1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Now Open: Honeydew Healing Arts Centre

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Theopholis, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Theopholis

    Theopholis New Member

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Hello StarNet;

    As of today, the Honeydew Healing Arts Centre is officially open. The centre offers free consulting and individual case treatment for various ailments. Treatments range from energy-healing (Traditional Hylotl Medicinal Arts) to natural cures, and sending you over to Doc instead to have your bones set. We don't do bones.

    For those with genetic, cancerous, or otherwise long-term illnesses, we have three rooms that can be rented out on a weekly or monthly basis. Room prices are negotiable on a per-case basis, and include organic meals made from food grown at the Centre, a full treatment plan, and more reading material than you could ever get through. For those willing and physically able, prices can be significantly lowered through daily chores, such as cleaning, cooking and gardening.

    Finally, we do have one room available for contemplative retreats. This room can be rented by anyone wishing to get away from the city-life and spend some time in the quiet countryside. This room includes everything above, but is more spacious and private. As well, those staying in the room will have the opportunity to study the ancient wisdom traditions under a well versed teacher, or on their own, should they so desire to.

    The Honeydew Healing Arts Centre is located on the eastern side of the Honeydew Prior.
    For more information or to book a room either leave a message here, or send me a PM.
    Drop-ins are welcome, but availability of rooms cannot be guaranteed.

    P.S. The Honeydew Healing Arts Centre is a collaborative effort; if you are a healer looking for a place to practice be sure to come by and check it out. We're happy to add to our current facilities in order to suit practitioners needs.Competitive, capitalistic business practices, however, have no place in the Centre.
  2. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    I must say, I'm glad this center exists. It will keep all the crazy people in one place, as opposed to letting them infect the galactic community with their unscientific nonsense.

    I was unfortunate enough to witness this "energy healer" in action, complete with bizarre rituals and ugly clothing. Worse still, when I dared to suggest we take the patient to an actual hospital, the human audience threatened me with acts of violence for having a "closed mind"... Pah!

    Honestly, if anyone is desperate enough to actually consider visiting this place for medical care, it's not the state of their body that they should be concerned about. - Skarti
  3. Ronnys

    Ronnys New Member

    Jan 10, 2014
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    Okay. Unscience. Seem like unscience. Lucky think science hard. Hopes learn eventually.
    Violence? Oh no! Pah... like does not like. Lucky neither.
  4. Theopholis

    Theopholis New Member

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Hello, Loud-beaked-one; I knew it was only a manner of time before I'd see you post here. While I appreciate your concern for the well-being and state-of-mind of others, you have now said your part. I'd ask that you keep it at that.

    Any further discussion on my—or others—sanity would be best sent directly to me—or them. Feel free to drop by the Centre for a meal sometime and we can talk about this until you run out of words.

    The first two months of rent are on me, Loud-beaked-one, but if you have more words than that you may need to help me with the plants.

    Peace be with you Skarti.
    And you too Lucky.
  5. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Have a genetic defect. Endocrine system produces too much serotonin, epinephrine, dopamine. Require these to be lowered. Also norepinephrine production levels need to be raised. Am a Hylotl. Curious as to scientific explanation for energy healing. Unsure. Desperate. Temporary solution also acceptable.

    If not, require 1 liter of hexafluorophosphoric acid. Acknowledge its causticity. Disintegrates Avian plumage. Also, low pH. Dangerous. Necessary.
  6. Theopholis

    Theopholis New Member

    Mar 11, 2014
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    I must admit, the monastery I was raised in gave me little training in physical body chemistry; I simply cannot do any diagnostic work without seeing you in person. Please drop by the Centre and I'll see what I can do.

    As for the later half of your post ... perhaps you'd best discuss that with someone else.
  7. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I'd like to remind everyone that I'm an experienced doctor, and that we have a hospital on the Prior. If anyone is severely injured, they will be taken straight there. So, energy healing or not, any and all injured persons on the Prior will be given the best of care. Anyone who wishes to partake in energy healing is well within their rights to do so, and as long as their ailments are not fatal, I see no harm in this facility.
