((Waterswimmer)) Are you trying to force us off Tetanus Fields? The idea of you and your spawn with bombs is not a comforting one.
(( Me! Shit, I mean Narfball! )) buy me sugar and spice and everything nice and also the secret ingredent chemickal x i make superfloarns please grand goggblat
"As the military commander... I have to say no to bombs under the city Muck. You're kids are bad enough already.
Why all fink Mucklurk and Ssssaplings want Bright Top Place? Isss bright. Not Sssspurgle. Tetanus Fields isss scab. Needs nasty UpToppers on Scab, keep other nasty UpToppers from Ssssewer. Kicking out UpToppersss isss like picking scab. Feel good for short time maybe, but stupit. Not Sssspurgle. Ssssewers sssspurgle. Natasha not rule Sssewer. Mucklurk rule sssewer. Mucklurk find bombsss one way or other. Mucklurk not wassste time ussssing drill fings and pokers to dig hot-rock and glassy-rock. Mucklurk use bomb. Mucklurk think maybe sssshut off all da ssssewer pumps and watersss flowsss from sssewer, if inssssist on get in way of Sssewer. No more flushy?
I still thing we should just napalm you all and take the sewers. We can have actually workers work them rather then dealing with you, why dirt ever chose to let you do this stuff Natasha will never know.
((Waterswimmer)) Then please keep yourself and your spawn out of the clinic! It's hard enough keeping the place sterile without your "spurgle" making it worse.