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Not Approved Ázul Matla

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Azul_Matla, Dec 26, 2016.

  1. Azul_Matla

    Azul_Matla Birdy lord

    May 7, 2014
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    Ázul Matla is an ''aperian'' as a variety of the evolutive branch; he looks close to an avian, but in reality is closer to an apex or a human:
    Aperians are a mammals, warm blooded and covered in feathers, they have more plumage than avians do have, so they're better at standing extreme weathers, but worse at tasks such as swimmig. They have a couple of longer strong feathers coming from 2 parts of their body, one's the back waist, where those feathers shape in some short of ''tail'' similar to a bird like tail, and some other coming from arms from armpits to wrist, which shape in wings; this leads into them being able to glidy and fly if the wind is strong enough.
    They have talons at the leg-like limbs, but their wing limbs have ''normal'' hands, tho they lack of any strong tissue like nails, leading into them relaying more to their talons for tasks where a human would use nails.
    They have a mammal reproductive system, causing them to be unable to breed with normal avians.
    Their brain is more developed, tho they tend to be only good at certain fields they like, which are totally random; similar nature than the human ''asperger syndrom''. Their CI is around 100-150.

    To sum up things a lil bit:

    + They are able to glide and fly.
    + They stand better extreme temperatures.
    + They are more inteligent than averege.

    - They are really weak and fragile.
    - They are bad swimming.
    - They are lazy and bad-workers at fields they dislike.

    * They are mammals
    #1 Azul_Matla, Dec 26, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2016
  2. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    We don't allow custom races on the server. Even if they have listed flaws and benefits, they are things that can be easily enacted in the vanilla races. As seen in our rules, we do not allow custom races ever. Character requests are generally reserved for Androids, robots, and characters with specific backstories.

    I'm afraid this request cannot be passed.
  3. Azul_Matla

    Azul_Matla Birdy lord

    May 7, 2014
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    Ok, if I'd make a backstory for him to be in the server with those features yet being unique to him, would it be allowed?
  4. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    No. There's no skirting around it. Those features, especially the ability to glide and fly, cannot be used. You can make your character more intelligent than average, you can make them frail and weak, you can make them lazy, and make them used to inclement weather. However, anything altering the vanilla races will result in the character getting voided either due to future reports or due to staff intervention.

    There are ways to make a character unique other than features that can completely alter a race. Pick between avian and apex. Don't make a hybrid. And don't give them the ability to fly.