I Figured I need to get back into shape with my doodling, and Ive been having fun drawing my character Thatch. Interestingly enough Thatch's apperance is right in line with some characters I drew when I was younger, so its like riding a bike! *trip* Either way I'll share it and see what everyone thinks! This one I did last week, I was just trying to work out how I'd draw a floran face. Think i'm ok with it! don't think I'll be coloring it.... also I duno why the heck Thatch had his tongue sticking out x3 I suspect Vegetables are involved. Enjoy!
Also Here is the one I worked on this week. I wanted to try and Doodle Thatch in his Jazzman/Detective getup! I pulled it into photoshop and removed the lines of my notepaper with a clonestamp tool. I Think i'll be toying with how to color it. Since I do so enjoy the look of line on paper, but I wanted it to actually turn out looking decent... maybe i'll try printing it out or something then coloring it with prisma markers. *shrugs* who knows!
And Today I finally colored one in photoshop~ A Chibi Thatch with hat! This is going to be my new Avatar for sure! Enjoy~
Oh! I still got this thing set up in Photoshop... I was hopeing for suggestions on a tongue color I had a vote for pink/red and a vote for Purple. I went with Purple for now till I get more suggestions~
Yea I been away from Antares for a bit sadly ><;; I plan on playing more but class has me overwhelmed half the time D: