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Refract Valley Radio

Discussion in 'Refract Valley' started by MaximumRose, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. MaximumRose

    MaximumRose Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    ((In the Civic Center there is music playing, and sometimes it's broken up by advertisements in between. The following posts are recorded advertisements you will hear in between songs.))

    And now, a word from our sponsors:
  2. Satirical

    Satirical New Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    An Advert for the Refract Valley Gym plays

    Greetingsss! You feeling weak? Of courssse you are! Want to ssstop feeling weak? Why wouldn’t you?!

    Come to the Refract Valley Gym! Passst pretty flower ssshop and white lady ssshop. You will get ssstrong at thisss gym! Firssst day isss free, and then weakling needsss to get memberssship to ussse equipment all the time! Memberssship is hundred pixelsss per month! Isss very cheap! Will sssee improvementsss on weak body!

    Looking for gym ssstaff and people to advertissse gym around different planetsss! If you have big mussscle, come work for gym. Help weaker people figure out how to ussse the machinesss! Come when Hemlock working!

    Remember, you weak until you lift at the Refract Valley Gym! Be a ssstronger you with usss!

    The advert ends with the sound of some form of technology smashing. That is how to end a recording.
    #2 Satirical, Apr 2, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2017
  3. MaximumRose

    MaximumRose Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    ((Posted for a player who shall remain anonymous))

    "Silverstone Bakery is now open, just between Madam White's and Omega Arms! Just look for the lights outside to be on and you'll know we're serving customers. Say Refract Valley Radio brought you for a 5% discount on your first order!"
  4. Skygazer

    Skygazer Regular bird

    Aug 7, 2016
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    [The advertisement opens up with a fairly catchy, likely royalty-free crashing sound effect to grab the attention. Quick narration begins with a young Avian's voice. Those who know him would recognize it as Lacunos' voice. The sound quality starts off quite shoddily, but it gets better about a quarter-way into the recording, as if the setting were adjusted mid-recording.]

    "Heyyyy, stuff's always breaking down nowanights, huh? You got your hoverbike with about ten loose parts, you got your- appliances in your house in the Valley giving you a hard time? Maybe you just don't know how to use a computer. Well, have I got a secret for you. There's a little auto-shop a bit past the Civic Center, to the west to be exact. Just before the hospital, can't miss it. There are a couple of guys there who are dyin' to fix just about anything, from your daily hover-fridge to spacecraft work. For more information, contact StateOfDisrepair or Bird-ActionRifle on StarNet! That's State Of Disrepair. All one word, no spaces. Bird-hyphen-Action Rifle, all one word! We'll get your stuff workin'--!"

    [It doesn't sound like he's exactly done talking, but the recording cuts there. It was getting a bit long, anyway.]