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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Anonymous, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Do not trust the Indigenous Guard, the supposed enforcers of Council Law. Time and again they have shown their ineptitude, and I intend to bring to the public eye evidence of their unprofessional- and outright dangerous- behavior.

    Firstly, nowhere is stated where the Jurisdiction of the Guard begins and ends. They have no right to operate on colonies that do not recognize their 'authority.'

    Secondly, the Indigenous Guard has no right to operate outside of Council Space. Especially not with lethal force.

    Thirdly, the Indigenous Guard has been tasked with "Protecting" colonies before, and have valiantly failed. The "Ranch" was lost under their protection.

    Despite their 'council funding and authority,' these men and women behave like a roving gang of rabid thugs with no discipline. Despite the psyche profiles and details of not only one, but two dangerous criminals being publicly available, they chose instead to devote all of their resources to hunting down a single unarmed, un-armored avian on a planet where they don't even have jurisdiction for a simple assault.

    If you have evidence of the Indigenous Guard acting in a way that you consider unprofessional, dangerous, or otherwise inappropriately, please come forward. Even an anonymous tip or video or eyewitness account can make a world of difference. This behavior cannot be allowed to continue. I will not rest easy so long as they are allowed to run rampant like a Council-fed rabid dog pack. Evidence will be submitted directly to the Council as proof of their ineptitude and their inability to act as a professional force. Do not allow this behavior to continue.
    1 person likes this.
  2. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
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    The individual in question, and likely the author of this "article" is wanted for breaking COV Sectoral Law. They have committed felonious assault against a freshly recruited member of the Guard aboard Caelestis Station, a COV supported installation. The following footage is pulled directly from multiple cameras aboard the station during the assault.

    The camera footage fades in, showing two people at on Caelestis Station. One Avian (female, brown feathers, wearing a faintly ripped up black leather jacket, light blue cargo pants, a white tank top, and black combat boots.) is marching towards another at the top of a set of stairs. The other is also Avian, (male, golden orange feathers, wearing a lime green tank top and ripped, blank denim jeans) who was standing at the top of the steps. It looks as though they are talking as the female approaches the other. She swings at him, which he avoids by backing down the stairs. His own hands come up in a defensive stance. She pulls a jacket off and swings it at him, which he grabs onto, and attempts pulling. She lets go as he pulls, sending him down the steps in a violent manner. The cameras follow her as she makes her way past arriving civilians, exiting the station after being momentarily questioned.

    She has fled capture and has thus been able to evade punishment, but any action taken to impede the Guard in the capture of this individual will be seen as a felonious act of Obstructing Justice. These are merely attempts to sway you with baseless accusations and redirect your attention from a clear delinquent. The Indigenous Guard operates within the fringe of the Coalition's influence, this sector is within our jurisdiction.
    On behalf the Coalition of Ophelia and Virgo, the Indigenous Guard is placing a 50,000px bounty for the live capture of this individual. More details will be available via the official bounty listing.
    [defunct link]

    #2 CouchPotato360, Dec 23, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2016
  3. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    It is sad to see such brave men and women who fight for the greater good and the protection of Council citizens to be insulted and demonized in such a way. This criminal, Tenca Downsilk, is obviously attempting to discredit the Guard and all of their accomplishments and take away attention from her own criminal acts. Tenca Downsilk must be held responsible for her actions against Order.

    The Guard has worked tirelessly to protect the settlements in which they have been stationed and requested. There is plenty of evidence to support the fact that they are here for the protection of everyone on the Fringes, and all you need to do is reach out and take it. And, in all regards, I do not find it fair that someone who has never gone up against a heavily armed drone who is strafing across the rooftops has the audacity to insult the Guard because they could not fend off an overpowering foe. They are the best the Council has to offer, but they are not invincible.

    I would personally like to thank the Guard for what they have done for the fringes and the people living here. I also hope that they continue to operate, unopposed, for the forseeable future. They have done a marvelous job for the Council, and I pray that it continues.

    - Judge Nicodemus Hawthorn
  4. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    If you ever needed any kind of proof of what slimeballs these weirdos are, here you have it straight from the fluffalo's mouth. They chose to come after me on a planet outside of Council Space. They sent a whole hit squad of their boys in fatigues and helmets, guns drawn. lol- I don't even have a gun. Disgusting.

    And now they're lazy enough to post a capture bounty for me? Get out of here. Where did your ragtag little soldier boy outfit even pull the money to waste like that? Would Vice Admiral Jefferson be pleased to see how your little squad is misappropriating funds to capture a 'criminal' that only perpetrated a minor assault? If you could even call it that. The video clearly shows your boy fell his own clumsy ass down the stairs.

    You filthy manchildren lack discipline, and you don't deserve to don a military uniform. I did my time, I served my army. Say what you like, but your pathetic cheeseburger thighs couldn't carry you fast enough to catch me. There's nothing supernatural about the way I run. Maybe you should just PT harder before you chase after small, defenseless women.

    P.S.: That picture doesn't even look like me. Tell your boy to get his skull camera upgraded.

    #4 Ziggy, Dec 23, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2016
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Several video attachments are uploaded here.

    Clip 1

    Dark and shaky, female screams can be heard over the violent creaking of metal. There is definite motion blur outside the range of the camera view as whatever the person was on seemed to be moving fast from side to side. The camera looks down through a glass roof to a cackling Smokestack who seems to be having a fun time at the mechanical controls of some form of machinery. A male voice shouts over the chaos, swearing and demanding to be let down, followed by the female begging for them to stop a crane. Smokestack denies the pleas, remarking they should ask him nicely. The camera shifts away as the night sky spins. Below two individuals look on, A female human (Anya) and a floran (Mattulip) who make no move to stop. It is apparent by the video that the person behind the camera is very high up, three to four stories high. The male voice shouts over the machinery and the female cries he is recording all of this and finally Smokestack concedes and stops the crane. Video ends as the recording device is shoved into a dark place.

    Clip 2

    Recorded lower to the ground, it shifts to the side, depicting the woman heard screaming earlier (Clementine) before it pans to Smokestack, Anya, and Mattulip. All three seems rather relaxed over the recent events, cracking jokes. The cameraman shouts at them demanding their names. After making demands for names several times, they finally give them up when he tells them he is again recording. Video ends shortly after.

    Clip 3

    Camera clicks on depicting Smokestack standing in front of Camera, both Anya and Mattulip are in frame behind him. Smokestack explains he owns this property. Smokestack makes an offer to pay the cameraman to go away. This is questioned by both the male cameraman and female. Smokestack again offers "fifty" to just go away without a fuss. Both cameraman and female turn down the offer. Smokestack throws the money on the ground and the three leave.

    Clip 4

    Video is provided of a large open construction site. No fences, no lighting, no security measures, no signage.

    In summary.
    Your Avian:
    Neglectfully maintained a dangerous work area
    Help two persons against their will in a life threatening situation caused directly by him
    Refused to identify themself until forced.
    Attempted to bribe victims for silence

    Your human and floran:
    Witnessed your avian possibly kill two civilians, and did nothing.
    Refused to identify themselves until forced.
    Witnessed an attempted bribery and did nothing about it.

    All of them:
    Likely didn't report any of this.

    The Ranch, was your duty to protect. Under your protection there were attempted kidnappings, one suspect I was told got away and was never caught. A terrorist bomber dressed as a clown, who got away and never was caught, and a large military force of anti-council people who literally destroyed the settlement you were suppose to protect... who most of which are still at large? I've seen you openly instigate and threaten violence on people over Starnet, including the previously mentioned terrorists. There have also been to headcases in the sector whose psyche data was posted publicly. Some killer guy, and some bio-terrorist on the loose.

    Your video of this "felon" you show is what? A thrown punch, and your man falling because he was trying to yank that jacket away. You're taking what amounts to be a misdemeanor assault charge and trying to make it into something bigger. You bunch of losers need a win that bad that you're looking to hang someone just because they gave you the slip? You are unprofessional, unskilled, unaccountable.
    1 person likes this.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Firstly, regarding the Avian, Floran and Human. You trespassed onto private property and climbed a crane. You're liable for your own injuries at that point, regardless of if the Avian told you to get down, which all three of them did, except you've done a smart job of manipulating everyone by making it look like they didn't. The fact you decided to stay up there and fuck around proves your own incompetence after trespassing on private property for a construction site, who does that? Who trespasses on a dangerous construction site to sit on a crane?

    It's your own fault for being idiots and climbing a crane, and an FYI. Cranes don't move that fast. So stop trying to blow it out of proportion, even the video shows the cranes not moving fast. The two stood there doing nothing because its out of their authority, its a private area. Oh and, one more thing. You've listed three members as IG there, the Human isn't a member of the IG. She left a while back.
  7. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Not sure if you remember looking at the footage again, but the person holding the camera attempted to bump the offer to 100 pixels and I was pretty damn concerned. I was offering money because I noticed the distress and distraught after the fact and a reasonable person would offer to cover possible rehabilitation. I went into the crane to operate not initially knowing that there were people on top of the crane. If the IG were to post my medical records, it would show that I have a history of bad hearing. Of course a person would be mad that there are two people banging on your crane door swearing loudly at you. Did they ask nicely? No. Was any of that interaction put on camera? No. People only put up what is convenient. Which is why I said in the video, I have nothing to hide from the media because I am who I am.

    And as a person that didn't know how to operate a crane, figuring out the controls was a top priority. Being one that's mechanically inclined, working the machine was an obvious fun experience first and foremost.

    The Ranch? I live on the Ranch. My shop is on the Ranch. I fought to protect the Ranch not as IG but as a settler of it. I fought against the clowns and wrangled tanks in defense of my own home. I don't see how failing to protect a place when a guy's done all he could can be seen as such a disappointment. Especially when a lot was done to try and protect the citizens first. I was helping to evacuate and aid citizens caught in the explosions caused by the terrorists with a Ms. Omizu.

    However since I'll likely be deemed as immoral as before I started this post, I will put up an offer to be removed from the IG. Although this likely won't have much of an effect since I operated as a reserve soldier, it'll probably be symbolic and offer some form of action to those who are clearly distressed. Although my actions shown in the video display me as some kinda cold bastard, I won't cahgne my opinion that I'm a bird of morals and will continue to act the way I do; treating others with a level of respect given to me. And that isn't shown when disrespect is given to someone just for their affiliation with a group.

    Sometimes I wonder if maybe everyone else is in the Aether because they believe themselves to be so high above others.
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  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    We, myself and the woman did enter the grounds and climbed the crane ourselves. The last video shows the area completely. It is the owners responsibility to provide warning of danger to persons who may or may not enter the area. There were no signs about it being private property. No fences to prevent entry. No warnings anyplace. The owner would be liable at that point for injuries. At that point, the owner placed myself and the woman in a life threatening position, his denial of allowing us off HIS crane adds willfulness to not only his actions with the crane, but with the property himself. You'd be hard pressed to find a Council court that wouldn't swing my way.

    Your attempts at down talking something that could have killed two of us really just goes to show the type of people who fall on the side of these people. Thanks for the clarification on the human though, least we know they had bad apples awhile back too.

    Apparently along with your hearing, retention is also in question here. You are free to take a look at the first video, which includes everything from when I first started recording. None of my footage has been edited. Here is however, a small snip from that video for you again. Which matches up pretty much directly with what you are saying. Yes, I didn't ask nicely, because you were holding us both against our will on top of a crane you admittedly did not know how to use, several stories in the air.

    Like that time to held two people hostage on your crane. Oh wait.

    While it is appreciated you are, months later, making steps to rectify what happened, albeit for some of the wrong reasons, this isn't about just you. This is about a group that is sucking money from the Council, using the Council's name, and doing whatever they want. The fact that nothing ever happened with this prior to be posting the footage speaks volumes to the accountability and poor communication with this bunch of people. These people are, and were, all part of the same group. One that doesn't answer to anyone out here, and have in fact placed themselves above Council law. All the good in the world will not wipe away each bad misstep you people made along the way, because you do nothing to hold yourselves to a standard you should have been made to have to begin with.

    You all are/were representatives of the Council. My videos, and this bounty? This really goes to show the people out here, maybe even the Council back in the Core, what you people really are. With protectors like you, no wonder we have anti-Council forces popping up out here.
    1 person likes this.
  9. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Is that why you left Council Space entirely to enforce your group's personal will under the guise of law? Witnesses saw your little hit-squad of mercenaries. They had no right to be there on any kind of 'peace keeping' mission. Your 'Law Enforcement' gang lacks any sense of what the law even is. OP's accusations aren't baseless, you admitted yourself your firing squad was pursuing me outside of Council reach. Your gang even put a bounty on my head with a gross amount of the Coalition's money. My accusations aren't baseless. Just look at the evidence that's been brought forward against you and your gang. You want to talk about 'justice,' just look at that video. Your gang members just stand there watching on while another one of your thugs endangers the lives of two innocent civilians. They then continue to stand idly by as the avian attempts bribery. Where's the justice in that?

    The clear delinquent here is you and your roving gang of thugs. You have no right to judge my character.
  10. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    In the video I offer the money for the harm I caused. If that was taken as an act of bribery, wouldn't I have taken the phone? Why would I bribe and let them have evidence to incriminate me? I even stated that I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. I was then cursed at and threatened. I said that I am okay with being filmed because I knew that I was just trying to right a wrong. Then the man filming tried to bump up the money to 100 pixels. At that point it was a scam.

    I didn't even associate with the IG nor was any part of me identifiable as IG. I was wearing work uniform. And acting in protection of my business. I am an Antaran not a Council citizen and will therefore act by Antaran customs when my own land is being occupied.

    Kinda wish we could all be pallies here. Attacks on character have no place. Perhaps holding individuals accountable (such as myself) would be more effective than tossing poop at some vague organization.