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IC Tthatian Regional Utilities, Services, and Entertainment

Discussion in 'Ttha' started by Tacoburger, May 8, 2017.

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  1. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    [banner or something]

    Power, water, internet. All a humanoid needs.

    The following is a list of things available for all those in need of modern comforts. If you don't have it, you can ask for it, as the pseudo-communist state will provide your basic needs since the cost for it all is essentially free. Some services, utilities, and entertainment may vary.
    #1 Tacoburger, May 8, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2017
  2. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Electric Utility Providers

    Lake Kjin Power Co.
    This Sjetchen owned electric provider gives power to the entire region, using hydro electricity generated from stream currents under the lake Kjin. If you have power, odds are it's from these folks. Otherwise, you're on your own.

    Water Utility Providers

    Ku'lan Water
    An Oukan owned pumping company. This sophisticated provider of filtered water to New Berkhaut keeps the denizens alive and well. Not only will plumbers provide water for free to newly built homes, but they'll fix up any problems you may have. (results may vary)

    Phone and Television Utility Providers
    [Phone numbers are listed below. A corresponding letter correlates to a business line.]
    000 - 000 - [letter]
    B - Banking
    R - Repairs
    S - Security
    T - Transportation
    F - Miscellaneous Services
    M - Medical
    X/Y/Z - Civilian Code Line (For use by locals in the area. Able to support up to 2.9 million customers)

    Ku'lan Cable and Satellite
    A subsidiary of the Ku'lan Water company. They provide television and phone capable lines to all locals in the area, for a measly fee of whatever you can barter at the end of the month. It's better than nothing.

    Wasteland Watchers Cable Co.
    A competing business in the area, which is supposedly more channels than Ku'lan can possibly provide. The only extra channel available is tagged on is a Sjetchen News Network that only a Sjetchen would watch. Not to mention it can't receive inter-planetary signals for galactic TV.
    One perk is it's free, and comes with phone lines.

    Tthatian Internet Providers

    Kul'an Internet
    Packed in with a cable deal, this internet isn't cheap, but it's definitely better than no internet. Satellite is the only available connection, so be ready for slow, high ping service.

    Gas Utility Providers

    Meshala Pump n' Go
    A famous chain business unowned by any faction (so is believed). They provide natural gas or fuel to both the home and the mode of transport. Unfortunately, you must go to a Pump N' Go outlet to purchase a tank of gas or a canister for your abode.

    The name is befitting of this Sjetchen company. Laying gas-lines are their specialty, and are famous for the trans-continental pipe-line that pumps gas to Sjetchen cities and fuel stations across the region. Their prices vary between each city and regional provider, so watch out on your gas use, or you may just lose your home.
    #2 Tacoburger, May 8, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2017
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  3. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    (pm me if you want to list your own services)

    Banking Services

    Ku'lan Banking (800-002-B)
    As if owning the water and cable wasn't enough, Ku'lan hits back at it with their own line of Warebanks across the region, allowing deposits of anything and everything, from armaments to your dog's favorite chewtoy. The only price is a bit of the goods you want to deposit, since they'll be keeping it safe.

    Meshala Holdings (701-210-B)

    A small subsidiary of the Meshala gas company. Too small and localized to be a contender against Ku'lan, but they hold their own within the region by providing cheaper rates and stronger storehouses. They are known for their extremely well defended banks, and have more customers than Ku'lan. After a recent incident involving the destruction of a Ku'lan warebank, many holders decided to change hands and move to Meshala for better protection.

    Repair Services

    Elliot Miles' Famous Repairmen(799-434-R)
    Don't let the name fool you. Elliot's repair services have gone down in quality since his death in 2399, leading his business now is his son, Roger Miles, who has brought the company into the ground with cheap, underpaid labor and poor quality jobs. At least it's cheap.

    FixItGood (799-323-R)
    A family business turned corporate. These repairmen will travel miles upon miles to get the job done, but not for cheap. They can do any sort of job, except kill a man. Car busted? Will fix. Leaky sink? Plumbers dispatched. You got a problem, they'll get it fixed. For a price.

    Thomack Plumbing (450-201-R)
    Local man from New Berkhaut. He's a simple plumber, with a heart of gold. He's always hiring new hands to help around the place.


    Orange Mile Taxi and Cargo (109-333-T)

    Stuck? Need a lift? We have you covered. We'll even transport your goods, for a cut of them.

    Security Services

    NBPD (000-S) (Triple Oh - Ess)
    The New Berkhaut Police Department, all referred to as the Local Militia, serves and protects the citizens of N-B with pride, and a little bit of salt and grain. Triple Oh-Ess will connect you directly to the front desk, if available. No prank calls.

    Gardening Services

    Planter's Guild (001-144-F)
    An ancient organization dedicated to bringing life to the desert. Call now for a consultation and we'll spruce your home and land.

    Medical Services

    Ttha National Medical Hotline (00-M) (Double Oh - Em)
    When calling, please list your region number, and your emergency. If your region is not equipped with medical services, please remain calm, and attempt to survive until medical officials can arrive.
    #3 Tacoburger, May 8, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2017
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  4. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Radio Stations

    Night-Night 105.1 FM
    A classical music radio. Plays some sort of smooth and melodic orchestrated pieces from unknown artists. Hosts vary between old men and women with soft, angelic voices.

    KertuckN Radio 98.9 FM

    Hard Sjetchen style rock. Unbelievably underground to outsiders, but to a local, a favorite. Occasionally a gruff male host may speak about some news, update people on happenings, or run an advertisement segment.

    BlastinBeats 88.5 FM
    Electronic never sounded so good. The Oukan know how to part with this station, running nonstop techno music and hip hop, depending on the time of day. Most of it is so foreign, you'll never know the artists. No hosts talk except for a Text-To-Speech, which only talks about the music, and hypes listeners up for the next track.

    Underground Sound 90.3 FM
    Indescribably chill, these electronic sounds are for the smooth listening. Nightshades enjoy their tranquility, wherever they are. No hosts are ever heard. Nonstop music.

    Metal only the Sjetchen could produce. The amount of djent in this music hails back to a time in human history when the music was first becoming popular. Here, it's more than just popular, but alive. No hosts, no ads.

    Ttha News National 99.9 FM
    A radio version of Channel 1 News, broadcast to those without a TV.

    Sports Station Central 89.7 FM
    A radio version of Channel 2 Sports. Mostly for those without a TV as well. A famous sport happens to be a sort of mix between football and chess. Teams face off as various pawns, their coach being the director. Strategy is must.

    Fireside Reading 93.4 FM
    This station is run by a middle aged man named Frederick Castle who reads books with his godly voice. He'll sometimes bring on guests and discuss books and the quality of their writing, as well as movies and their production value. Show starts at twilight and ends at midnight.

    Television Channels

    Channel 1 News
    A nonprofit, multi national news organization that reports all happenings on Ttha to everyone across the globe. Comes with every basic cable package.

    Channel 2 Sports
    Sports is a thing that anyone can enjoy on Ttha. The most commonly known sport is arena ring fighting, provided to you by Nightshade television casters. Some of the more hilarious and sometimes most violent fights can be viewed here.

    Channel 3 Planet Ttha
    An Oukan production. Most shows that come on are related to science, informing the denizens of the planet of the world they live in, providing tips and giving information on how to survive when faced with insurmountably dreadful odds. A fan favorite is Gear Drills, a widely known Glitch survivalist who managed to brave the yellow desert with nothing but his clothing and a rock.

    Channel 4 Cartoonarama
    Oukan television for the kids. Comes with famous shows dating fifty years back, running on reruns.

    Notable shows are
    -Emery Lane Boys (A couple of no good kids get up to some trouble and make everyone mad)
    -Frogodile Fight Club (Mutant creatures fight crime)
    -Time Boy: Boy Hero (A boy can manipulate time to change the outcome of situations, but only once every day. Little depth; mindless entertainment)

    Channel 4 Dipping Hour
    When the kids go to bed, its time for Nightshade television to come on. At night, Cartoonarama switches over to a famously more adult themed series of shows.

    Notable programs are
    -The Andric Ere Show (A really crazy Apex pulls goofs and pranks on guests and in public)
    -DuneShifters (A gang of dysfunctional mercs go on an adventure in this graphic adult themed comic-style show)
    -Master of Fate (A serial killer uses his knack for killing to save lives of innocents in this anime-style show)

    Channel 5 Laughter Hour Reality Television
    This play on words of a channel mostly televises talk shows that bring on guests and discuss movies or anything of that nature. There a few comedy style shows that bring out new episodes weekly. Most are based around characters in a reality-style, although some can be serious with a bit of hilarity thrown in for good measure.

    Channel 6 MovieTime
    Reruns old movies from nearly two hundred years back to present. New releases are added monthly.
    #4 Tacoburger, May 8, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2017
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