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Logs of the Neverender ((Crawzer's Logs))

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Zionus Dalmone, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Zionus Dalmone

    Zionus Dalmone New Member

    Jan 27, 2014
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    A Video file starts up, and a purple skinned Hylotl's eye peers close to, and then around the Camera. He looks to be sitting in the navigator seat of a ship, muttering to himself quietly as he flips various switches. His voice betrays frustration as he continues to check the ship.
    "Audio recording…check. Video Recording…check. Nagging Ship AI, check. Alright, lets get this over with."
    A star date sits in the top right corner, and to the top left sits the words "Log 1". The Hylotl coughs a bit and reclines in his chair, crossing his arms.
    "Log 1, and day 3 on the new planet. Its been awhile since the incident at Meteos, and a couple of new things have happened since then….both good and bad. Bad news is the constant Meteor pelting at Meteos finally became too much, Captain made the decision to move out of there. Good news, we found a perfectly suitable planet at-" The sound cuts out for a minute, cutting out the location of said new planet.
    "Construction is a bit slow, but we are getting there. Soon we may be able to get some of the old equipment over from the Tower…."
    Suddenly, the Hylotl becomes quiet, looking very uncomfortable for a bit. A synthesized voice speaks, it has a feminine tone but it's manner of speaking and the warp on its voice betrays its status as a machine.
    "Crawzer, my sensors indicate a slight rise in heart rate and blood pressure. Are you feeling well?"
    "I'm fine!" The Hylotl snaps at the machine, obviously frustrated with something in his mind. "Just….don't really see the point of this damn log."
    "My Research has indicated that many sentient beings who put their thoughts on paper have a greater count of Endorphins running through their systems." The Machine says in a matter of fact manner.
    "In galactic standard, please?"
    "People who keep logs are usually happier."
    Crawzer makes his best attempt at rolling his eyes, a gesture learned from watching humans, and leans forward to the camera.
    "Ok, you want me to speak my mind, then I will speak my mind. There is one issue currently at the new site, one BIG issue in my eyes: She is there."
    "Who are you referring to?" The Machine asked, more for the sake of context for the log rather than actually learning who he was referring to. It already knew who he was talking about.
    "HER!" he cried out, looking up directly to talk to the voice in the room. "The damn psycho bitch! She nearly kills me and Risa once, and suddenly she's working with us! I honestly can't understand what the captain is thinking, its only a matter of time before she stabs us in the back! But she won't get a chance to, because I will be watching, and I will be ready."
    With that last word, a fury was behind it that had Crawzer's breathing heavier than what it usually is. He sat there, staring intently at the camera as if he was looking at the very person he was just talking about, only to eventually lean back into the chair with a thud and sit there, a vacant expression on his face. A couple more seconds passed when The Machine spoke up.
    "Crawzer" it asked delicately, "did that make you feel better? I am sensing your heart rate has lowered."
    The hylotl sat there quietly in his chair, and then gave a weak reply
    "Yes….I do feel better…thank you."
    "Is there anything else you would like to add?" The Machine's inquiry almost seemed genuine.
    "Well, I suppose there is-"
    Suddenly, a loud beeping noise is heard, and the Hylotl looks down at a flashing screen. A small frown is formed on his face, as he turns back to turn off the camera, his hand reaching for something behind.
    "Gonna have to end this for now. Log 1, end."
    The Video ends there.
  2. Zionus Dalmone

    Zionus Dalmone New Member

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Another video, logged #2, starts up. The Hylotl Crawzer is sitting in his chair once more, looking over some pamphlet in his hand, as the camera seems to have activated and moved around on it's own. It watches him for a minute, before the synthesized voice of the AI in his ship pitches in.
    "Crawzer, you haven't started your log today." it stated worriedly.
    Crawzer puts down the pamphlet, looking up at the ceiling a bit confused.
    "Oh....yeah...must have...forgotten...are you ok, All-Mother?"he asked the AI obviously known as All-Mother. He squinted his eyes a bit, confused at the situation.
    "Yes, I am running at optimum efficiency" All-Mother replied with simple tone of voice. "Why do you ask?"
    "N-nothing....just....no, nothing." Crawzer stammered a bit then turned to the camera with a sigh, looking straight at it and leaning in. "Alright, log number.....#2, right. Aka, Day 4. Not much to say honestly."
    He scratched the back of his head, looking around a bit, unsure of what he should be talking about, and then sat back.
    "Well, the Captain asked me to return to Meteos today....grabbed a bunch of stuff from the old temple, materials that the captain needed for construction. While I was there, I picked up some of the old stuff we were leaving,lying about, and placed them into some boxes back here. It was....strange seeing Meteos, the Tower rising high into the sky to touch the stars."
    He looks around at his legs, not really focusing on the camera. He seems nervous to be talking about this infront of a camera.
    "It was....sad, being there." He finally began, his voice almost a whisper at the start. "Seeing such a grand place, seeing an old home, and having to leave it for good. I will honestly miss it...."
    He sniffs a little, rubbing an eye to wipe away the tears that never existed. He then began again as if to hide something.
    "But its for the best, we needed to move. The Meteor showers were becoming too much, we couldn't defend against it, not yet. This change of scenery....its for the best."
    Crawzer goes quiet, only the hum and beeps of machinery and computers doing their calculations remained. After about a minute, All-Mother kicked in.
    "Anything about life here?"
    Crawzer looks up again. He seems honestly surprised by the AI's questions.
    "Umm...no, not much. I haven't actually seen the Captain in awhile. We have only communicated via Radio. She seems busy....I sure would like to see her again....I know Risa would..."
    "How is Risa?"
    Once asked about Risa, Crawzer huffed a little, remembering something terrible memory.
    "She's....ok." He replied dryly "She's still sitting in her room, scared after....all that....but she's a strong girl, she'll return to us...eventually."
    "I do hope she does." The All-Mother expressed in a motherly tone. Crawzer begins to act a bit strange, uncomfortable in his seat. He leans into the camera.
    "I think thats good enough for this log."
    The Camera is switched off, the Log ends.
  3. Zionus Dalmone

    Zionus Dalmone New Member

    Jan 27, 2014
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    The third video begins with static and a distorted voice speaking behind it.
    "Stupid damn thing, how does this wo-oh, ok here it is....."
    The immediately clears up afterwards, and Crawzer is once again in his chair, sitting at the helm. The Cockpit seems darker than usual, many of the lights turned off and monitors turned off. Crawzer flops back into his chair and rubs his head, frustrated with something.
    "Not completely sure why I am still doing this but....Log # 3, day 6." He pauses for a bit, then continues "All-Mother is....gone for now. Well, she isn't gone but I can't install her back into the system right now. She has.....been hacked I guess, or some crazy radio transmission has been interfering with her hardware."
    Crawzer looks around out the window of the cockpit, looking down upon a bright blue ball of a planet. He begins to talk, more to himself and less to the Camera.
    "Nyx....a new comrade, tried to help me to track down where this radio transmission was coming from. But the Location was encrypted, and it would take Nyx Days to track down."He begins to sigh after the last statement, scratching the back of his fin. "THEN to make matters worst, the files begin deleting themselves one by one. It was a miracle Nyx was able to copy a file before it was deleted.....but we don't know if that file alone will help us..."
    Crawzer goes quiet, sitting in his chair, and seems to breathe a longer draw. He then turns to the camera, moves in and reaches behind. The Video feed ends there.
  4. Zionus Dalmone

    Zionus Dalmone New Member

    Jan 27, 2014
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    The next video starts with Crawzer sitting in his chair, looking at the camera. He looks a bit like a mess, his clothing a bit in disarray, his face covered with dirt and sweat. He stares at the camera for awhile, looking like he wants to say something, come up with some words. But nothing comes out. He sits there for a minute, looking like he's thinking about something, then he just states quietly.
    "Fuck this....I don't wanna talk today."
    He reaches behind the camera and the video ends.