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Experimental Weapons Testing Log

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Terallis, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    ((This is only accessible through a secure terminal located on Aedan's ship.))

    Weapons Testing - List of Weapons

    1. Sound Wave Blaster [EARLY PROTOTYPE]
    2. Ammonium Nitrate Gun [COMPLETE]
    3. Portable Laser Cannon [WORKING PROTOTYPE]
    4. Blast Mining Cannon [WORKING PROTOTYPE]
    5. High-Output Blaster [WORKING PROTOTYPE]
    6. The Noobtube [WORKING PROTOTYPE]
    7. The Freezethrower [WORKING PROTOTYPE]
    8. Anti-Matter Gun [FAILURE! REPURPOSED]
    9. Anti-Matter Bomb [EARLY PLANNING]
    10. Dragon Cannon [WORKING PROTOTYPE]
    11. High Velocity Plasma Cannon [EARLY PLANNING]
    12. Lava Gun [CANNED]
    13. Energy Orb Launcher [EARLY PROTOTYPE]
    14. Medical Blaster [FINAL STAGES]
    15. Multi-Purpose Gas Gun [WORKING PROTOTYPE]
    16. Serpent-Class Droid Assembler [NEEDS WORK]
    17. Spacial Inversion Cannon [EARLY PLANNING]
    18. Superluminal Velocity Rail Cannon [EARLY PLANNING]
    19. Kinetic Disruptor [EARLY PLANNING]
    20. Particle Disintegrator [EARLY PLANNING]
    21. Molecular Magnetic Field Inverter [INITIAL TESTING PHASE]
    22. Singularity Generator [COLOSSAL FAILURE]
    23. MK1 Armoured Power Suit [WORKING PROTOTYPE]
    Weapons Testing - Descriptions

    #1 Terallis, Mar 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2014
  2. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Sound Blaster Test #1

    Right. So, the Sound Blaster's purpose is to fire a compressed ultrasonic wave in a direct line from the barrel of the weapon. The sound it produces is meant to cause all sorts of issues with the target. Primarily, damaged hearing and incredible headaches. Secondary effects, if used enough, should cause ruptures in the brain that could lead to instantaneous death.

    The first test had some complications. For starters, it's not producing enough sound. At most, right now, it appears to just be annoying as hell without causing any real damage. Also, I can't seem to change the sound it makes. Unintentionally, it just sounds like a woman yelping or something like that. I'll continue to tweak the system to try and increase the output, as well as change that blasted sound.
  3. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Ammonium Nitrate Gun Test #57

    Yes, it's the 57th test, but this is the first major log entry on the subject. The ammonium nitrate gun is meant to produce a cloud of concentrated ammonium nitrate gas. Overall, the effect of the weapon is meant to stun and/or cause the target to pass out from the overwhelmingly bad smell. Though, as a bit of an added punch, I've included the use of an underlying poisonous gas that is produced with it. This would, in theory, increase the lethality of the weapon itself.

    As for the test, this seems to be the final test for this weapon. I've managed to compress the size down to a bit of an oversized pistol that fires out smaller clouds of the gas. I can't say for certain as to its lethality, as I'd rather avoid working on live subjects, but the emulated test appears to have exactly the effect I had seen. This weapon can be marked as completed.
  4. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Medical Blaster Test #1

    Right. Purpose of the gun is to shoot needles that cause cellular regeneration, and thus lead to fast healing. Really simple.

    The first test was a complete success. It function just as expected, with no visible side effects or explosions. Which is good. In addition, this may be able be modified to work with other chemicals, as well.
    So, this gun will be marked as complete.
  5. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Hyper Needle Gun Test #1

    Repurposed Medical Blaster, to fire needles of a concentrated caffeine based chemical with reaction adrenals. By hitting someone with the needle, it should give them a great increase in reaction time, and not to mention speed. Overall, the most prominent effect would be to increase running speed by at least double.

    The first test was a bit of a failure. The contained chemicals explode out of the barrel, dousing the entire area in said chemicals. This still seems to produce the same effect on anyone covered in the chemical, but that makes it far to open to error. Given that, if used in a volatile situation, it would affect both friend and foe alike. This will need more tweaking.
  6. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Sound Blaster Test #2 (Accidental)

    Well, whatever happened, the output appears to have reached the level that I wanted it to, somehow. While showing Rune the weapon, I fired and it killed something with the sound waves. Still can't get it to stop with the female sex noise...
  7. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Serpent-Class Droid Assembler Test #1

    Point of this weapon was to fire out a self assembling Serpent-class robot unit to assist in security and other jobs.

    First test was... a failure to say the least. I'm going to need to somehow adjust the IFF in the units themselves. They were fine when I created them down on an empty moon, but when I went to use it on my ship, it locked on to the nearby clone workers that Rune created. Killed a number of them before it just returned to patrolling the halls. Maybe it's just something in the clones that is tripping it off? I can't actually tell, to be honest. I'm going to need to do some serious changes, especially since I can't seem to deactivate the ones on my ship. Might need to try something else to get rid of the ones already assembled.
  8. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Portable Laser Cannon Test #82

    To put it bluntly, this is a weapon meant to condense the blast of a ship's laser cannon to be more portable. This should give people a weapon with higher output than a standard blaster with some capability of taking down a small ship in the process. It's not as powerful as a ship's laser cannon, but it's relatively close.

    So, yes. The eighty-second time I'm testing this thing. Still can't solve the recoil issue. When firing the weapon, the recoil is still more than enough to shatter a person's shoulder, and likely flying back into a wall if they somehow manage to keep a grip. Been using an automated stand for it, however. Or... multiple stands, given that it wrecks most of them from the recoil. This is frustrating me. There's gotta be some way to perhaps dampen-... Wait. Maybe if I were to redesign a spacial dampener and make it small enough to work on the gun. It would still likely be a large weapon, much like the size of an RPG, but that might work! I'll log the test when I get it done.
  9. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Anti-Matter Gun Test #1

    Alright. Been a while since I've been focusing my attention on my weapons. Been rather busy. Back on track now. The anti-particle gun is mean to harness anti-particles into a concentrated blast to completely destroy something without fail. Using a few theories, it should be able to tear through anything in its path without slowing down at all. It should literally cleave through anything like a burning hot knife cutting through soft butter.

    However, here's where it fails and will need reworking. I misjudged how the anti-particles would react to external environment. Luckily I placed the weapon down on a planet and triggered it remotely. There were very few living creatures on the planet and no civilized areas that weren't already long abandoned. When triggered, it didn't performed as intended at all. As soon as the anti-particle beam left the barrel and was exposed to the elements, it detonated. I don't mean just a small detonation either. We're talking a detonation that rivals that of the atomic bomb back in the 20th century. It left a giant crater that is about one hundred kilometres in diameter and about 20 kilometres deep. Will need to repurpose this experiment as a bomb instead of a beam, I think. Beyond our level of technology, even now, to properly harness the power of anti-particles into a beam.
  10. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    (( And my character Albina made exactly that on the same day. :u ))
  11. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Dragon Cannon Test #1

    Right. The Dragon Cannon is meant to be a weapon that fires a powerful ball of plasma that explodes into a torrent of smaller bits of plasma. Can be used in a variety of ways, but mostly incineration of most things. Never use in a forest, though. Very likely that you will burn to death. Even if you don't, the forest will likely burn down very fast. Very dangerous.

    First test was mostly a success. Need to work on the kickback of the weapon, though. For a portable weapon, it has the kickback of a gun emplacement meant for anti-infantry. However, the effects of the weapon works as intended. Left a melting hole in the brick wall I tested it on. Though, the plasma is so hot that the scattered plasma started melting other parts of the wall. A heat hazard suit is strongly recommended when using this.
  12. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Singularity Generator Test #1 [FINAL]

    The Singularity Generator is meant to do just as the name implies. The idea is that it forces open the smaller particles that are much like microscopic black holes. Through such, it forms an actual singularity.

    Now to the test. This project is deemed a failure and will be shut down after a colossal failure that nearly claimed Jhori's life, as well as my own. Upon activating the generator, it began working as intended. However, something happened that had an adverse effect on the device itself. It did manage to start forming a small singularity. However, perhaps due to the time of the singularity's collapse and the overload of the generator, it imploded, taking the entire ship with it. Jhori and I barely made it to the escape pod and got out of range before it occurred.

    Singularity research will be halted for the foreseeable future.
  13. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    MK1 Armoured Power Suit Test #1

    Brief overview of the MK1 APS. While there are likely power suits out there, this is meant to be one of my own design. The shell of the armour is constructed with a number of metals, whether pure or an alloy. These metals include steel, titanium, durasteel, rubium, and trace amounts of impervium. Beneath the shell is a nanofiber underlay that lends extra protection against anything that may breach the shell. In addition to the armour, it carries additional abilities as well. Due to built in systems, along with the nanofiber underlay, it allows for a very high level of protection against many forms of elements, including cold and heat. However, while it is reinforced against these elements, that more refers to the type of weather. Weapons that may use these sorts of elements, tend to use them in a far more effective fashion, like a flamethrower or my own Freezethrower. While it can withstand a decent amount from such weapons, it will likely overpower the systems and cause them to overload. Other features include:
    -An effective air filter that can convert most toxic gases into breathable air.
    -The ability to seal off the air filters, rendering the entire suit completely airtight with a built in oxygen recycler.
    -Internal HUD and scanner for various tasks, as well as Infrared and Night Vision modes.
    -Low level self healing system. When the pilot takes damage, automated injections are administered to help cease bleeding and pain. This is only effective for three uses, however. After that, further medical attention will need to be self administered.
    -Increased physical capabilities. It uses systems that allow the pilot to use strength that is much greater than their own. However, due to this, the suit slows the pilot down a fair bit. It is not designed for maneuverability.

    Now on to the results of the first test. The MK1 APS was a decent success in it's first real field test. It performed almost perfectly to specifications. There are a few tuning issues, but they won't be difficult to really fix, given a day or two. Overall, this is a fantastic first trial.
  14. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    MK1 Armoured Power Suit Test #2

    Right. So now that I'm fully functional again, I should point out that I forgot a few things on the suit. As soon as I fully got it on, I realized I had no proper release switch to get me out. In addition, I forgot to install a proper vocalizer unit. This will be rectified, however, as they are not difficult things to add.

    Luckily, however, I remembered to add in the fail safes when under extreme conditions. Be-it extreme heat, cold, or even electric shock. Had some help in sending a powerful electric charge into the suit to eject me out of it. Only just got feeling back in some places. One thing I forgot to do when I got into the suit was equip the nanofiber underlay beforehand. Stupid mistake. Rookie mistake. Need to remember for next time, for sure. That's why I took such a shock to my own self, too.

    Suit wasn't really damaged, thanks to the fail safe. A few fried wires, but otherwise intact. Wires are easily replaced, afterall.
  15. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    MK1 Armoured Power Suit Test #3

    Another failure. This time due to somewhat shoddy parts. Got stuck in the suit again. Though, at least I wore the nanofiber underlay to reduce shock and the like. Not long after entering the suit, the manual release switch short circuited and trapped me in the suit, once more. Decided to try and get some help down on Alioth. Tried speaking to Jay and the vocal unit short circuited as well. Took a while before they figured out who I was inside the suit. Eventually had an avian named Twitch use the highest voltage on a pair of shock paddles to trigger the failsafe and eject me out of the suit.

    I've decided to place this project on hold until the spore outbreak on Alioth is over with. This failed test nearly prevented me from getting to a patient in time. Could've lost the patient if I had gotten to him later.