. :p
  5. Sen

    Sen Guest

    The MMO was always bound to be exactly that: just another MMO designed to generate cash using the tried and true methods of simplification and appealing to a broader audience.

    Which, unfortunately, does not include persistent world players.
  6. Albacksen

    Albacksen New Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    I frequented a server called Kymlun.
    At first it came across as your run of the mill fantasy world, but the people who inhabited it were amongst the best role-players I've ever come across. And then there was Glortor, the almighty creator. The lord of the asshats. Who ruined all semblance of good rp by circle jerking around his band of slutty female monks and the chosen few in the player-base who were busy brown-nosing him.
    Now, don't get my wrong on the slutty women comment, I love empowered women. But what he was doing didn't empower women, it was exactly what feminism is against, the objectification of women. This female only order was a joke. They were all man-haters (Imagine the worst feminazi-stereotype you can think of), wore skirts so short they were actually closer to a belt. And here's the kicker. All they did was run around and tease men, by flashing them. Meanwhile acting like immature little girls. Heck, they even had a scoring system. And the almighty Glortor railroaded all men to react the same way, didn't matter if your character was gay or had no concept of sexuality. The slutty behavior gave you a boner, full stop. It was like (in the words of the wise EgoRaptor) "Some stupid Japanese shit, I don't give a fuck about".
    The server stuck around way past it's prime and it was just a slippery slope downwards the more Glortor tried to hold onto his precious server.

    More recently I did play an organized super hardcore survival horror game run in NWN, it was enjoyable, but it was hard to keep interest alive when players came and went so much and the narrative focused so closely on a group of characters. It's fun that the game is still playable, you just gotta password your server or have a account system inside your module that registers your account with your cdkey, for which there are premade stuff you can use.
  7. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Here's a "war story" of mine:
  8. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    oh god I just remember animu characters shpwing up everywhere. Even on the gritty Arthurian legend based server we had wanna be ninjas. Granted, nwn2.

    I remember an admin who after collecting server donations, dropped the server. We were a big server at the time and he made off with a few thousand. Shitty but impressive. Hurt a few other servers that relied on community donations though. Only two big servers left on nwn2 that regularly hit 60+ people are Baldurs Gate (low rp grind) some euro language servers, and Dalelands ( mid rp, fuckton of drow erping e-penes) :(
  9. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    I'm Kazyyk, and this is my favorite thread in the forum.
  10. Sen

    Sen Guest

    DB's dead. :p
  11. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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  12. Sen

    Sen Guest

    A server DirtyGoblin was talking about. Your typical Neverwinter Nights server: corruption, staff trying to ruin each other and stuff their own characters with OP items and prestige, blah blah blah.
  13. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Amia still seems to be okay, though I haven't played there in years.
  14. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Dalelands Beyond bit the dust finally? Wow. I've been gone for too long. I've lost track :(

    I know some peoples are working on a new server, and I'm totally optimistic. I expect it to thrive for a month, and then die a horrible death. Again.
    :( It makes me sad, cause nwn1 and nwn2 are my shit. :/

    But yea. Corruption is everywhurr. On nwn2 you just kinda, deal with it, or ragequit. Not a lot of options. I think on SA, it became kind of a joke/trope among goons that NWN1/2 PWs and Corruption/Death went hand in hand :D
  15. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Oh neat! A forum for this. Played NWN for a good ten years, myself. Mind you... I've recently got out of it. Attempted to quit many times but kept getting dragged back in. Finally just dealt with too much shit and felt it was finally time to move on.

    However! NWN is still one of the greatest games for RPing that I've every played. Went through many servers in my time on there. Most noteable ones being Arvale, ZSR, Star Wars: Rise of the Rebellion, and Star Wars: Contrition. All of which either went to hell, died, or both. But still! They were enjoyable for a long time.
  16. Ollanius Verok

    Ollanius Verok New Member

    Mar 7, 2014
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    Ravenloft: Prisoners of the Mist.
  17. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Yeah. Played there for a bit, myself. Couldn't get into it, though. The server was WAY to clique-y, the DMs were favouritist as fuck, and being low level was near impossible because the high levels would always clear out the low level dungeons.
  18. Ollanius Verok

    Ollanius Verok New Member

    Mar 7, 2014
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    It's still like that, sadly. It's gotten worse with one of the DM's being the only constant and a creepy bastard.
  19. Albacksen

    Albacksen New Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    My experience was similar to yours. Even if you tried to not "grind" for your levels, RPing for it took so long that it devolved into static as balls tavern-RP.
    Did you ever travel to the sewer town? A bunch of freaky as fuck BDSM demons fucking the shit out of eachother down there. That was about when I left that server.
  20. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    ...Social Servers.