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Community Service/Base Smashing (A planned event!)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Rexxian, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. Rexxian

    Rexxian Scavenger Extraordinare

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Aerin came forwards to several pub goers within Fernbrook about the acquisition of a shield generator for the fledgling colony as it came up in conversation. Deciding she might like to settle down and contribute to the colony in her own way.

    Disclosing to the two that she in fact knew the location of such a device within the old confines of an ancient Mercenary base upon a world out in the 'Verse. Following the drawing up of a plan. Aerin put together a small amount of information to be found below.

    -This will be a planned event. If you wish to take part. Please ICly find out about it from someone that knows! You would likely have heard rumours of people buying kit for such an expedition, be it EVA refills or other expensive things if you need an excuse about asking!-


    ((The IC report received via StarNet))

    "Okay so. I put together everything I could think about, about the base itself. Its a large structure. Mostly underground to protect it from orbital fire. And from the elements. The planet itself not particularly pleasant."

    "First things first. We need to find it. I drew a quick map of the local star map. I know its somewhere around one of these planets. But gods forbid if I know which one. And I don't really have the man power or time to search all of them by myself. "

    *Below on the report lays a hastily scrawled star map*
    "Second issue we have is the planet. The inside of the base when powered is completely sealed. So life support (Assuming it still works) Will have us covered. Getting to the main base structure over the landscape however. Might prove difficult. Its a couple of klicks of harsh/dark terrain in sub-zero temperatures from the landing pad. Hope you like caves. Oh and the wind outside the mountainous area the base is in can hurl shards of rock hard enough to pierce your suit. So there is that. There isn't much local wild life that you will meet, or will want to meet."

    "The landing pad itself should be good enough to take a small transport. If that's in a bad condition. Then there is a secondary smaller pad a little further out that will require is to boot up its power supplies to get the lights running."

    *Below lays a hastily scrawled picture of the terrain as per memory*

    "Once we actually get to the base. We are going to need to cut the doors if the main power ain't on. Which we better hope is the case. Otherwise we probably wont get planet side. The facility has got one hell of a STS (Surface to space) cannon up the mountain range which works on automatic. Its big enough to worry a battleship. But likely has issues targeting the smaller stuff. If its still active we will have to knock that out either by blowing it. Or getting access to its controls the boring way. This in itself is another yomp over dangerous terrain."

    "Once we actually gain access to the base we will have to take a good long and careful walk through. Chances are if the powers off it will be safe enough. We can take the walk slow and safe, making sure we pop turrets on the way. Cause once we get the main power back online they will probably tag us as hostile and open up. The base might still contain a few of those old illegal Scan droids from way back when but I dont hold any hopes of those still being active."

    "The shield generator will likely be on one of the lower levels. Its about the size of a small starship so the techy will probably have to sort that one out as it isn't my fortee. The base itself is up for scavengers law. So. If we get in and manage to get it running, technically its ours with me being the last surviving member of the Sunset Company. And to be right honest. I think we should gut the place."

    "We need a proper meeting to discuss how we are going to sort this out. If I manage to find anything else out. I will update this report and then email it out to everyone again.

    "Aerin, Signing off."


    The event will be taking part over several stages:

    Exploration One - Date: TBA
    Two - Date: TBA
    Planetfall/Silencing the Gun - Date: TBA
    Door Breach - Date: TBA
    Combing the depths - Date: TBA

    Currently the area is under construction. If anyone stumbles across a particularly interesting dark planet with a half built base in it. That's likely me. Please don't touch or explore unless you aren't willing to take part! Thank you!

    After we are finished, the area is free game for RP or whatever people fancy doing with it.

    Looking forward to making this happen and seeing y'all out there.


    2 people like this.
  2. Mary_Whitaker

    Mary_Whitaker New Member

    Oct 18, 2016
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    If you require any assistance in building, let me know.
    1 person likes this.
  3. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    (IC part of this post) This is Star Dancer, Do we have a time and a place to all sit down and plan this yet?

    (OOC) Rexxian what ya name on discord?
    Also tell me when we're building.
    #3 JackGrimsly, Dec 29, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2016
  4. Rexxian

    Rexxian Scavenger Extraordinare

    Dec 27, 2016
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    (IC) "Howdy, Star. Some time in the next week would likely be best for me. I need to be gathering some of my kit and finding out whether some of my leads are still alive. I will be in touch."

    As for building I am trying to keep the group small so as it can be a surprise and super fresh (Tm) for when people are actually on event. due to popular demand you can now get to me on Discord. My username is Titanrex.
  5. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    (IC) I've found a Medic, and 3 others that could accompany us for the recon mission and the main assault. found anyone on your end?
  6. Rexxian

    Rexxian Scavenger Extraordinare

    Dec 27, 2016
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    (IC) "Good to hear. We might need a tech-head. Or at least someone that can slice doors. I've been in touch with a medic and another strong man. Likely the same folk you have been talking too. We can talk tomorrow. Aboard your ship if it suits."
  7. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    (IC) The only Person I know who can handle Tech is me, and the people funding this have deemed me "too valuable an asset" to be in the first or second assault, I'll only be 'allowed' to head in once defenses are down and we're actually striping the place.
  8. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    [OOC] I have been very Busy IRL is this things still on?