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The Chaser of Space - Journal of Spacechaer's

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Diddums, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Ninety:

    Not much happened today, except me and Alyx bonding a little more.

    Yes, I think I do indeed have feelings for her.

    She said she wanted to go out somewhere, and I suggested Aiko's bar, it was usually abuzz with activity.

    Needless to say, it wasn't. But I didn't want to disappoint Alyx, so I suggested playing a game. The game basically consisted of one of the players stating something about their past, and then another player had to guess whether they were telling the truth or telling a lie. It was a drinking game, so of course drinking had to be incorporated. So say, if Alyx said something false, and I guessed it was true, I would take a drink, and if I guessed it was false, she would take a drink and vice versa. We was playing with whiskey, I had heard in the past it was a very strong drink, and should only be taken in small amounts.

    I had a bottle with me.

    Alyx then informed me shad hadn't actually drank alcohol before. Being the responsible person I am, I suggested we play with whiskey anyway.

    Needless to say, I won. She was telling the truth about her tidings with alcohol, that is to say, they didn't exist till this day. I've partaken in various drinks before, including wine and it's variations, such as meat wine. Nevertheless, I must admit the whiskey was indeed very strong. It tasted rather vile on it's first trip down and it burned my throat, however, I will admit it had a delicious after taste.

    Well, as I stated, I did win. And Alyx lost, badly. Luckily for us, the bar was empty, so I had no trouble helping her out and onto my ship, before finally returning to the base, and to her room. I helped her into her bed and such and was about to leave when she said she'd like me to spend the night with her.

    Not in that way, I would never take advantage of a drunken form, even if it was as alluring as Alyx. Fetching a chair, I placed it at the foot of her bed and sat down with my journal. In which I am writing in now.

    Before she fell asleep she said that she loved me. I had no idea what to say, she was obviously drunk, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings by ignoring her. Luckily for me, she promptly fell asleep after speaking her emotions.

    I replied anyway. Saying what I felt.

    I said I loved her aswell.

    And so, here I am, writing in my journal, in this chair, watching Alyx sleep. I'm growing tired aswell. But the room's warm. And the chair is comfortable.

    I'll just spend the night here.
  2. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Ninety Two:

    Was confronted by Alyx and Kap yesterday. They said they had something important to tell me, basically, it was that someone was looking for both me and Gamma. I was a little intrigued until I heard it was from Leon, remembering that I had approached him on StarNet recently to clear out some land. Either way I appreciated Alyx and Kap looking out for me and Gamma like that, and I told them as such.

    I can't remember what brought it up, but I invited Alyx and Kap to become members of the NEVAC. I felt that Alyx's enthusiasm for exploration would come in handy, and Kap's brilliant outpost deserved some sort of recognition. And so, they both became members of The NEVAC. I do believe their goals are now to advance their skills and equipment.

    When they confronted me. I noticed Alyx inparticular.

    She looked, pretty. I think the occurrence of the other night may have caused me to view her in another light. I don't know.

    Anyways, just as we finished discussing Leon, Leon then promptly appeared on the planet, he must've remembered the co-ordinates from all that time ago when I sorted out his leg. After sharing introductions with Kap and Alyx, he gave me a hug, and I mentioned how good it was to see him again.

    Kap and Alyx then promptly headed off, to make some sort of decoy princess believe. Right after Leon stated we had to discuss "serious business."

    I would've believed him, if I thought for a second he had any idea what business even was.

    I told him, what he already knew, how I needed him to dig out a specific piece of land for me. However, when I told him the pay he was quite shocked. He stated the a 5k voxel was exceedingly generous for such a job. Not in those words of course, this is Leon we're talking about. I informed him of how it really wasn't that much, and how me and Gamma had hired a certain woman named Lydia to mine diamonds for us (an arrow is pointed to the name, before trailing off to the margin: Says she was in contact with radiation, getting screened for cancer. I do hope she will be alright, I know not of what cancer is, but I offered to pay any medical bills), and how we had quite the amount of pixels. Thus, with the "serious business" concluded, I showed him where he would be digging.

    He then informed me how he wouldn't be working today, explaining how he needed to get in the "right mental state."

    Ignoring the obvious slacking, I asked him how he planned on spending the day, he then suggested he spent it with me. His new found tolerance of me was surprising, but I didn't want to take him up on it, so we then partook in the before mentioned drinking game inside Alyx's home.

    The rest is a haze, until I was awoken by Alyx. I was perhaps a bot drunk, but the nevertheless, I dared Leon to another round, to which he declined. Proclaiming me the winner! Leon then left after saying his goodbyes. Alyx offered up her shower to me, which I accepted. Returning the favour of the other night, she helped me to the bathroom and into the shower.

    She then began cleaning me, due to my inability to do so myself.

    Things then escalated rather quickly and we ended up...

    Well there's always the possibility that this journal gets stolen; as well as one's own perception of their morality so...

    I think I'll keep such details of occurrences between me and Alyx.

    Let's just say Alyx seems to have no trouble taking advantage of a drunken form.

    Not that I'm complaining of course.
    #22 Diddums, Apr 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2016
  3. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Ninety Three:

    Well, after the occurrences of last night, I'm jubilant. Looking back on my entries, I can tell I needed it. Me and Alyx partook in... What happened last night again, it was... More romantic this time.

    Alas, I digress, this isn't a collection of sexual escapades. It would seem Leon has completed the undertaking I tasked him with when I wasn't here, I'll have to get around to paying him soon. Despite the fact he hasn't taken out the walls which I distinctly asked him to do. Right now it's just a dimly lit tunnel going into the hill side. Oh well, he did place supports in however, something I must praise him for, I wouldn't of thought to do such a thing. I'll just hire someone else to clear out the walls.

    Alyx told me of somethings that have been troubling her, she seems to believe our good friend Kap has feelings for her. I doubt it. But if that is the case, it's going to be an awkward situation. I value Kap as a friend, I wouldn't want to lose him.

    Other than that, nothing much happened, the slave auctions are constantly buzzing on the radio and such. One of these days I'm going to buy one and set them free, I feel I should share the luck I recieved.
  4. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Ninety Five:

    Saw Alyx again today, looking splendid as ever. She has taken up the objective to cover the circumference of the planet with rose trees. Apparently out of some romantic gesture. She really is making headway, sadly though, it rather dwarfs anything I can do to impress her.

    In other news, she apparently was doing what I asked of her, that being, to explore and refine her skills. The process in which, included a lot of travel to the Delta sector to acquire new ores and the such for weapons and armour. Of course, I am equipped with the finest Impervium gear, to help her in such shenanigans wouldn't help her in the long term, nor would it help me. But she had apparently found an abandoned prison and wished for my attendance. Whether this was for her own protection or she just thought I would be interested is unknown to me.

    Needless to say, the prison had been taken over by the inmates. Me and Alyx chopped through them easily enough. I believe being stranded on a remote planet had left them rather feeble and malnourished. Alyx, apparently inheriting hoarder traits, decided she should strip the place of furniture, crates and the such. Our clearing of the prison continued until we happened upon further wings.

    This apparently rekindled memories.

    As one has already wrote, this isn't a scripture of soppiness and romance, and thus, I'll again keep the details in my head.

    Me and Alyx then promptly returned to the base.

    She really is getting close to me.
    #24 Diddums, Apr 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2016
  5. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Ninety Six:

    Today was pretty empty if I'm honest. Well, apart from the fact that... I won. Won at what I hear you ask?

    Well there's one thing I'm getting better and better at!

    I can drink.

    So thus, I challenged my lightweight lover to the before mentioned drinking game, being the responsible floran that I am. With a twist! Fancying my chances, I wagered my journal against her diary. Spoilers! The game is over and I'm writing in my journal.

    The game was fun however, and despite my early game domination, she did stage somewhat of a comeback towards the end however, one I promptly crushed. Once again, I helped her into her bed, and then returned to my quarters after retrieving my prize. The questions were rather saucy I must say, evidence of our new comfort in one another. Well, I apologise for the short entry, but I'm rather tired, and I'd like to revel in my prize thanks.

    I think I'll keep her secrets in her diary and my head, no plagiarism for I!
    #25 Diddums, Apr 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2016
  6. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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  7. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day 120:


    It has been far too long since I last updated this. How horribly neglectful of me.

    Nevertheless, I digress.

    A lot has happened since my last entry. Directly after the entry, Alyx saw it fit to go exploring the Delta sector. As to improve her skills. In this time, I encountered Taranis. A place holding the Knights of The Order. Something like that. In addition, I've developed quite the love of duelling since I stayed there. I met a variety of people there, as to not bore myself in any future readings, I'll make a rough list of them.

    Minamoto - A human jester who wears brightly coloured armour, he was the one to get m into duelling. A member of The Order, aswell as calling himself a special type of jester known as a "samurai"

    Rossse (Rose?) - A floran girl whom's arm I help amputate after a sparring injury. She's since put me in a near death experience so I think we call it quits. Very kind.

    Viiker - Don't get me started on this one, pompous human fool. We've since become somewhat friends, however the makeshift friendship is sort of on the rocks after I savagely beat him in Taranis's arena. It was worth it though,

    Handerson - Actually already met him prior to last entry, but I realize I've spoke almost nothing of him. He's an avian, one I've duelled twice, one resulted in a swift stab through the chest to him, the other resulted in the scarring of my face and my eventual fainting. He was recruited into The NEVAC by Gamma.

    Moony - Handerson's friend, an avian woman I also duelled with. Brilliant uppercut.

    Mars Ryougen - Not duelled this one actually. However, he's a human I deem to be a friend. We often indulge in teasing Viiker about his ego and failures.

    Omen - Don't know much about this fellow, I consider him a friend though, he's a friendly enough avian, and hangs around Taranis.

    Gareth - Same boat as Omen really, however I've duelled this human. Oddly, duelling a person seems to increase my comfort with them. Strange.

    Sativa - Met him on an excursion with Alyx, before she left to explore. Founder of a colony called Opportunity. From what I gather the floran has an avian lover. I'm not one to pry however. Wears a mushroom hat. Or it might actually be a part of him. No idea.

    There's many others I've met whom I've forgot or most probably don't know enough about. Either way, I deem this a decently juicy list.

    P.S Met up with Lyra aswell, the avian who gave me fuel way back when. She's since taken up a home in Liberty Mills. I consider her a friend aswell.
  8. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day: Unkown!

    O happy day despite its avoidance of charter!

    Dear diary, my, how long it has been since you’ve been updated, far too long I’m sure you’ll agree! If truth were to be told old friend, I must say I thought you had fell into utter disrepair, never to be found once more.

    Alas, you have been found quite clearly. Good thing as well! As one may tell from one’s penmanship, I have busied myself with further pursuits of literature. Reading back through these pages I find myself beside myself, a state as perplexing as how I came to lose such a valuable book. Such happiness, such nostalgia. I thought it fitting I should re-visit you and inscribe my position once more, for old times’ sake, as well as our own.

    As all things one should begin at the start! I find myself still residing on the planet I was all that time ago for the majority of the time I was writing within you. Perhaps one would be sad to hear that the base of which I used to speak so fondly of has since fallen into disrepair, I know opt to give such a place a wide berth, for I know not of construction, and fear my tampering may once cause it to collapse completely. I have however, settled on a nearby hill, not too far away. Seeing the base doesn’t fill me with melancholy, but still pride as odd as it may seem.

    Perhaps one is able to infer, but I will clarify anyway: NEVAC is no more. A lack of direction, I believe, was the lack of its movement, and with uninterrupted stagnation, inevitably, comes a time wherein which one has to let things go, wash one’s self with the quagmire and move forth. A decision I made not lightly, but still, one I am not disappointed in, and one I do not dwell on.

    Oh yes! For it would be horrible for me not wallow in such self-pity, I am undeserved. In NEVAC’s place I have crafted a fine life, have no worry. I live with whom I love, a simple and happy life. I have maintained my farming escapades, though I daresay it is a hobby rather than a way of life; I am fine as far as personal wealth is concerned. I busy myself with reading when I have the free-time, such simplicity is truly a merciful fate.

    If I should lose this, and never write in it again, at least no this my diary.

    Truly, I am happy.