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Maldranthe's personal logs.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Ivrian, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Ivrian

    Ivrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    -Time of entry is unspecified. Not accessible to anyone except Sollena-

    It's been a few years now and Im finally released from the USCM it's grasp. Despite disliking what happened in those years, I've made the best out of it. Perhaps I've thrown away a good long lasting career as an officer for myself, but there is no fun in life without taking certain risks after all. If Im fair to myself, it surprises me how many from my regiment and others, followed along with me and my dear sister Sollena. Thanks to her support, I managed to pull through all those years. I don't want to think about it how it would have been otherwise.

    At least this whole base of operations we wanted for ourselves is being constructed, I have my doubts about when we should make our plans public knowledge, but the appearance as a mercenary group or private military contractors would be the best course of action. Still I feel bad that only me and Sollena are the ones going out looking for some smalltime work. Although it might give the rest a well deserved break, they will need it for sure. Especially if all goes according to plan, the nearby systems are littered with valuable resources and the plausible resistance can be easily dealt with. And those looking for a better future will get their chance to do so. Best of all my lov-.. dear can soon enough continue her work which she always desired so much.

    When I think about it, its weird how some things can go. During our travels mapping out surrounding systems we came across this malfunctioning glitch, an amusing sight to say the least. I regret that we never captured it, although I doubt we would have gotten a serious price for it. Perhaps some good target practice for the guns. Still, that would have been a waste of the ammunition. Im sure it will have been broken down by now, thanks to the whimsical forces of nature.


    Multiple days passed by like this, thanks to Sollena we managed to pick up some coördinates to a place called Underpass. Sounds like a dump if you ask me, but there might be some smalltime work there. At best it will give us a bit of income, backers from behind the scenes are all fun and games, but we can never demand their funds directly.

    The place itself is runned by this bald man called Randall something, from my first impression I have the feeling he has been in service aswell. But that is not of my concern. He has a big mouth and acts like some bigshot around here, true he might be the leader of this dump, but it's highly amusing non the less. Im glad that he hired us though to arrange the security there in Underpass. Some of the others there are quite an odd bunch, but it seems to be a close community.

    Just to name a few, Tideborn a hylotl also being in the security here. He really does like to lecture us, a bold move, at least we made that clear by questioning him in the same manner and keeping the airlock doors closed. Then there was this guy called Jamthing, he looks like a reasonable fellow, a bit of a wimp perhaps but he comes across like an idealist. Krigshild a former rockstar, a real good guitar player and drinks almost in the same speed I do, quite amusing. There were a few others aswell, an avian called Corvus I think.. but I could be wrong and two girls who looked almost like clones of each other. Terra and Kynana, Im not sure what to make of them though. And the rest of them is quite irrelevant.

    At any rate, this staring at just a few monitors and doing some small rounds pays well enough for the time being, and gives me time to plan things out. I still reckon that this place is a dump. But we will have to start somewhere, at least we are getting positive news from the construction site back at our base of operations, so with some luck we wont be forced to stay here that long.
  2. Ivrian

    Ivrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    It's been quiet here for a few days now within Underpass, at least Im used to the smell of this place. So far there have been no real problems, although Randall seems to be distracted by something, even considering to leave? I dont know how that happened but there is definately something on his mind. The only thing that bothers me is that ex-USCM guy we have running around here, he is a complete idiot. Constantly making a breach within one of the walls for easier entrance. No matter how many times me and Sollena warned him, that ignorant fool keeps doing it. And we keep plugging up the hole. Im almost tempted to throw some agressive chemicals in there, that will teach him. Shame we cant do that though, would be bad for business.
    Shame that he also isnt the only problem, there is this guy called Alex or something constantly insisting that he wants to visit this place, I dont trust him. That's for sure. And we finally placed our first Advertisement on Starnet.


    Days keep passing by and Randal decided to leave after throwing a big fit, Jamthing is now in charge of the place. Seems that Randal might be dropping by now and then. At least Jamthing pays us more than Randal did. Jamthing has the habit of leaving the place now and then, I wonder where he goes off to. The other nutcases are goofing around here as usual, Krigshild is one of the most sane around here. And then you have this Floran called Bloodrazer or something, part of the something something tribe. Has the habit of relaxing in the bar here. We also found something out about this Alex, seems he is part of the USCM. Really, their standards have lowered considerably. That guy is nothing but a pain in the ass, ingores warnings, acts like someone who knows it all better and just keeps bickering back. This time he went to an area off limits to the public, after chasing him down we opened fire. Still nothing happened to him, seems he has Impervium armor beneath his everyday clothing. How does that even work...??? It still baffles me, no matter the idiot realises at least we are not here to play games.


    Im getting sick and tired of this place, at least there happened something interesting for once. A group of Florans showed up at the gates creating a ruckus because there was a intruder on their tribe it's grounds, Bloodrazer was amongst them. It was amusing to see over the screens, although Jamthing doesn't know how to handle these situations nor did the rest. I eventually approached them, telling them to piss off so I could continue my work in silence. From what I noticed their chief Firedrinker somewhat respected my way of handling it, even saying I should be in charge. I was flattered by it, but I would never want to be in charge of this dump. I think it was Sollena who obtained the coördinates of the Tallest Tree tribe. Surely worth it to check out, some possible work there is certainly more interesting than it is here. That aside its fun to trap others in the airlocks and pretend that the systems are malfunctioning, the expressions on their faces at times. One of the few things that makes it worthwhile and the payment off course.
    #2 Ivrian, Mar 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2014
  3. Ivrian

    Ivrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    One of those days again I guess, even worse. My dear Sollena was gone all of a sudden, I have no idea where she is. I did hear rumours about Tideborn getting injured, perhaps she brought him somewhere to a hospital or something. She is to kind of heart at times. At least there has been coming more good news from the base of operations, they are waiting on another shipment of supplies. According to the reports the most important facilities should be up and running for now. And I think it's time for a break of somekind, as soon as Sollena returns we should check out the Tallest Tree tribe. Getting real sick and tired of this place and Im not sure but there seems to be unrest amongst the community here. Not my problem to be honest, for all I care they kill each other, payment has been good enough for me. Only downside is Im smoking more than a chimney, perhaps I should switch to a cheaper brand of cigars. Nah.. Who am I kidding anyways, that cheap stuff just doesnt cut it.


    Seems I was right after all, Sollena acted out of kindness again, we got new coördinates now though to Avalon. The name sounds appealing, but what's in a name? We've been to the Tallest Tree tribe whilst taking a break, quite a charming place. The tribe itself is very interesting and I hold quite some respect for chief Firedrinker. It's funny though, there is a tribal human amongst their tribe called Yung, or Yung Yung. Interesting guy, didnt like how Sollena was staring at him though.. Give me a break. Still some of the discussions we had there were quite interesting, we decided to "raid" Underpass with Chief Firedrinker, Yung and the other Florans, we would take of the security and the florans could go haywire inside, even Krigshild was interested in playing along. This should be interesting and a amusing way for them to get their revenge on the trespasser who they believed was coming from Underpass. The florans and Yung were doing a good job trashing the place with graffiti, still someone had to spoil the party. After a little while this cyborg came along to check out what was going on. Me, sollena and Krigshild managed to keep him busy with the infamous airlock trick whilst the florans took their time to leave across the passageway above it. Worst of all the idiots didnt even realise they were being played with, Im sure randal his face would have imploded if he ever learned of this. Jamthing his reaction was quite amusing though, we just claimed we were off to Avalon holding a well deserved break.


    We made our minds up, were going to Tallest Tree to do Security work there for now, especially since the payment has stopped at Underpass which I count as a breach of the contract. Relations have been good with the tribe and we even participated in one of their feasts. One thing is for certain, they sure know how to celebrate, and the meat was better than expected. Some people would think of that as revolting, not my problem if they even knew the half of my old service record. Im sure they would be more disgusted about that. This Bloodrazer is for some reason trying to cling to me, I dont like it one bit, but I might aswell play along with the silly game. He is quite respected within the tribe or so it seems. Although for some reason the chief would never want to have him as a second in command. At least it's not boring around here and the environement is quite something to look at. Not to forget they have an arena here. I never say no to watch some blood and gore, or should I say sap in this case? Avalon is now the place where we go to have a drink now and then. That aside I dont like how Sollena is taking her distance from me or so it seems. I really wonder what is going throug her head at times. One of the regular fighters in this arena has my attention though, the glitch Sir John. I really like his style and is apparently recognised as a champion.
  4. Ivrian

    Ivrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Just great.. I woke up drenched in my own sweat. Damned nightmares, always the same faces haunting me, the ones who perished beneath my command and those we extinguished. Families, children, innocents, test subjects always the same. It's stupid how feeble the mind can be at times, drinking it away seems the best option for now, or the neural link from my bionic eye is acting up again makes me wonder if it ever was installed correctly in the first place. Perhaps I should let Jasin check it out again, I dislike that flipping sarcastic pervert though. Then again I dont regret it having my eye replaced in that manner, the lack of depth in my vision otherwise. Would be a real shame if I never could look at Sollena in almost the same manner as before. Im glad she doesn't know about this possible malfunction, she would be worried sick Im sure. But who am I fooling, she tends to go more and more to Avalon for unspecified reasons.. But I should not lose my focus on the tasks at hand, I still need more new recruits and finding those fit for the job and with the correct state of mind and morals are really rare. Makes me wonder, is everyone really that content with merrily holding hands and singing songs on a townsquare? Pathetic, blinded by pure ignorance if you ask me.


    The job at tallest tree here is quite fascinating and the tribal florans are certain interesting, you just need to figure out the way how to treat them so that you dont expect anything "funny" happening towards you. Bloodrazer is becoming a real pain in the ass though, Ugh revolting really. He acts like some kind of manwhore, apparently he was/is secretly going with the shaman of this tribe, Lilligant. And just dumps her like that for someone like me, still Im getting tired of keeping this act up. But as it's going for now, I dont need to do so any longer. There is some good news as well at least, the base of operations is nearly finished, might aswell put another advertisement out there. Perhaps I should check out the fuss again on Avalon myself, who knows what I could find there. I also need to get a new brand of cigars soon, this shitty brand just doesnt cut it any longer.


    -Some kind of audio record, apparently she turned on the recording in a drunk mood.-

    *Incomprehensive muttering, an empty bottle being thrown against a wall followed by cursing and the flicking of a lighter, the last few things keep going on for a few minutes. Which ends with with a gunshot fired at the recording device.*

    -Only reason that the gibberish remained, was another device that records audio aswell for purposes only known to Ivrian herself, which she completely forgot about at that time. Leaving it as a reminder of her mistakes.-
  5. Ivrian

    Ivrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    I don't even know anymore, I should stop drinking so much, seems there was just a malfunction with the neural connection concerning my bionic eye. It was a real relief to hear that from Jasin and Avalon is a silly place, never realised that Bloodrazer was running the bar there with Nate-Jones. The mayor of the place is a female hylotl called Aiko, a overly cheerfull, loudmouthed idiot with such an ego that it nearly presses everyone outside of the room she is in. Ugh, she makes me sick, what surprises me the most is that Chief Firedrinker has it as a slave. Not something a floran would do Id say, and off course she herself denies such. What concerns me the most though is the reason why Sollena is constantly here at Avalon or well what I suspect for now. Apparently a girl so shy it's unbelievable which is called Brigless, I received quite a lecture from Sollena when she found out I was the one pestering her over a galactic frequency. I could not resist it though and in the end it was completely worth it, she broke off the connection after I supposedly shot myself. It gets me really angry and I even feel somewhat betrayed by my dear. After all the things I've done for her. Time for some anger management I suppose, Ill just grab a flamethrower and light up a remote village or something.


    Avalon's defense force the PDF is a bad joke, a real bad one. It seems Aiko is the leader and that moronic cyborg Cutter poses as it's commander. The galaxy is going to hell at this rate. Speaking of which except for Maj. Adler, ex-USCM and a professional we also got a silly member for the ranks. Alora Leafrunner or something like that. Recruited by no one else than Sollena.. I dont even... Someone just shoot me already.. This shit is getting out of hand. Something flipped a switch in her brain or something, the pink princess, pink kingdom..? Alora the Red Knight..? Why the fuck did she turn into a moronic Cossplayer? Is it me..? Have I done something wrong? Punishment for what? Well at least I know she is slipping from my grasp more and more.. Worst of all even sir John seems to take it all seriously.. Bloody tin can with rusted circuits. Ill keep my distance from her for now, this is nothing more than one big disgrace. Especially the way that shitty Alora is clinging to her. If this keeps up Ill be executing someone really soon.


    Finally the tournament on Talles Tree this might provide some distraction.. Or so I thought. Seems the pink princess is up to no good after all. Got Alora following her like a retarded dog and she herself is still after this Brigliss. I gathered that much from overhearing a conversation between them. I dont like the friend that brigliss has, eleven another USCM soldier. Just my luck, everytime that I think there is none of them around me and they suddenly pop up like rabbits. I dont recall much from the tournament except for that my first and only match was against Chief Firedrinker, he got me fair and square. My head still hurts when I think about it. At least I managed to cut him open once with that scythe I used. A real shame I wasn't allowed to use my own sword. Ah well better luck next time, if ever.


    According to reports from the base of operations, it's finally up and running. Sadly I dont have the time yet to confirm this, but knowing those under my command they did a good job. They know failure is not an option. The biggest failure for now is Sollena... It still baffles me, this whole silly nonsense from her.. Even her work is lacking these days.. Just faffing about and all that. Think I will just go plan out some more for the future of Darkstar, sometimes I wonder if Im the only sane one around here.