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OOC Information and Coordinates

Discussion in 'Refract Valley' started by MaximumRose, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. MaximumRose

    MaximumRose Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Coordinates: 431, 436, Omega Legion IV.

    OOC Rules and Tips:

    - Put your gun away unless your using it IC. People keep breaking decor, and it destroys immersion
    - Excessive use of OOC chat when it isn't something needed for organization or clarification is prohibited
    - This isn't a hug box, your character might get shot at if you're being a dick weasel. Play it IC, maybe take a bullet if you deserve it. Not every shot is lethal, build your character on hardships!
    - The teledoor world is obviously not a different world IC.
    - Don't build or alter a building without asking. If I need your creative assistance, I shall ask you.
    - You cannot scale the mountain. IC it is actually two mountains that border the Valley. They are the end of the area and it doesn't wrap around, that's just the ooc mechanics, so you cannot scale the mountains.

    I reserve the right to add more later.


    Civic Center: The main area of The Valley. Temporary housing exists here. If you're given a temporary housing key card, they all reset after two weeks of registration. Unless otherwise stated, your key card lasts for two weeks.
    There are two NPC's in the Center that you may use, but you may not use them to further plot, they are only for quick roleplay flavor. Sethtekka, the Avian on the welcome desk, will chat with you, and flirt mildly with Avian ladies. He dresses like Han s=Solo!
    Marta is the waitress, she's a human with long purple hair and her uniform is a yellow button down with a black vest over it, and black pants. She is extremely polite and helpful, and if you go often enough she'll remember your order!

    Medical Center:
    Run by Tetsaiga. He is the one doctor, though I think we've just gotten a new nurse. Feel free to PM me if you need medical attention, Tetsaiga is almost always there. Futuristic medical stuff! There's a radiology level for scanning and what have you, then an operation theatre on the top level. Anyone willing to play a doctor would be greatly appreciated, medical RP happens pretty often and when people always have to wait for me, it isn't fair to them.

    Enforcer Station: Go here if you need to find an enforcer or if you need to file a report! These are our police officers. There are obviously locked doors inside. if you don't know if your character can get past an area in the station, assume you can't, and it's locked.

    Factory and Intake Bay: Are you a scavenger? PM me! Refract Valley will buy your stuff. They'll probably inspect it first, and make sure it has no historical value, but they'll almost always buy it! Let's make some plot! I'd really like to see some shady deals going down.

    Prism Pub: A not-really-rainbowed pub in the Valley. I just like alliteration! As soon as the person running it thinks up a new name, it'll have one. It's got seating, a bar, and it's in the OZ so the rules are more lax. The bottom floor is also a restaurant, and the kitchen is almost always open. Let's start a bar fight! The chairs are all metal, don't try to break one over your friends head or results may vary. I heard there's some shady stuff planned for the basement. Contact Squid if you wanna be in a fight club!

    Apartment building: For each four apartments there is one kitchen. Ask about moving in! You don't even have to follow the color rules. Skye i now in charge of the apartments. If you have one and are gone for a full month, your apartment will be copied and saved elsewhere, and a blank one will come into play so that we don't waste any space.

    Madame White's Tea Shop: Just what it sounds like! Stop in for some tea!
    #1 MaximumRose, Jan 9, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2017
  2. MaximumRose

    MaximumRose Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    ((When I made Refract Valley I didn't understand teledoors or how to use starcheat to make anything. New Refract is IC the same planet and all the buildings are the same, but IC the apartments and the Civic Center have been seriously renovated. Mostly, I wanted a better color for the planet wrap. It was to yellow before. So I took a mutated planet and terraformed it to a lush planet and now the green of the background is much better. ANYHOW, this is Refract Valley, and we've always been at war with east asia (1984 reference). I'm putting in a teledoor to take people directly from old refract to new refract so y'all can make a bookmark of the teleporter there. I hope you like it!))
  3. MaximumRose

    MaximumRose Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    ((Refract Valley now has two NPC guards at the telepad at all times, day or night, to stop anyone banned from leaving the telepad room. They are armed and they will escort anyone banned back to the teleporter and then off planet. They are always there. They are competent fighters. You cannot just walk past them.

    You cannot land on the planet with your ship without clearance. There are turrets on top of the Enforcer Station and there's a satellite turret in orbit. This was all decided long ago and I have the discord chat logs to prove it.))