(Files can only be accessed by extremely experienced hackers. The names to whom the contract is sent by and to whom is impossible to access. Reply as if your character is thinking in his head IC) Encrypted File Access: Denied:... Encrypted File Access: Denied:... Encrypted File Access: Denied... Encrypted File Access: Accepted *Information Scrolls Rapidly* CONTRACT LOG: ISSUED 2 Months - 7 Days - 2 Hours - 58 Minutes -13 Seconds Ago *Information Scrolls Rapidly* SUBJECT: Eliminate Target Information for Elimination: Jarl Meekliff - Male - Race: Human - Age: 52 - Occupation: Bank Official Method: Public Area: Wezen Minoris - AVALON Client Note: "Jarl Meekliff will be at *encrypted* hotel, you are to use the provided equipment *encrypted*, *encrypted*, *encrypted*. His scheduled meetings are at *encrypted* and *encrypted* use whatever means necessary to complete your mission. Good luck, we look forward in your success. Regards, *encrypted*" *Information Scrolls Rapidly* CONTRACT COMPLETED: 2 Months - 6 Days - 1 Hours - 1 Minutes - 52 Seconds Ago Issues: None News Broadcast Interception: *Video Plays* News Caster: We bring you news Live with Kristen Shores. Kristen? Kristen: Yes, I am here at the site where the notorious Jarl Meekliff who had been accused of embezzling large sums of money from the *video audio blurs* -bank. He had seemed to have committed suicide by jumping off of the 82nd floor of the *video audio blurs* -otel. *Video goes on about the mindset of the Jarl Meekliff and interviews of witnesses* Reports confirm that this was in fact suicide and there have been no sign of foul play. *Video Ends*
Encrypted File Access: Denied... WARNING: 1 Try Remaining : 2 Failed Encrypted File Access: Accepted *Information Scrolls Rapidly* CONTRACT LOG: ISSUED 1 Months - 0 Days - 1 Hours - 12 Minutes -54 Seconds Ago *Information Scrolls Rapidly* SUBJECT: Interrogate and Eliminate Information for Target 1: Jade - Female - Race: Hylotl - Age: Unknown - Occupation: Mercenary Medic Information for Target 2: Reish - Male - Race: Hylotl - Age: Unknown - Occupation: Mercenary Sniper Method: Private Area: X Kraxis 31 - UNSPECIFIED RUINS Client Note: "Jade and Reish are mercenary partners, they are always seen together and have crash landed on X Kraxis 31 near an abandoned city a few days ago. They have not been sighted leaving the planet. You are to land and eliminate Reish. Under normal circumstances I'd have you eliminate both but Jade is the daughter of a fellow associate so she must not be killed under any circumstances. If you find her first, she is to be questioned of *encrypted* -matic documents then you are to sedate and fly her to *encrypted*. If found together, ensure elimination of Reish and retrieval of Jade unharmed. Good luck, we look forward in your success. Regards, *encrypted*" *Information Scrolls Rapidly* CONTRACT COMPLETED: 0 Months - 28 Days - 5 Hours - 10 Minutes - 12 Seconds Ago Issues: None Warehouse Video Feed: *A Hylotl Male and Female clearly Reish and Jade running through a platform firing their guns in a direction away from the camera* Reish: Jade! We must make it out alive! There only seems to be one person but I think we could take him! Jade: Together! We will always be together my love. *Jade is seen throwing a grenade in the same direction* *Explosion shakes the camera and cuts the feed for 2 minutes, the video regains audio with screams* *A dark figure with a white flowing cloth at its neck is seen hovering over Reish.* *Reish's hands and legs are clearly missing* Reish: NOOOOO!!! Spare me! Please!!! I... I don't know anything! I swear! *Reish shouts a blood curdling scream* *The figure is seen thrusting a sword into Reish's neck with blood splattering in every direction with Jade knocked out in the corner* *Video Feed End*