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The Hand of Death [Faction Idea]

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by guguy123, Mar 31, 2014.


Your opinion?

  1. Certainly has potentional.

  2. This is a horrible idea, you monster.

  1. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    So I've had this idea floating around of an organization that takes deceased characters and for lack of a better word 'resurrects' them. Using advanced Apex technology, create a perfect copy of the dead person, down to the individual nerve cells, therefore keeping the memory of the deceased. The Hand then explains to the 'clone' exactly what happened, including his death, and s/he is taught to not fear death, but to embrace it, not as an end, but simply as a new beginning.
    With an extremely gothic/plain out evil theme and aesthetic, of course, that fits their passion for, well.... Death.
    This is the very basic concept down to the bare bones. There is a poll for your opinion above (I think its above)

    Keep in mind this may (likely) end up being an evil faction. Also players would need to sign up deceased characters ooc .
  2. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Obligatory "Good luck, server capped, players spread thin, alts alts alts"

    Sounds interesting enough, but you should expand on the exact goals and motivations. They're reviving these people to do...what, exactly? Is it a religion? Are they a military force? Where do they get the resources to do this? What is their ultimate goal? What kind of command structure does it have? Barebones is okay and allows for community build up, but from what I've observed you best come prepared and swinging if you want to get anything done on this server.
  3. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Typing this from my phone so apologies if there are any errors. I should mention that the code of conduct has specific rules on cloning/character death. If you haven't already, i highly advise that you read it. Basically what it says is that character clones should not have any recollection of their death and that the character can not be instantly cloned right after death. The reasoning behind this is because we dont want players cloning ther characters after death to seek vengeance on the one who killed them.
  4. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I'll make sure to add characters can't be cloned to soon after death if I end up building on this.
    I did read it. I meant their death is explained verbally, and they accept the fact they are dead (and 'embrace' it as a new chapter of their lives ( possibly a better one ). If anything they would thank their killer. But, this raises the problem of people ignoring the lore of the faction to try and kill their killer. Also people may start to not fear death while they live, meaning they will figure 'meh I can res this guy with that new faction' .
    I'm starting to think this has more cons than pros... Well, I'll wait for more opinion, it would be dumb shutting the idea before it has any views.

    Also taac, I am quite new to the server, and wanted to have input from more experienced people on this server. I was leaning to religious cult that uses technology very selectively in order to achieve their goals, but as far as I can see, votes are leaning to me being a monster with horrible ideas:D
  5. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Nah, I think this has potential. But as long as people don't abuse the whole "I can res my guy with this faction" thing. It certainly would turn out to be interesting. And mentally scaring for the people that thought their friend/lover was dead, only to find him/her alive again. And not remembering them.
  6. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Thanks for feedback, and yeah that could pose a problem. Although the fact you can't be cloned too quickly after death (Thanks Pixel!) could kind of semi-solve that. I have hope people won't just go all "YOU KILLED ME YOU BASTARD" and instead be all "I have risen to a state beyond you, inferior mortal. You cannot experience what I have. You fear death, you run away from it. I embrace death, I am death"
    Anyway, I was thinking of an internal RP of a fight over the leadership of The Hand. One wants to spread the philosophy that death is simply a beginning of a new chapter, while the other sees the military prowess of their army, and seeks to put it to use. The people of The Hand are split, some thinking it a good idea to purge some 'evil' places* of some 'evil' people** (*places whom oppose The Hand of Death) (**people who oppose The Hand of Death), while others think this would attract unwanted attention, and would be the immoral thing to do.
    This would allow the faction to go either evil(ish) or neutral depending on the people in it. Also keep in mind this organization clones people of use to it, so for example it would be very good to have cloned a scientist, because those are important to a working society (even one composed of dead people!)
    Reply if you like it (or also if you hated it. Feedback is always useful), and if you have another idea (to add on to this or replace it entirely), please do tell me, I am open to more input!
    Also if you're wondering why I didn't edit the original post with it, its because I want anything up there to be official, and because this is all prone to change, it would make no sense to put it up there until the majority of people agree that they like that. If I alone made the faction it wouldn't go very far. A good group of people requires the perspective of different people.
    P.S I'm still getting the goals of The Hand figured out, soon....
  7. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I doubt you will find any of the staff willing to sign off on this.
  8. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Wow. *claps* Don't worry. My ideas always get crushed by the staff. You get used to it after a few tries. I personally am in favor of this idea. +1.
  9. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    This idea does have potential. But the problem is that by making this faction, you're bending the rules a tiny bit. "Characters who are cloned should have NO RECOLLECTION of their deaths." That combined with the problem of the player cap spreading thin as Tacc said. Characters who want to be cloned should have to wait at least 2 weeks IG time or real time before coming back to life. But there will always be that one player who ruins it for the whole faction by breaking the rules. I'm not saying that you shouldn't make this faction, but maybe you should revise a bit. For example, how about making it so that the hand doesn't tell them about their deaths, but instead, the players who have died know that they've died and for that reason, they can be all -bow down to me puny mortals-. And as for CaptainBritton02, you basically wanted your own fleet faction that is similar to 3 unique fleets already out there. Instead of trying to merge your faction or be apart of one, you blantly refused any attempts of negotiation and concluded that the staff always crushes a player's hopes and dreams. Maybe try to talk more into your idea like guguy123 is doing instead of totally giving up on it and being negative. I'm not saying that player shouldn't make their own ideas, I actually encourage it. This is a roleplaying community after all, and we always have room for imagination. Let's just be more reasonable here, yay?
    #9 Pixel, Mar 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2014
  10. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    No loss in trying, even if it fails. Maybe some people will like it.
  11. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I am slightly confused by "For example, how about making it so that the hand doesn't tell them about their deaths, but instead, the players who have died know that they've died". Are you suggesting that they already understand they died through some new form of cloning, and don't need to be told about it, or is this just an accident? Also, of course I will revise this! This isn't anywhere close to ready. I am working on some of the things Tacc mentioned, such as government-like systems and primary goals, and will post them for review once I reach a point I like.

    Thank you for the support! I don't really think any staff should approve of it in it's current state, but I'll get it polished up. I've seen a few other faction proposals in this section of the forums, and currently they are in much better shape than this to be approved. Though I think this might be held back slightly by how... Unusual, it is.... You don't generally see undead clone cults around here, and I don't blame you if you call bullshit.
    Anyway, thanks for the feedback everyone, helps keep the thought train rolling!
  12. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    You mentioned something about members feeling superior to those who haven't experienced death before. Yeah, sorry about the wording there,
  13. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Well, I did, and I think it would make for some cool situations.
    Exhibit A: Remember that heroic white knight who died to protect a baby from a terrorist? Yeah, he's kind of an undead cultist who thinks he is some sort of superior being now.... But I mean, he's alive, right?
    Exhibit B: "I have attained knowledge and experience you could never imagine. Your knowledge is limited to a fraction of what can be learned while alive. But what can be learned while alive is merely half of all knowledge. Now... I understand the other half, is Death" - Random Hand of Death member
    An air of superiority through knowledge gives them something to distinguish themselves. So they aren't just another fleet in this damn galaxy... *Sigh*
    P.S currently working on government system, which will be up for review when ready (Can't promise a time, but soon). I recommend you watch the thread if you are interested.
  14. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Ok, as you may have noticed, I don't like doing stuff on my own. I put ideas up for review for the public. (I actually made a possible internal RP post earlier.. Here, ill put it in this post for you, because I'm that nice.
    So, as for a government standpoint.
    1.Building on the (POSSIBLE) lore/RP (Quote above) a possible route is
    The more neutral, none-military side of the internal fight (Lets call these the Cultists OOC) is a democratic system where multiple elected leaders (who are dead and have been clone, perhaps some from other factions that have been killed?) form a council and represent different colonies or something along those lines. They give a more usual society, but one that is driven by religion and cultist practices, and has a far more sinister and dark theme than a normal colony, but still less 'evil' than the other side of the internal fight. This side seeks to spread its practices and be accepted by others. The more military driven side (Lets call these the Tribesmen OOC) wants a modern spin on a tribalist system, where the strongest and smartest wo/man leads. This side also promises people slaves captured in combat, whom will probably be treated rather badly. Before you jump on the "KIL DEM, DEY BE EVIL!!!" wagon, keep in mind this is a secretive, underground, organization known to a select few people. This is a more evil side. They want to keep their practices to themselves, keep them a 'superior' people.
    (I will work on their cult practices if this is the government people like most)

    2.A Military driven government looking to expand its reaches and prowess into the depths of the galaxy. It features a monarchy system where a council of lords is given control of certain parts of the government, led by a king, which is elected by the council out of the council (You can't vote for yourself), and has higher power than the other council members. This is no longer an underground organization, we're talking fullblown fleet here. People know them, and generally usually fear them. (Ever heard of the Soviet Union?)

    I'll sum it up for you
    Possible Government 1 is an internal fight between two different parties, the Cultists(OOC only name) ,a religion based cultist republican democracy, led by an elected council, and the Tribesmen(OOC only name) ,a militaristic modern spin on tribalism basically meaning the strongest/smartest leads. Bonus points for slavery in this party. Both are underground societies who MAY reveal themselves to the public later down the line. (Only one will rise, they won't co-exist)

    Possible Government 2 is a military driven monarchy looking to expand it's reaches and prowess into the galaxy. (Non-elected) Council elects a king from itself (Council members can't vote for themselves) whom has a higher power in the government than the other Council members. Likely to garner quite a bit of attention, but everybody is afraid of fullblown war. (Cold War Soviet Union much?)

    Please reply with your opinions. If nobody replies, I have to make the choice on my own, and that's no fun for anyone.
    (NOTE: If you have an idea for a different government system, feel free to post it. If you care, then your opinions matter just as much as mine.)
    #14 guguy123, Mar 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
  15. Oweyn

    Oweyn New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    We already have an evil colony in the form of The Astrals. Unless I'm mistaken, we don't have a popular cult. IDK though :/
  16. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    If we have the playerbase though, it's good, as The Astral Empire presents itself as shamelessly Lawful Evil. I think it's good to have more factions/groups with bad intent. "Being evil" isn't enough to be The Astral Empire ally, as long as they're well constructed and they have the players, everybody will look at them different. Only factions that are gonna be bad are the ones that are way too similar to existing ones.
  17. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Well.... This is more of a sinister, cult evil, while The Astral Empire is a more corrupt, lawful evil.
    Besides, this one is composed entirely of characters people have already killed off.
    Any recommendations for the government? Right now I'm leaning toward option 1, simply because of the internal fight for power between the parties.
  18. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Agreed. Cult that worships death and whatnot. It's like the helios technorocacy (however you spell it) where the faction is religious.