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Approved SKT [Power] Armor

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Redwilt, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Name: Saint-Knight Templar's Armor

    Description: A power armor system retrofitted to look and feel like medieval armor. The armor is sleek, with a dark gunmetal grey primary color and gold trim, sporting the Brotherhood's emblem dead center of the chest plate, and on the middle of their cloak. A jetpack system is also included, nestled behind the helmet, and above the battery. The overall look is much akin to that of a Crusader of the medieval and renaissance eras of earth.



    Durable - The Titan Class power armor is incredibly resistant to any slashing, piercing, or kinetic missile fire. Ballistics also have a struggle penetrating the armor, unless they are specifically .50 caliber or armor penetrating rounds. Bludgeoning weapons are best against the armor, and the usual weak spots apply. Targeting these weak points nullifies all armor protection in regards to CRP, but requires skill in order to hit them.

    Jet pack - Sporting a light jetpack suitable potentially for a mech, the armor suit is able to essentially skate across the ground in a line, using both it's momentum and weight as a battering ram to smash into opposition.
    The jet pack requires several seconds to charge up (two CRP turns) and cannot change direction once the charge has been started, in addition, due to the weight of the armor, there is no vertical lift, only horizontal drag.

    Limitations - It /is/ EMP-able, due to the exo-suit being powered by a solar battery located on the back of the chestplate, covered by the cloak that flows over it. If damaged or EMP'd, the user must now deal with the burden of extra weighty armor, slowing them considerably. The usual weak spots of armor apply as well, being the back of the knees, elbows, underarms and inner thighs. Of course, armor piercing also works against it.

    Conditional limitations - This is simply a piece of tanky armor. There is no innate speed or strength bonus excepting the ability to swing a two handed sword with one. In addition, extended use of the jet pack will actually damage the solar battery through the extensive heat output. It is the equivalent of an armored car on legs.

    How does it work - It relies heavily on the solar battery for all power. Outside of putting on the armor, there is very little to making it work, the only training required would be to get used to the functions of the suit such as the much heavier center of gravity, ability to wield two handed weaponry with one hand, and the jet pack.


    Flavor text - Ominous and akin to gargoyles, the Templar of the Open Palm are far and few between, even when on the grounds of their compound. The 'ultimate' protector, these hulking behemoths either wade to the front lines or plow through the opponent's, utilizing the extreme protectiveness of their suit to keep them alive in the heat of battle.

    Attainability - Closed, only the Brotherhood of the Open Palm may use it, and on top of that, may be only given to trustworthy members that have proven themselves dedicated to the cause. Currently, there are only 5 total.
    ( Four NPC's, and one PC. )

    OOC - Hopefully this does not sway opinion, but should this become approved, I will be submitting several more event-esque techs that are similar to this one, and from there possibly begin scheming an event to settle a war between two factions and make one of the two become something to interact with server-side outside of Refract Valley or Fernbrook.
  2. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I just have a few questions for contextual sake.

    Who are the Open Palm, exactly, in brief? By your OOC disclaimer, I assume this is an NPC group for an event? Or are you planning a more PC group in the 'aftermath' of the conflict?
  3. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    The Open Palm is currently an NPC faction, and is at odds with a cultist faction that has yet to be fully designed.

    They are lore keepers first, and religious warriors second. Their hub would consist mostly of a church and a library. As for becoming more PC, yes, they would certainly be open to new recruits should they survive the event, and would send individuals on quests for knowledge and the like. This would involve creating old ruins for players to quest upon, with set objectives - whether that be a tomb guardian of some form for the CRP oriented or an intricate puzzle for those who are more laid back. The armor being app'd in question is /mostly/ for the Elite guard NPCs that would have very little sway outside of the warzone event, though it would be possible if a player was involved enough with the faction, they could earn it.

    If you need their "religious" beliefs, i would be happy to provide it if you'd give me some time to make the lore.
  4. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Nah, I just need to know where this armour would be used as a result, mainly in the case if it changes hands at any point. I trust you to use it responsibly for the event however and so forth.
    I don't see anything too glaring with the equipment otherwise. Consider it approved.