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The Usual 'Yo Watsup'

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Akari Ilako, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Akari Ilako

    Akari Ilako New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Yo! Akari here, glad to have been accepted in to the community!

    As I'm no good at introductions, I suppose I'll just... Paste my app:

    My real, ooc name is Nathan, I will be enjoying my twentieth birthday come this summer. I have enjoyed many games, possibly spending too much time on them in recent years, including rpgs. These would include, most recently, The Elder Scrolls Online Beta *hush hush*, World of Warcraft, Garry's Mod, and many others. I used to write stories, immersing myself within my imagination and allowing it to flow. I tend to do the same for my roleplaying, in a sense.

    When it comes to my definition of roleplay... I guess I see the characters I create as characters of a continuing story that I, and whomever else is roleplaying, are writing together for ourselves, and others, to enjoy.

    Name: Cybernetic Konami. Also called Cy Ko, or just Cy.
    Appearance: Similar to http://technijui.deviantart.com/art/Starbound-Figlock-432045001
    Purple lights, silver steel, long ear head mod
    Hobbies: Gambling, drinking, hanging out with the bar's patrons, and sparring.
    History: Cy Ko's parents were but lowly peasants who owned a run down bar in the corner of the town. Although they were impoverished, they wished for a child to call their own. Purchasing a kit from a sketchy dealer, they began the assembly of their daughter. Originally, Cy Ko was assembled with a missing piece, causing her to think with a below average Glitch intelligence. Instead, she was almost a slave, doing and believing exactly what she was told. She ended up with a job in her parents bar as a simple server. Eventually, a local Glitch soldier came by and, noticing her inane, dense behavior, felt sympathetic towards her. Through his advanced intelligence, he found Cy Ko the missing piece to her cognitive bank. Whilst working upon her, he accidentally created an electrical discharge, causing an error in Cy Ko's system. For a while it seemed she would not recover, but once rebooted for the ninth time, she seemed to be in better control of herself. In fact, she had as an advanced intelligence as the soldier who had helped her. Not long after, her parents fell to 'the rust', as the patrons called it. Unable to afford the oils to prevent the spread of the rust, Cy Ko's parents were eventually scrapped. Left to herself and the bar, Cy Ko, and her new soldier companion, Shadow, began reworking the bar. Thanks to Shadow's large sum of money, and friends from the forces, Cy Ko's bar became full of all sorts of figures. Things were going good, then, the Apex attacked the castle. Standing beside Shadow, Cy Ko fought for what seemed like days, eventually disabled by an EMP. She found herself rebooted outside the ruins of her bar, her dear friend Shadles beside her. Cy Ko and Shadles later escaped on a ship returning to check on a distress beacon.

    Some of you may have seen my friend Antinam's introduction. Of course, we'll be playing the game mostly together, as our characters are linked in their backgrounds so closely. He is setting up a weebly as a sort of bio for his character, and I will be doing the same. Although, I'll try to make mine a sort of diary, in character, obviously. Of course, it will have some entries from her past, more in depth than this summary, as well as updated entries as I play through the server with all of you!

    I also have a very badly drawn sketch of Cy Ko, and will be drawing a sketch of Shadow as well (if anyone wishes to see). Eventually I wish to make a sort of comic about the two before the war, and possibly afterwards as we play through too.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone and enjoying my time on the server!
  2. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Hey. You. With the face. Welcome to the community.

    And what a glorious community it is! And with people like you around... I can only imagine how much better this is going to get...

    Sounds like YOU manage to actually FINISH stories... could you give me some tips? I'm halfway through writing three, and when I FINALLY get back into the groove of one, I write a chapter or two, then go off on a wild tangent that winds up taking me to write an entirely NEW one... Damn me and my ADHD.

    Anyways, you should swing by Avalon sometime. If you see a character named Tideborn, say Hi. Or don't. Because he'll probably just stare at you.

    Regardless, I ramble on. What I wanted to say was: I wish we had ten more like you, kid. (Don't know why I'm calling you that when you're almost four years my senior, but...) People like you are what makes the RP community go 'round. You look like the kind of person who tries their best not to godmod, and usually succeeds... And when you actually do, you're willing to accept the scolding, correct your actions, and move on without a complaint.

    We seem to share the same views of RP, that it's basically a story written by more than one person, the kind of story that is so much better than what any one mind could come up with. So... You and I... I have a feeling we're going to be great friends.

    Here's to a new life,
    Prince Eclipse
    and ALL my other aliases.
  3. Akari Ilako

    Akari Ilako New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Thank you, Xenos! I'm sure we'll get along just fine.

    As for writing tips... I have none, I actually don't tend to finish stories either. That or I rush the ending and feel it came out wrong. See, I, too, have ADHD. When it comes to me being a good RPer... well, truth be told I'm pretty new to situational RP. The kind where it comes out of nowhere and you gotta think fast. Even action RP will be new to me, as I'm more used to using game mechanics (can't wait for the pvp flag to be fixed). As for conversation, it shouldn't prove too difficult, maybe with my character being brand new to me and I'm not sure about her personality... Anyway, I hope I can prove up to what I made myself sound like haha.

    I'm not entirely sure which colony we'll end up in first, probably Fort Mattis, but if I ever see Tideborn I'll give a hello! Thanks again, Xenos!
  4. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Tideborn is typically reclusive, but he will go to Avalon's bar to play music and watch the people.
    Which is usually the ONLY place you'll find him...
  5. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Except for his new fantasy-oriented colony of Eridia
  6. Squiddles

    Squiddles New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    hi hello

    i am the edge of this community

    rival of corvus

    a narfballer, the best one on the block

    and the one guy who spends more time on the forums than the server
  7. Squiddles

    Squiddles New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    also the guy who's shift/caps lock button is broken