Hello, fellow users of Starnet. I've been living for quite a while without a proper degree in anything! No, I am not an idiot, it's just that, uh, I sort of got... cut off from the universe for most of my life. Although it's pretty easy to get a job without a degree, it's near impossible to get one that has good pay and is something that I actually love. If there's anyway I can get a degree in Botany / Xenobotany or something, or if I can get a suitable job, please notify me! Sincere thanks, From Mysmarri
You could always come work with me! Edit by VakSen We do shipping around the galaxy. It's a decent job, but it isn't anything fancy. Edit by VakSen I'm a chronic smoker, by the way. So I hope you enjoy the smell of good ol' human nicotine.
Hrmph. I have a place where you could practice some Xenobotany. Plenty o' nice plants kickin' around Eridia... And some mean ones kicking us around Eridia. Anyways, shoot me a message over the radio if ya wanna try it out. ~Blade's Edge