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Attention Hitchhikers!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Fen, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    [A video file has been uploaded with a twinkling "The Planet Smasher" sign]


    [Music starts playing and you can hear a smooth female voice talking over the track]

    Greetings to all of you hitchhiking humans, harmonious hylotls, gracious glitches, freaky florans, avid apexs and fellow avians that are making this universe such a beautiful place to travel through.

    My name is Fenics and I’m speaking to you regarding a brand new service that can take you to the end of the universe.
    I present to you - The Planet Smasher

    [The background music changes]

    You might think that we smash planets? *You can hear her snicker* In that case I must tell you that you are mistaken my friend.
    In fact we are offering you the finest of locations that can be provided whilst in hyper speed!
    Inspired by the Hylotl culture and the beauty of floran light technology we have come up with a very soothing and relaxing way of flying.

    The Planet Smasher also have a wide range of dishes including food & drinks from the Hylotl, Human, Glitch, Floran, Apex and Avian cuisines.

    You may have had a long day and feel the need to rest you legs, wings or fins, in that case we can offer you to stay in one of our high class, sound proof sleeping pods. When we arrive at your destination you will be woken up to your choice of soundtrack, we have a huge selection of wakeup-sounds with everything from smooth space-jazz to floran jungle noises.

    You may just be a hitchhiker and want no fancy dinner. That is just fine by us, just help yourself to the bar, sit down and relax, have yourself an automato shake and fly with us from galaxy to galaxy, we fly in all sectors.

    [The background music changes]

    Maybe you want to impress the old lady? You sure can with The Planet Smasher’s luxury package. With this package you will have access to you own private room furnished with luxury. Included in the package is also a bottle of wine, whiskey, vodka, gin or liqueur plus a three course meal. You will also have access to a sleeping pod.

    [The background music changes]

    Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us here on StarNet or via the radio, Frequency 107.1 GHz, we are currently on the AM band.

    Why waste your own fuel when you can waste ours!

    For the price of ONLY 250 Pixels you can travel wherever you want, have lunch and watch the rest of the universe pass by right outside your window.

    Again, this is Fenics wishing you all pleasant travels - and welcome aboard!

    [The music changes and then slowly fades out]

    [The audio message ends]


    Picture of the ship: http://postimg.org/image/tnh75iu43/
    I know right.. CRAZY good photoshop skills....

    - Sorry for all the youtube clips but I couldn't find a more discreet way of showing the music.
    - If you want to go to a colony you will have to whisper the coords, in case of griefers and such.
    - If you own a colony and have any problem with this thing, if you don’t want your residents/friends going to your colony even if they have shown me that they have the coords please let me know and I’ll simply tell them that its a restricted air space or something..
    - If you like this idea please let me know ^^
    - If you
    don't like this idea please let me know how I can improve this thing
    - The idea with this taxi service / / restaurant came about because most colonies are having trouble with wipes and this won’t be wiped, anyway thought I might try it out and if its relatively stable ill keep acting as a space taxi driver.
    - I will make radio announcements from time to time in-game, if you want to go aboard the ship just tell me IC via the radio and ill just make a party invite so that you can beam up, the rest is history.
    - When the wipes are over I figure the ship will “crash into a asteroid field” or something and I will turn it into (If this catches on) a colony))
    #1 Fen, Feb 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2014
  2. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Hah! I'm perfectly okay putting Tetanus in this program; give refugees and louses a discount to get here, I'll pay their way.
    ((I really like this; a taxi service running around the galaxy. Only thing I could think to improve this; instead of crashing into an asteroid field, open a terminal hub in Gamma for "parked" space taxis and a place for the drivers to wait for jobs. Other than that, good show!))
  3. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I think we all know why the sleeping pods are soundproofed. That luxury package sounds nice, though. Might have to try it out... By myself... Forever alone...
  4. Sen

    Sen Guest

    (( Silskeer ))

    Whoever designed this space station had a perverted sense of humor. You can view the entire bedrooms from the stairwell. That, and there are two chairs for each room, but one bed. Do the math.
  5. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I received spam mail from this service.
  6. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Yeah,what's up with that?

    "Hey, hot fishie!

    Six sexy Apex babes are in your quadrant, and they want your body! Sign up to Lonelyapes.starnet to hook up!"

    ... WHY IS THIS A THING?!?!?!?
  7. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Great! Thanks for the your cooperation, since its the opening week - flying with us will be free for everyone. Agreed on the Tetanus discount in the future.
    ((A terminal hub would actually be more fun for everyone, good idea. Any specific reason why it should be located in Gamma? The sector in the middle I guess ^^ ))

    You are most welcome to try it out! Don't feel sad, we can take you where ever you want. We might also expand the sleeping pods in time.

    Sorry about that, altho I was simply trying to notify you since people probably would want to go to Fort Mattis one day. And Im no giver of coordinates to random scums. It was all in good will and for your sake Colonel. I simply would just want your permission to fly in Mattis air space. Would you be satisfied if I wrote you a handwritten letter to make up for the "spam" letter instead?

    Ah thanks for noticing, we are working on the matter for a better solution..
  8. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Perfect! Should keep you lot plenty in business then, always welcome to Tetanus!
    ((Yeah was thinking Gamma being in the middle and more dangerous than other colonies; sci-fi 70's New York taxi terminal x3))
  9. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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  10. Fen

    Fen Pretty ßird

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Anyone can go! Contact us via the radio and we will take you into hyper speed. We are currently orbiting "the bar" in Alpha.
  11. Ness

    Ness New Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    - Settia
  12. Monkeynetgam3r

    Monkeynetgam3r New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Sounds nice. I should probably check you guys out sometime.
  13. Soren

    Soren New Member

    Mar 16, 2014
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    Is it a non-smoking bar?

    Edited by VakSen

    no, seriously, guys, i need my smokes while I drink.

    Edited by VakSen

    Also, is it a cruiser liner or something?