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Whats up everyone.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Antinam, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Antinam

    Antinam New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Hey there, My name is Antinam, Though most people call me Anti or Das Pookie Bear. (Name I frequently use on Steam) Instead of writing about me I figured why not just go ahead and repost the app that got me approved into this community. So here you go.

    Name: Jake, though most people call me Anti.
    A little about me: I'm a pretty easy going person. I prefer long walks on the beach, and I like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain. I have been role-playing since the mid 90's as a 5 year old playing Dungeons and Dragons and other table top dungeon crawlers. Now I enjoy many games that include RP such as Garry's Mod WoW and Many other MMORPGS that don't need to be named. I also spend WAY too much time on text rp sites like Brohoof (Yes I am a brony) and Chatango. I would like to try RPing in Starbound as I love the game and see the massive potential it has as an RP game.

    Roleplay: Role-Playing in my opinion is basically writing an ongoing book that has multiple authors. I will write for my character because I can relate to that character and you will write for yours, however we both must write in a way that a third person, there simply to read, understands EXACTLY what is happening. As if they were reading a book. Also what Roleplay means to me is an escape to another world, a place where someone doesn't look at the person typing for the character and instead sees the character as it is: A person in itself.

    Character Bio

    Name: Shadow, Has also been called. Shadbot, Shadles, And Shad.
    Appearance: http://thedarkhell.deviantart.com/art/Starbound-Kilo-2-420489209
    Green Lights, Black steel exoskeleton, Full-face headmod.
    Hobbies: Past job was a Legionnaire in the Royal Guard. Hadn't done any other jobs beforehand.
    History: Shadow had somewhat of a hard life growing up. When he was first created his OS encountered a critical error and an important update was not installed. (Bad Internet that day.) But regardless Shadow was created and had advanced cognitive thinking. He had heard rumors of some glitch being disassembled for acting out in free will. So Shadow quickly got with the program and hid himself in plain sight by trying out for the royal guard. Around this time he met a girl named Cybernetic Konami whom he affectionately called Cy Ko for short. She appeared to be somewhat unintelligent but nonetheless they quickly became friends as Shadow frequented the bar quite often. He used most of early earnings as a soldier to find the problem with the girl and have it remedied. After this he quickly shot through the ranks and became Legionnaire training almost every day with Cy Ko. Then one day while he was sitting at Cy Ko's Bar, an army of Apex attacked the castle. Shadow stood beside Cy Ko, fighting for what seemed like days until an EMP was used on the castle. When Shadow came to he was buried under the rubble of the bar. Due to his advanced Steel body the weight of the bar roof had not crushed him. All he managed to take out of the wrecked building was His chipped and broken sword and the body of his long time best friend Cy Ko. He Later escaped with Cy Ko on a ship that had come back to investigate a distress beacon.

    If anyone is Confused about who Cy Ko is or why I mentioned her several times please look out for Akari Ilako's Intro post that's probably going to appear tomorrow.

    If anyone has questions about me or wants to know more about my character, over the next few weeks I will be working extensively on setting up a Weebly for my character. Or if you dont want to wait you can add me on Steam at Spaz2021, You will find me named Das Pookie Bear. I can be reached on my Steam at almost all times.

    Hope to see you all in game!
  2. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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  3. Antinam

    Antinam New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Ha thanks man I kinda feel I already know you a bit as I have been reading a lot of ban appeals and Starnet while waiting for my app to go through. One of those threads being The Guide. But thanks for the help either way.
  4. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Oi! Brony! Glad to see another Rper in the Herd. And if ANYONE gives you sass about bein' a Brony...
    Remember that I'm here. And I know people in the army who are Bronies. Anyways, look up Prince Eclipse on the forums. You'll get to know some of my Gen-2 characters. Starbound's Gen-4. Also, you can read my story (and ban appeal. I've long since stopped RPing in MC because of the short chat limit. (Highly unfavorable for a T-1 RPer such as myself)). Anyways, you and your friend should visit Tide sometime.

    Welcome to the community,
  5. Antinam

    Antinam New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Cheers mate nice to meet you. But no one ever gives me shit about being a brony and even if they do IDC. Up to them if they are not as comfortable in their manhood as I am. :D Thanks for the warm greetings.
  6. Squiddles

    Squiddles New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    why antinam

    im not saying im offended or anything

    but im vietnamese

    the south part of it

    the part that was destroyed by communism
  7. Antinam

    Antinam New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Nah man I was in a band back in high school called Antinam Spider. it was taken from the battle of Antietam whome one of my band members lost a grandfather in. We changed Antietam to Antinam. I no way am I anti anyone.
  8. BIGtheRED

    BIGtheRED Honey-glazed Bacon

    Jan 1, 2014
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    Great to meet ya!

    There's good real estate in Honeydew Prior of you are looking for a place to live!

    Come check us out!