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The Gears of Deception (recruiting for plot)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by BIGtheRED, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. BIGtheRED

    BIGtheRED Honey-glazed Bacon

    Jan 1, 2014
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    ((^^ Not really. Just posting my character picture for this thread))


    Evening, my RP friends!

    I am looking to host or collaborate on a role-play plot that will involve my character being framed/blamed for a hostile robotics incident at his soon-to-be-opened "Ironknob LLC Robotics Facility" in Honeydew Prior.

    Not going to spill all of the details but it will require:
    - USCM officials (*looks at Tacc*)
    - other characters of importance as witness against Ironknob
    - a clever villain who is responsible for the incident (either a rival corp, or devout USCM hater)
    - a band of brave investigators/vigilantes who want to help Ironknob bring the villain to justice and clear his name
    The plot will involve
    - A friendly and publicly-open inspection of his facility, including USCM higher-ups, and interested parties. The more numerous, the better! The more important, the better! Since Ironknob has been working his hardest at being a community-centric person, I'm going to need a good handful of people to attend this part at least.
    - A 'Inactive Robot' used as a display prototype to be... erm... turned on... as the 'hostile incident'.
    - A tribunal to convict Ironknob (likely on Fort Mattis) of attempted manslaughter (or successful murder)
    - Either an interaction by investigative individuals and Ironknob behind bars directing back to the facility for clues (I will use different character), OR an elaborate jailbreaking of Ironknob w/ investigators to return to the facility for clues.
    - Long story short... malicious processor in robot at fault, provided by villain for wicked purpose
    - Search for, and confronting of villain. Details to be fleshed out, perhaps depending on what the villain sees as the best way to resolve. Perhaps villain escapes civilian custody (and continues an episodic rampage in the future). Perhaps villain bites the bullet and gets arrested (disposable villain, or villain hoping to start their own subplot afterwards).
    - Apprehension, evidence acquisition, and pardon (unfortunately leaving Ironknob with a tarnished reputation, but is still free)

    For those serving smaller parts (witness of inspection incident, or tribunal members), there will be less restriction on what is needed of you. These will be easy to play, and is an easy way to be involved, and be apart of it.

    For those serving bigger parts, you are ABSOLUTELY encouraged to play your character out to your hearts desire, BUT it is very important to follow the rough idea of the plot. I will need more experienced and/or tempered RPers for this piece, so that the plot doesn't get derpy, yet is allowed to naturally evolve and flourish with your help!

    As ANY roleplay plot or story, ... one story can lead to another,... meaning that after this plot is said and done, any events that may come about could be grounds for continued roleplay, or a subplot of some kind. I want you to please be open to these opportunities if they arise. It could mean more things to do/play out in the future.

    This is kind've a ballsy attempt by myself, but I think the place is in need of a good plot post-final-wipe.

    Please post here with your interest level.
    (honestly, if the interest level is super low, it would have to devolve into a private plot. I want it to be significant enough if possible.)



    Incident at robotics facility. Ironknob gets framed. Tribunal Fort Mattis. Need villain. Need investigators. USCM involvement encouraged. Showdown. Ironknobs name cleared.

    Possible villains:
    Draco (The Lucky Prism)
    ???(Aradin Stanguit)

    Possible investigators:
    Tarl (DirtyGoblin)
    Nathan-Dalton (Bstival7)
    Petals (Shadow_vulpse)
    Rin (Zombie Kyle)
    #1 BIGtheRED, Feb 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
  2. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Sounds interesting.

    USSEC is watching.
  3. I'd be interested as the villain or a witness. I'm playing Draco, though, so the villain would fit way better.
    Personally, I think planned-out RP like this should happen way more often.
    I support this muchly, upthumbred
    #3 The Lucky Prism, Feb 5, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  4. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Considering Dirt-Biter is now forming a rebel group to fight the USCM, I'd love to be involved in this!
    Underhanded tactics to both muddy a very valuable asset to USCM and make them personally try to imprison/exectute him?
    Sounds deliciously cruel xD
    If better villains show interest; maybe a coop between them and my ((soon to be revealed)) splinter group?

    Nevermind this, things changed.
    #4 Leschinsky, Feb 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2014
  5. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Tarl would "love" to be one of the investigators <_<
  6. @BIGtheRED , I recommend that you edit your original post to include a list of the people who might be included. That will clear up a lot of confusion and make this easier to plan out.
    For example:
    Possible Villians:
    -The Lucky Prism playing as Draco
    -blah blah

    Possible Witnesses:
    -blah blah

    #6 The Lucky Prism, Feb 5, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  7. Shadow_vulpse

    Shadow_vulpse New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Hmmm, I have been looking to be involed in a RP. And it just so happens that I just moved into Prior. Petals could get to know you, maybe help build the shop, then turn into the investigator, (okay, more of vigilantly, but still.) when s*psst* gets real.
  8. Bstival7

    Bstival7 New Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    I think I could be one of the investigators, as my character Nathan-Dolton is a scientist and a tech-whiz
  9. ZombieKyle

    ZombieKyle New Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    I think maybe Rin could fill one of the investigator roles, since he's a character that often takes on all different kinds of short-term jobs that are similar. (eg, hunting/investigating jobs)
  10. Aradin Stanguit

    Aradin Stanguit The Vigil's Jester

    Jan 16, 2014
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    I have been thinking of something really special that could be included itno this as the villain

    Edit: Ya know, when my COMPUTER DECIDES TO WORK.
  11. BIGtheRED

    BIGtheRED Honey-glazed Bacon

    Jan 1, 2014
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    Wohoo! I gots me some replies! !

    This plot is still going to happen, so please don't get cold feet on me guys!

    Is going to be a part of Doc, Bodehn, and my effort to revive the Prior and get sine real activity to that place!
  12. Can't use Draco. Cold feet obtained!
    That's okay, though. I'll use Draco's son, if you accept me in.
  13. Squiddles

    Squiddles New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    *can doth thou be investigator and thy witness*