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A Little Black Book - The Journal of Spiral Ape Jr.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by LanceSandrson, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. LanceSandrson

    LanceSandrson New Member

    Mar 16, 2014
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    (( Gonna start this into his story, just with stories of my time on the server)

    Day 1296:
    Came across a nice little hangout of a frozen planet today. The was beautiful music to accompany the already peaceful atmosphere.
    I met a Florian named Starchaser. They seems quite intelligent compared to others I've run across, and they spoke quite well, no stutters or slurs. I'd say it was a good day.

    Day 1300:
    Was talking to a few people over the comms today, a lot of interesting people out there.
    There was a call out though for people to meet up with someone. Out of curiosity I went and met with the person. They were recruiting for a PMC ((Private Military Company)), possibly taking up small jobs, protecting people, transport, basic mercenary work. I though with my military experience I could help out, so I decided to join up.
    (( For safety purposes he keeps certain names anonymous, and details vague This journal may be lost some day, don't want sensitive information known.))
    I wasn't the only one to sign up, my Florian friend from earlier joined up, and a small farmer joined up.
    T, the leader, took us to the base planet. It was amazing how one person could build such a large place.
    I settled down in one of the pre made rooms. I'm planning on personalizing it at another date.

    Day 1301-1310
    I've been exhausted these past 10 days, we ended up putting a farm together for E, the farmer.
    Not much else has happened other then setting up things to get started.

    Day 1315:
    We've talked about how to fund out little group, the current idea is to put up a business front, a way to keep cash flowing in, in case a job falls through. I told T I'd go look for some leads in some other settlements, the only one I've been able to visit so far is an "Aikos Bar". When I got there it seemed quite crowded, and a bit sketchy. I thought it was a strip club at first with all the dancing platforms hanging from the ceiling. I wasn't able to find a lead the first couple of days I was there. People either suggested the comms system, or didn't have anything. I finally found someone that could help, a part time worker at the bar, Veronica, she mentioned how she also works with her father in a trading business, I mentioned how I have a few other friends that could help out. We're going to keep in touch about it.

    Day 1318:
    We got a new recruit a few days ago, a glitch, 013, he's one of the few gltich to "awaken" into self awareness. They're are very formal, and quite nice. I was talking to hem and he mentioned issues he's been having since he awoke. I promised him I'd look into it for him, see if I can hook them up to a computer and go over their programming, see what's wrong. Hopefully I can help them out.

    Day 1320:
    People in my team seem to have disappeared, I see them at night when they go to bed so I know they're safe. I assume they're all just busy.

    Day 1325:
    I've found myself hanging out around this bar more and more. I've traveled a lot in the past four years, I've seen the infinite diversity that nature can have across thousands of different planets, but since finding this little settlement I've lost the immediate want to travel. Oh, someone sat down at the table..

    Danian. A nice person, we had a small chat I told him of my quest to find funding, sadly no leads from him, but it's always a pleasure meeting someone new..
    I now know why I want to stay in this place. It's the faces, the people, every day I see new people, and the same people, and they're all colorful, each with their own personality. All my traveling has led me to live in solitude, with very little interaction with other living being, at least the ones not trying to kill me.

    Day 1327:
    I sit here write while listening to an Avian play the guitar, the music is wonderful, and the accompanying sunrise makes this scene all the more beautiful. I think my life is at a turning point. And I enjoy it.

    Day 1330:
    When I got back from some exploring, I heard some odd news. One of my fellow members was on the comms throwing the name of out little group around, looking for work. I was scared, very scared. If any of our competition heard we were out there, they could wipe us out instantly. Now, you could feel the same about me and my quest to find us funding, but I'm not giving out our name! When SC got back from their little "advertising" job, I sat them down to talk. I do not enjoy being firm with someone I consider a friend, but when it comes to the safety of me, and the ones around me, it needs to be done. I told them my fears, and that they should have not put our name out like that. Anyways, it seems SC found a deal too, I'd like to learn more about it.

    SC came into my room and asked for me to come listen to him. Apparently he bought some "treasure" off of someone. I looked at it. Fake.. most of it. a gem or coin here and there are real. But it's all fake.. I knew this wouldn't end well..

    Day 1340:
    It's official, I've left the little group. It became unorganized and it just went quiet.
    It's sad really..

    Day 1345:
    I've met two other people who share my love of music, a human A, and a floran CH.
    We kind of made a small impromptu band. We sound pretty good together.

    Day 1346:
    We spent all night playing music. We've decided to try and play gigs at other settlements across the galaxy.
    Heh.. It's funny, a month ago I was against settling down with other people, but look at me I'm in a small band with two other awesome people.

    Day 1350:
    A.. what is it about her that I'm drawn to? I know what these feelings are, I've read enough about them.. but I've never experienced it before.. what is this.. Hmm..

    Day 1355:
    We've spent the past few days exploring settlement to settlement.
    We came across one under rule of the Astral Empire, it was a beautiful place until we came across.. slaves..
    CH seemed most upset about it, he kept pestering our host to talk to "The Emperor" about the issue.
    When we got back to the ship together A was very fervent towards CH about not getting to involved this situation.

    I know all to myself why. It's a dangerous affair. Back when I was still in the military part of my many jobs was to capture and contain slaves.. This involved.. many... horrible actions, none that I'm proud of. I would love none other than to help in the slave situation, to redeem myself, but even with all my training, I could not go up against an empire..

    Day 1356:
    I sit here at the bar, drinking, mulling over the tense situation I just got out of. hah.. In all of my years of solitude, exploring the worlds out there, never had I had feelings this strong. Is this what being with others is like? IF it is, even with these strong sad emotions, it's invigorating. For once in my life I feel.. real. It may have been years since I left the military, but.. I'm not longer a mindless soldier, and killing machine, no longer someone that does another's dark bidding's mindlessly. I now realize more than ever. I'm free.

    Day 1357:
    We've been helping a man, J, keep away from this creepy man with a large book.
    J seemed to know A quite well so i trust him, the other man though. He seemed to nice when I met him..

    (( for In game RP purpose))

    *this page has its corner folded down, like it's marked*

    Day 1359:
    I'm sitting at the bar here with A, my hearts racing but thankfully I've been able to keep my cool. I opened up a bit and told her how my life has changed since I met her and CH, she seemed a bit amused by it, but not in a rude way.. I feel quite happy for once..

    Day 1365:
    I've been thinking these past few days.. I'm going to make changes in my life.. I need to find A first, see if I can get some work off of her..

    Day 1366:
    I talked to A, she suggested to me the Carroli Company, some possible science or security work..

    I also opened up to her a bit more today, some slight insight to my past. IT was.. nice.. opening up.. I once again feel like I'm real..
    We also shared some embarrassing stories.. hers about her panties.. it brought up some weird feelings and thoughts.. I shoved them away though..

    Day 1367:
    A floran by the name of Aze came in to the bar last night, she was wounded, shot by a plasma weapon.. I tried my best to patch her up, then me and the Crew took her to Tetanus to see a doctor.. None were in at the time so the Floran is sleeping currently.. She seems to have gotten into a better state.. I might walk off for a bit.. See what the others are up to..

    Day 1375:
    Fucking saw an agent recently, I haven't been contacted by the CC yet, but I haven't been "arrested" yet either, so I assume they haven't called me out, but the possible input of my name into their system could have tipped off the people looking for me. I'm going to try and keep as low as I can for now, but with what A and CH have been saying shit may go down soon with a bunch of other issues, and I don't need the military after me.

    Day 1377:
    Well, apparently I'm going to get a fake identity for now, talked to D, kinda dumped all my issues on him, holding this shit in for as long as I have with this amount of stress on me just made me snap. I have no idea how a fake ID will help at all, they know what I look like, and probably who I've talked to recently too. It might just come down to me just facing who they throw at me head on.. This could lead to death..

    Day 1450:
    It's been a long time since I went into stasis and put my ship on low power. I needed to hide for awhile, too many people looking for me, too many I got involved with, my name should have never gotten out there. I think it's safe for me to finally look for my friends again.

    ((OOC reason for this is because I've been super busy with school, and another community I'm in. If anyone I played with is reading this sorry for disappearing! I should be back soon.))

    (( To be Continued ))
    (( OOC comments are welcome!))
    #1 LanceSandrson, Mar 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2014
  2. LanceSandrson

    LanceSandrson New Member

    Mar 16, 2014
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    Also, if you don't think there's anything new, just know I update the original post only!
  3. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    (( interesting journal. Your character has visited a lot of places. ))
  4. LanceSandrson

    LanceSandrson New Member

    Mar 16, 2014
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    (( Thanks! Background story wise he's been to many planets to explore nature and such, so far he's actually been to only a few settlements.)
  5. LanceSandrson

    LanceSandrson New Member

    Mar 16, 2014
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    *A crumpled ball of a piece of paper is found lying on a table in a bar it reads*

    I sit here, angry at myself. What the hell am I going to be doing with my life? I gave up traveling, and I signed up for a job, I've gotten to know some people. Sounds good right? Wrong, I miss seeing the infinite wonders of nature, knowing these people make me feel horrible the more I miss out on with them, and the fact I had to name drop for that job means that I can probably be found by the military that i ran from.. My life's fucked If I'm found. And the people I've gotten to know may be screwed if they get in the way to protect me... I.. I.. wish I hadn't done this to myself..
  6. LanceSandrson

    LanceSandrson New Member

    Mar 16, 2014
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    And Updated!

    Keep in mind original post is updated only, until I run out of room I'll move to another post.
  7. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    (( Great read, the literate floran's my favourite ))
  8. LanceSandrson

    LanceSandrson New Member

    Mar 16, 2014
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    (( Updated!!))