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Inside Yung's head.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Aleiksei, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Today, Yung feels amazing. It's the first day since yesterday. That means a new day. Yung heard that new means good. Yung might cop the new smartphone. Yung heard Avalon has them. Yung doesn't know what are the functionalities, Yung doesn't even know how to use the phone option. Yung just connects it to the radio to insult Randal Daytona. Yung also goes on Starnet to post his famous Yung face. :^). :^) is all Yung can think today, because Yung happy.

    Here you go, Yung. Avalon bar. Watch out Yung, swerve, you're running straight into someone. You're gonna bump into them, and chief secretary Cutter is going to tell you to stop bothering people. Yung, you should know by now not to hurt people in Avalon. Yung knows, Yung knows. Yung just didn't see person. Yung's mask pretty, but sometimes Yung doesn't see everything.

    Chief Secretary Cutter. Strange character, this one. Yung met him during the war. Yung saw the blast of an anti-personel mine take Cutter's left arm and rabbit pet. Must be why Cutter is now secretary at PDF entrance. Or maybe it's that voice that talks to him, Rin. Cutter acts like Rin real. Funny how Cutter is grown up and talking to himself. Makes Yung laugh. Nothing Yung would ever do. Yung better than that. Yung wonders sometimes, is Cutter called Cutter because Cutter cuts or Cutter called Cutter because cutters Cut? So many questions. So little answers. But Yung stays sharp. Like a tuxedo. Yung stays alert. Like a cowbell. Yung got his name because Yung young, not because young Yung. So now, Yung pretty sure Cutter is named Cutter because dumb parents.

    Yung moves along. Yung walks in the club. Everybody looks down. It's not that Yung's half naked, it's that people have respect for Yung. The club is on fire. Yung sees brother Bloodrazer trying to extinguish it. It's his bar after all... Yung doesn't say hi to Bloodrazer straight away. Yung cold. Yung young drug lord. Yung young king. Yung the hottest shit in the club, since "In Da Club". Yung doesn't say hi. People say hi to Yung. Blood yells, "Yung! SQUAA". This brings back memories to Yung. When Yung left his girl in the summer, or when Yung had to go sand-jetskiing over Underpass, styling on Randal Daytona. Yung snaps out of it. Yung does a sick trick. A kickflip. He kicks the table over and jump on it. Nobody says anything. Yung does that usually, people are used to Yung being the man. And the woman. And the leaf-person who doesn't fall into gender roles. For a moment, Yung stares at Bloodrazer. Yung knows it's coming and unseathes his trunk-hammer, as Bloodrazer swings around and unseathes his sick katana. Good move. Yung impressed. That's it. Yung and Bloodrazer are sparring. In the club. Best place to fight. Yung doesn't dance, in the club. Yung makes the blade swings. After fighting for 31 hours, nobody wins. Yung and Blood shake hands furiously. Blood starts throwing teddy bears everywhere. "Make it rain!"

    Good encounter. Always good to fight a friendly face. Yung likes to cuddle enemies and fight allies. Yung original. Yung special. Yung wears two chains because he's too different. Suddenly, Yung hears a familiar voice. Turns around. It's his arch enemy, Staress. What is she doing here? Who would even come to Yung's den? He looks at Staress in the eyes. She looks back, with an expression that says "What the hell does this dweeb want", but it's all a facade. Yung knows Staress is afraid. Staress is on Yung's territory. Yung looks around. Everybody is talking to each other around him.

    They must all be gossipping about Yung. The air smells like scented candles. But it's not romantic. It's tension. Yung knows no romanticism. Yung has only love for himself. Yung thinks Yung cute as heckie. Yung satisfied with that. Lately, Yung has been sneaking into Aiko's office to print his face against the scanner printer. Yung hangs out many Yung pictures of Yung. Yung looks fresh. Yung looks like he's straight out of the Givenchy store, and homo in the Versace shop. Yung keeps it Tom Ford. Leaves hanging around his neck, bananas on his waist, wooden sandals. Yung is baller. Yung looks up. Staress left. Well, no Robot staress on giant Yung fight it seems. Maybe another day.

    Now the club relaxed, because Aiko walks in. Aiko relaxes everyone, in ways Yung don't get. Boys go upstairs with Aiko, leave happy. When Yung left alone with Aiko, she usually says deep stuff Yung doesn't really get. Doesn't really make Yung smile. Yung doesn't smile in front of Aiko anyway. Yung has to keep it cold. Yung has to it keep it cool. Like a popsicle. Or Alaska. Yung has to show Aiko he doesn't smile, because Yung serious. Aiko is mayor and PDF executive, she likes serious people. If Yung serious enough, Aiko might give Yung pixels. Cutter super serious, and gets pixels from Aiko. Then, Yung buys car. A bentley. A bentley? Yung can do that. A fifty grand diamond chain? Yung can do that. Mortgage insurance? Yung can't do that. Mortgage insurance! That's it! That's that shit Yung had to discuss with Aiko. But Yung knows Aiko is in fact, a giant lizard. If Yung bothers Aiko, she might just turn and terrorize everyone. Yung acts for the good of the people. Yung believes in his good heart. Yung doesn't startle Aiko. Yung doesn't tell people what he's doing. They wouldn't understand. Yung smiles swiftly. Yung saved so many people by not upsetting Aiko. They will never know. The feeling, it takes Yung away.

    Change of plans though, as Aiko starts talking to Yung. "Hi!" she says, cheerfully. Yung looks at the people around him. They knew all along all the good he was doing. Suddenly, Dark Knight feeling sparks in Yung. Yung should have left a hero. Now he's seeing himself forced to become a villain. He answers to Aiko, a faint, sincere, and engaged "Grrrrrahhhhh" is heard. Aiko confused, and smiles. She looks over and starts chatting with bloodrazer, Yung's sparring partner. Good. Blood knows how to deal with Aiko. She won't turn into a lizard.

    Yung jumps from the table. Leaves the club. In the sunset. The morning one, mind you. Yung has to go somewhere. Yung heard of Casino. Yung wants to try his legendary luck. Yung buys more chips than pentium, and rolls more 8 balls than a falling golf caddy. Yung billionaire now. All in a day's work. Yung re-adjusts his cowboy hat, that he had been wearing since the beginning, yes he has. Yes he has. Did Yung even follow his own story? He had that cowboy hat all along. Or maybe he stole it. Yung wouldn't though. Pure heart. Beautiful person. Yung. Legendary. Ah. Amazing. Yung loves Yung. Yung a best-seller. Swear to Gaia, that Yung.
    #1 Aleiksei, Feb 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2014
  2. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    ((This is wonderful. I died ))
  3. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    (( *Thunderous applause* That was glorious. ))
  4. lieswell

    lieswell New Member

    Jan 10, 2014
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    (( DUDE. Your style makes me shiver. I needa meet you IC one of these days. ))
  5. (( Upthumbred ))
    ((if nobody gets that reference...))
  6. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    That's it Yung. Now you done fucked up, Yung. Never spending any amount of money.

    Making good friends like Aiko so never have to pay rent.

    Hunting to eat.

    Living with tribe and then living alone in forest.

    No single pixel ever going into anything.

    Then suddenly, meets with old toymaker. Had company, in past.

    Damn, Yung, was you on that? Yung means, DAMN Yung.

    984,000 pixels in cargoes of plush and toys? 8 millions teddy bears? What is Yung even gonna do with all this, can Yung even answer that? Doesn't Yung feel like is a little bit too much this time? What if ever needs money?

    Dark times ahead. The struggle is real. Yung, back from rags to riches. The legend, once again. Has to find job. Is okay! Yung works in brother blood's bar, sometimes people leave lot money! Yeah, Yung stole, but never got caught. What problem? Blood doesn't need half this money. All blood need is drinks and neons in the night, females and guns. Blood lives the fast life. Why females and guns? Yung doesn't know. Yung has one gun, is enough. Yung doesn't get why Blood so into bringing women upstairs to talk. Women talk just as good downstairs. Altitude doesn't change females behaviour. Doesn't change male behaviour, so why would change female behaviour? Yung doesn't like moving for other people. Why would ever bring female upstairs though? Is not even Yung's apartment upstairs. And to do what? Blood apartment is boring, nothing but bed and kitchen. Yung doesn't like kitchen, always break everything, and bed only good for sleeping. Why would bring female here? Why female especially? What does blood do in apartment? A mystery. Yung stays frosty, for he is the tigger in the house after all. Yung pretends he understand. Females go upstairs with Blood, and Yung like, ha, ha, that bloodrazer! Always bringing females upstairs for...playing dominos...? Or listening to music...?

    Snap out of it Yung, blood doesn't matter. Yung has to make money again. Yung has to find something. No, not that Yung, drop that stray cat. Yung has to find something that is a job. Now Yung brokeman, but Yung many skills. Hunt, makes wooden house, takes care of animals, can pet any animal, can tame any animal, knows a lot about life. Yung looking for job. So wise man tells Yung: Yung, no welfare on Avalon. Yung needs mercenary work, because Yung strong. Yung not about that life. Shoo shoo, brush dirt off shoulder. Yuurgh. Yung not about that life anymore. Yung not taking money to chase people and hurt them. Wise man not that wise.

    Yung remembers suddenly the good life, when he had money. Now all he has is teddy bears. Chased good life all life, and now left with teddy bears, but maybe a little empty inside. Wasn't doing anything with money, sure. But something feels off. Why Yung so attached to money he didn't use? What is wrong with Yung? Does Yung like money that much? Or is it because Yung had something, now doesn't have, and is sad about past? Yung still doesn't know. Yung happy with teddy bears, but is bitter happiness. Is like, before, had friends and family. Now has nothing but teddy bears... Wait. Reminds Yung of one thing. Isn't what happens to humans who buy drugs? Could Yung be on... Teddy bears? Here is solution! Yung becomes drug dealer. Yung pushes teddy bears to Avalon. Sells hope to hopeless. Makes toothless crackhead hug teddy bears. In few days, Avalon swarmed in teddy bears. Yung satisfied with himself, but has arch enemy. Yung knows what's going on, Yung is in the game. Aiko Yori wants to pass as good mayor, but retrieve teddy bears Yung leaves in street and put them in her apartment, pretending is for everyone's convenience. Is just like when cop steal drug from dopeman and keep it for themselves! Aiko CORRUPT! Yung really has hate-love relationship with Aiko. One day, Aiko smiles at Yung and says nice stuff, the next day, steals from Yung under official law and put in apartment? Yung has to do something. Yung sneaks in apartment when Aiko not here. But then, Yung sees ALL the teddy bears. Yung baffled. ALL the teddy bears he ever pushed to Avalon, here in Aiko's apartment! Yung goes from Lord of the Game to Lord of the Lame. The teddy bears never ended up where intended. Yung destroyed emotionally. Yung starts jumping around in teddy bears. Yung likes the feeling. No matter how sad, the bears make Yung happy. No matter how much heartbreak, no matter how much sadness, teddy bears don't fail. Yung brings teddy bear close to face and starts smelling the sweet fur. Yung feels like flying on cotton. Yung is where supposed to be. Time goes so fast. Yung flies in the stars, without suit and spaceship! Crazy. Yung goes to sector X. Looks around. Sees an exit. Yung is out of the universe?? Yung is out of the universe!! And what is this? A giant teddy bear! It's at least 46 Yungs tall, and 58 Yungs wide. Rough estimate. All Yung can think is "RADICAL" as Yung flies around it, without anything. Yung is out of here. Yung is above sucky-icky world. Flies out of the universe, around the tallest teddy bear. Suddenly opens eyes. Is middle of night. Lying on Aiko's bed. Aiko not back home, yet. Oof. Teddy bears everywhere. Yung rubs body, feels a bit weird. Yung shaking a bit. What is this. Yung doesn't get feeling. Yung scared, Yung gets up and runs out! Yung confused, lost in world, alone. Yung sees a teddy bear on bench, is there or not? Yung not sure, but Yung scared, still shaking, holding his arms. Is snowing, Yung is naked in middle of night. Yung runs Yung's apartment and falls on bed. Feels a little bit better. Yung still scared.

    But Yung wants more.
  7. (( More than teddy bears? How could you? ))
  8. Shadowstar

    Shadowstar New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    ((More like more teddy bears. You glorious bastard, Yung.))
  9. Sollena Valentine

    Sollena Valentine New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    (Amazing :D)
  10. InfernoFiend

    InfernoFiend Sake Soldier

    Feb 6, 2014
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    ((I read this before my break and started laughing so hard... the workers from the cubicles around me just kind of stared at me. But this is amazingly written, puts the poetry Rachel writes to shame))
    #10 InfernoFiend, Feb 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2014
  11. Hour

    Hour Dogu

    Dec 29, 2013
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    (( I lost it at, "they knew all along all the good he was doing." ))
  12. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    i feel like i should get out of bed but no :+) eheh i bought 46 cats kitty FAAAACEEEE im over the sads i just like staying in bed is all blelelblehelbh lokk at hwat i can do with the kayboard =°

    ive been thinking about getting out of bed and back 2 work but im rich anyway i walk out of the jeweler with no balance cause all that gold is oN ME

    and if i get out of bed

    thats exactly what the governement wants from me
    that's what aiko wants

    I won't let her win
    not again

    im stayin in bed today HahaAHAHAH KITTY YUNG FACE :^+))
  13. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    champagne is good
    classical music is tight

    im fresh

    and im not even a fruit on the market

    how cool is that

    cooler than the fan on the ceiling
    plus i got fans in the lobby

    they said money dont buy happiness damn im renting my share tho EHEHEHEHEH
  14. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    keeping my rhyme book up:

    ur gross
    yung wears gloss
    yung is prada
    and ur nada
    i kick it like soccer
    dont even say hi to suckers
    and we blitzer like football
    win at basketball even tho im not tall
  15. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    i wonder where i can get a golden bathtub

    im looking to take a bathe

    not until i get a golden bathtub tho
  16. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    i commission a statu of myself and i lost it

    i like to imagine somebody found it in space and thinks its a relic rerepsenting kluex or something hahahahaha kitty face :+)

    its probably orbiting around the sun

    ive been thinkin about who would win if like uscm wanted to destroy a sun
    and im like
    probably uscm

    sun aint got no guns
  17. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    just how beautiful can yung get im looking at mirror and i cant even believe that shit
  18. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    all these sneezes from crying and i still couldn't get at chu
  19. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    all i care about in life is growing my hair and becominga a mermaid
  20. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    i cannot think of a more evil sport than mini golf