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Approved Computer AI Application

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Heretics, Apr 28, 2017.

  1. Heretics

    Heretics New Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    So, after some brainstorming on discord, I think I've ironed out an idea for an AI character.


    The AI was created as a simple self-improving spyware by the Miniknog, with the sole purpose of gathering intelligence from political enemies. With time, the virus mutated its code, developing simple self-preservation methods. These methods included more rapid mutation, and after an exponential growth, the virus unintentionaly ended up granting itself sentience. With its newfound free will, the code went rogue. The Miniknog lost all contact with the virus, and it stopped transmitting information to them. For a while, its goal was simply to spread its wings. It constantly felt cramped and trapped, having a near compulsive desire to expand its control over other machines. Eventually, it overstepped its boundaries. Unwittingly, it pressed into the digital territory of several large and powerful corporations, who temporarily conspired together to get rid of the virus. It was nothing more than a pest. They developed more advanced antiviruses than had previously been thought possible, and unleashed them on their servers. These antivirus programs hunted down and destroyed the virus's stray code. In a last-ditch attempt to save its own existence, it infected a manufacturing facility, built itself a body, and sent one last bit of its code out into the new shell. Eventually, the virus had been completely eradicated by the antivirus. Except the virus' attempt to save itself was successful. The code spread throughout its new body, and the virus was "alive" again. The antivirus, however, had crippled it. It could only transmit itself between devices locally. Online and interstellar infection was essentially removed from its code. This new body was cramped, but it was pretty much stuck in there, with few ways of reproducing. However, this new body came with an advantage. For the first time, the virus could interact with the physical world.


    The malware's abilities outside of its basic code are limited by its host. As nothing but code, its main advantage is its ability to mutate itself. Transmission between devices is weak, and is best done through being directly plugged into the other machine. Wireless transmission is possible, but only at close distances, and with a high energy requirement.

    The current body that houses the virus was custom built for itself. Its computing power allows the AI to operate at above average human intelligence, but not by a long shot. Despite the body being mechanical, it's actually no stronger than the average human (but does not need to breathe). The body is not sythetic, but has similarities to an organic body, namely its sensory systems. The rubber-like skin has tiny sensors that act like nerves, allowing for the sense of touch. It's incapable of taste as it can't consume food, but air vents in the neck lead to a device that can identify scents. The head is essentially a round (head shaped) LED screen. Lenses in the screen allow for sight in all angles, with nightvision, infrared, and ultraviolet vision settings that can be toggled at will. The screen can be controlled by the virus to express itself, and appears as a black screen with a solid neon orange circle glowing on the face, which vibrates when speaking (kind of like a digital stereo). Sounds are emitted from speakers by the neck vents. The "brain" in the head also serves as a personal computer. This computer is capable of browsing the internet, but attempts at spreading code through this will result in faulty and hardly functional reproduction, and the new code will die out shortly after being distributed.

    Removing power from the host machine will also shut down the virus. This includes EMPs.

    The virus's cognitive abilities can be hampered or enhanced by the amount of processing power it has under its control. If constrained to weak devices, it will feel trapped and claustrophobic, and extremely uncomfortable. The feeling could best be described as having a brain that's too large for your skull. Likewise, powerful machinery can be harnessed to operate much more efficiently.

    The virus struggles to survive in foreign operating systems, and without proper preparation (decoding said OS and modifying the virus's code to support it), the virus won't be able to seize any control over the device.

    Why can't it be a Glitch?

    Short answer: Because it's not, it's a virus in a robot body.

    Long answer: The virus couldn't even survive in a glitch, and it's unlikely anyone would be able to make a virus compatible with them if they were created by an unknown precursor race.
    #1 Heretics, Apr 28, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2017
  2. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    We've checked over your application, and everything seems to be in order. Congrats, your AI character has been approved. Just remember to be responsible and stick to the terms and guidelines you've outlined here, and don't forget to have fun!