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Approved Rat Man v2

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Clem, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    This is my improved take on my Rat Man, with a more coherent backstory and more clear picture of what the character could provide for the community.

    The history, his origins primarily and how he came to be.

    Srik, is an unusual being. Created under abnormal conditions. As he was first an Apex, like many he was a cog in the Miniknog clockwork. Keeping it working as an engineer and technician. One day he had his new long-term work orders to maintain a laboratory inside an abandoned city-world, a once sprawling metropolis left to ruin after some disease wiped out the population. Some say it was Ape flu, but others think differently.

    No matter his personal opinions or views on the matter, it would not change anything for the better. As they would just use him to experiment on and make him disappear from the face of the galaxy. All was well with the trip towards the facility, but once there. It was in similar state of the ruins and it was clear that the equipment provided for the maintenance work was sub-par. Even the hazmat suits were in need of replacement soon, as sometimes work inside the laboratories would be required.

    The first few months went well, given circumstances. But in the time that passed later, he saw some serious issues with the facility structural integrity with rust eating its way through the aging metal. Or the wires shorting out every few days or so, since the insulation itself began to crack open and become exposed.

    When the facility began falling in disrepair due to the Miniknog ignoring their pleas for more materials to fix the place up. The evacuation of the more important scientists was already well under way. Without the supervision of these more experienced individuals and the failing facility, equipment and hazmat suits. Srik started to come into contact with a strain of mutagenic that began to alter his physiology. First it was subtle, his fur changing colour and a shift in his muscle proportions. Although, one day a fuse exploded when he was working near one the labs. The containment was breached and his suit torn to pieces.

    Leaving him fully exposed to the mutagenic that escaped from within. A painful and unpleasant process began, his bones shifted and twisted. The flesh around them warped along, he could feel his body change into that of a rat. Distinct fangs protruding from his mouth and losing some of his ape teeth in the process. His head gaining a maw, large ears and whiskers at his new nose. Hours passed until the effects began to wear off. But the changes did not revert. It seemed like he was doomed to go on as a rat man, unable to return to his family inside Miniknog space or get help from fellow Apex.

    He swore revenge that day, to make them all pay dearly for this negligence. After staying inside the ruins outside the facility, he learned to take care of his new body. Taking a piece of granite to keep his ever growing fangs in check and use his tail for balancing as he skulked in the darkness. The only thing known of Srik to the Miniknog was that there were reports of a creature lurking near the facility and occasionally stole things. Tools and such, not much they heeded to. A negligence that would cost them dearly in the end. As he was using his knowledge to create a crude beginning for his vengeance. Some shanks and a converted nail pistol to act more as a handgun with increased accuracy.

    Then, when darkness fell over the facility. Screams were heard down the corridors as unaware inhabitants were taken inside the vents and explosions rampaged across the place. Causing it to fall down over the remaining survivors in the end. Using the only intact shuttle to escape and flee, going into hiding to begin his grand scheme of revenge.

    Goals, difficulties and more. Most importantly, what will it bring the community?

    First off, a bestial humanoid with decreased social and communication capabilities. Making it sometimes difficult for people to understand him. His somewhat unique biology means that certain medicine would be dangerous to him. He also requires to gnaw on something regularly every few days to keep his front teeth in check. He is also more agile but less strong than an Apex, quite cunning and crafty too. Able to go undetected if he wants, too. Although, in crowds he stands out if he doesn’t cover himself completely.

    His eyes are very light sensitive, without wearing any form of cover to block out light he retreats to the shadows. As an added bonus, in near darkness he can see extremely well. This aids him in going undetected.

    Due to his tragic transformation, he is untrustworthy of scientists in the biology and micro-biology fields. He verbally attacks them when given the opportunity, when it pertains to their fields of study and will not go out of his way to potentially perform minor sabotage when given the chance.

    There is also the point that he is not properly categorized by the Council as of yet to grant him basic individual rights. Which means he does not need to go to trial if he commits a crime within Council space. This means he can be put to sentence immediately or execution, depending the punishment to the committed offenses.

    To jurisdiction and legislation of the Council, he is not considered a Human being. Putting him in a more difficult position than even androids and robots. That have some form of laws and regulations protecting them.

    His ultimate objective is at least bring those that put him there to justice, which could be through a long series of events or a thing he is labouring towards always throughout his real-time life through roleplay. One of his secondary objectives is gaining Council citizenship so he has access to the legislative systems to protect his person, property and possessions. So he can be a protected individual through the laws that govern Council space.

    Of course, to fund all of this he needs to find paid work. While he was coming by perfectly fine from another person’s trash. He needs to gather funding to put all of these things into motion. Hoping to find work as a technician or engineer in order to improve his living conditions and attain his objectives. Making some long-lasting friendships is also paramount to him, as it will help him find his place perhaps in this wild wide galaxy. A romantic interest certainly is not on his agenda, at all. Since he is a unique sight with difficulties in his social abilities, getting friends will be difficult to say the least.
  2. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    So there's some questions that came up during initial discussion that'd be very helpful to have answers to.

    • What was the inspiration for this character, where did he come from?
    • Why a rat specifically?
    • By "a converted nail pistol to act more as a handgun with increased accuracy" did you mean to imply that it is more accurate than a handgun, or that it was modified to have increased accuracy to act like a handgun?
    • Are you prepared to gracefully accept the possibility of a character trying to kill him?
    • What do you think about how polarising the character is IC and OOC?
  3. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    • Inspiration for this character came from a myriad of interests, being that my first RP character ever was in fact. An Apex. Main source of inspiration for the mutagenic story is TMNT with the mutagenic stuff'n all. I know there is also a mutated rat in it, but that was not a prime reason to make use of a mutagenic story. I also enjoy trying out new things in an existing setting if the rules permit it.
    • A rat appeals to me since it is a crafty member of the animal world, surviving in the trash others. It would also fit the wacky SB universe to find its creation to be.
    • Here I am implying it was modified to have increased accuracy like a handgun. This was merely a object for story telling, it would be possible he could have acquired an actual handgun for self-protection since then.
    • I am aware that there will be people trying to kill him, but if he aint done nothing bad. Why would it be a problem? Sure, he doesnt exactly fall within the laws'n all. But that does not automatically make someone a bad person, yeah? I am also expecting people to handle conflict maturely and not just go ; 'Just because'.
    • I know it will be quite polarising, primarily OOC. Since people might fear more individuals may pursue this line of character creation to have something else for a change. I do not know how it will go IC, only of it actually happening will provide the true scope.

    I am also willing to withdraw it if the polarisation is too great that it is affecting the entire community, if it would come into being. (The app being accepted, that is.)
  4. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    We've talked about this for a few days, and we've finally come to a verdict; unfortunately, we're denying your application. One of the biggest issues several of our staff members were concerned with was that Rat Man may be mistaken for an entirely new species, as it's impossible to tell just by looking at him that he was once an Apex. Rat Man is so far removed from his original species that people won't know what to expect when interacting with him, and won't know how what's reasonable and what isn't. This element of "unknown" on a meta level can lead to misunderstandings and arguments; it's the same reason why we don't allow science-fantasy technology. Several members of the Moderator team found it difficult to make a solid decision on the matter as we all know just how much work, love, and dedication you've put into creating this creature; we aren't afraid you're going to abuse your creation, but that others simply won't understand it.

    Aside from the issues we've stated above, everything you've worded in your description for the character fits within the rules. It was very difficult for several of our members to deny your application based solely on these grounds, as it's clear you were working within the guidelines we've set. Because of this, your submission has led the Moderator team to re-define the rules on custom-races in order to avoid having people put so much effort into something like this in the future only to have it turned down.

    If you were to still want to play this character in the future, the Moderator team has agreed that adding some changes to Rat Man's appearance (which would likely make him much less rat-like unfortunately) could rectify the issue we've stated. Something as simple as working the head to appear more apex/rat mixed would be acceptable.
  5. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Is it also possible to move back to the regular non-digigrade body and use the Apex body?

    In order to preserve the head, since I've grown quite attached to it. (Pun not intended)
  6. Squid245

    Squid245 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    I suppose. Though, the head is the most defining image of the character. The body is less likely to cause a stirrup. But the head is the thing that will likely make people think it is a full on rat. For example. when a character is wearing armour, you can't tell their race by the body. The head if not helmeted is the feature that will stick out most to people. in my thoughts I do feel the body doesn't cause much for concern. Even the tail is fine. The character is mutated after all.
  7. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I am quite clueless on how to make the head appear more Apex though, maybe at the headwear-less version put in apex brows or some such?
  8. Squid245

    Squid245 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    I know the ears and length of the mouth to nose area kinda effect it the most. Im not entirely certain how it should be reworked though. possibly could make a few examples and show them to us?
  9. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Here's my Apex-Rat cross head, as a helmet. Due to emote functions'n stuff. Do mind that this is the 'bare head'. Without any additional features such as scars, accessories and/or headwear.
  10. Squid245

    Squid245 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    Arighty. got everyone's approval. Your good to go! :D
  11. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Great. Thanks!