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Rossse Diary thingy!

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by AnthonyHiggs, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. AnthonyHiggs

    AnthonyHiggs New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Isss been monthsss sssince Floran fled from home planet. Floran figure Floran write ssstufff down ssso Floran not forget everything that happen! Essspecially sssince Floran meet people for firssst time in monthsss.

    Day 1:

    Floran began to hear voicesss coming from a metal box in ship today. After playing around with it, Floran began to talk with other people! Floran call thisss thingy Magical Voice Box.

    Floran wasss able to find planet with bar by talking to othersss throgh Magical Voice Box. There were ssso many people there! Floran wasss amazed ssso many racesss were able to be in one place without ssstabbing each other for one reassson or another. There wasss alssso no one from Floran's home planet there, ssso Floran wasss glad.

    Floran ssspent the night playing Floran's Flute and chatting with othersss. Floran even made a Floran friend! Floran wasss called Flora, both Floransss played musssic together! Wasss very fun night indeed.
  2. AnthonyHiggs

    AnthonyHiggs New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Day 2:

    Floran went to bar place again. Floran later learn place wasss called Akio's Bar, or sssomething like that. Floran play sssome musssic again, and chat with othersss.

    Floran then meet Frogwoman called Gilleen. Floran wasss sssurprisssed how nice Gilleen wasss to Floran, conssidering how Floran and Frogmen tend to hate each other. Floran and Gilleen taked a bit, and Floran mention how Floran live on Floran's ship. Gilleen then mention sssome place called Ssstark, where Gilleen livesss. Gilleen then show Floran Ssstark and Gilleen's Appartment. Gilleen even offer Floran chance to ssstay in Gilleen's Appartment for a bit, at leassst until Floran find sssome place to live. Floran even sssubmitted application to have appartment in Ssstark, ssso maybe Floran have home there sssoon!

    Floran met many people while Floran wasss in Ssstark. Floran met Gilleen's Ssscary Robot Voice Thingy, which didn't like Floran and tried to take sssap from Floran, Leon, a Meatbag who recognized Floran's sssongsss, Ssseabringer, a Frogman Priessst, and Agillesss, another Frogman. Floran not meet Alice Mattew, the perssson who ownsss Ssstark, but maybe Floran meet them sssoon!

    Floran ssspent ressst of day helping Frogman Priessst recover from Evil Birdy Ssstab woundsss, helping a Meatbag Hitchhiker find hisss way, and meeting many other people at Akio's Bar. Floran feel today wasss good day, meeting many new people and maybe finding a new home! :D
  3. AnthonyHiggs

    AnthonyHiggs New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Day 6:

    Floran forget to write in here. Wasss very busssy doing other thingsss.

    Floran been trying to find place to live over passst few daysss. Floran narrow down placesss where Floran want to live. Floran may want to live in Ssstark, Honeydew Prior, Opportunity, Taranisss, and Luminaria. Problem isss, Floran can't decide which one to live in!

    Floran need to think about it more...
    #3 AnthonyHiggs, Mar 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2014
  4. AnthonyHiggs

    AnthonyHiggs New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Day 7:

    Today, Floran ssspend time in Taranisss. Ssspend time with localsss. Floran even asssk to join town, and Floran Chief sssay yesss, Floran believe.

    At sssame time, though, Floran get accepted into other placesss. Floran ssstill not sure where to live. Maybe Floran live everywhere at once? Isss possibility...
  5. AnthonyHiggs

    AnthonyHiggs New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Day 8:

    Floran finally manage to get houssse in Luminaria, and Floran plan housssing in Taranisss. Floran have uneventful day until end, when daughter of Floran Chief get hurt...

    Floran wasss walking in field near tree in Taranisss, playing Flute, when Floran notice group of Evil Robotsss in field. Floran quickly put on armor and fight off Evil Robotsss usssing ssswordsss and Blink Tech. Floran then notice Floran Chief Daughter lying in field, hurt badly. Floran get Floran Chief to come by after, and Floran Chief bring in Floran Chief Daughter and heal.

    After Mother Daughter bonding time, Floran Chief Daughter asssk sssurprisssing quessstion to Floran. Floran Chief Daughter asssk Floran to train her!

    Floran not underssstand why. Floran Chief Daughter hasss probably been training for yearsss, while Floran only really get into ssskillsss of ssstabbing in passst few monthsss as Floran wander universsse. Floran beat big monssstersss, yesss, but Floran Chief Daughter ssstill better, right? Sure, Floran wasss taught at young age by very sssavage Floran tribe how to ssstab before Floran get really into Flute, but Floran not dedicate life to ssstabbing like Floran Chief Daughter.

    Floran not sure what to do...