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McKenzie's recording logs.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Diddums, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    ((The following are a selection of logs to be found within McKenzie's PDA, usually kept on his person or within his home at all times.))

    *The voice from the log sounds deflated, the act of faking some sort of excitement or joy being peppered with sighs and pauses*

    Well, it's not like I din't call it eh?

    New place, new surroundin's, new shit load of fuckin' misery... An' I reach for the ol' PDA an' it's fuckin' knackered lads. Left it too long I think. Called it. Gotta keep a rhythm. 'Ope I can get to the old logs if I fiddle with it enough. Till then uh...

    *He sighs*

    Everythin's gone fuckin' tits up. /Everythin'./

    Grid's fuckin' gone... It's jus' gone so I 'eard. Raw fuckin' chaos. 'Ad to evacuate.

    *There is a pause, before movement and a groan of exertion can be heard, before footsteps, as if the user is walking*

    An' /now/ I'm 'eading to me new 'ome for the next few weeks or so apparently. A refugee camp. Dreary as fuck I know.

    *A shaky sigh*

    Gonna focus on recuperating for the time being. Get my fuckin' bearin's together. See if I can find anyone I know 'ere. Mainly Cy. I 'ant seen 'er in ages. Even before the evacuation. Gotta believe she got out. 'As to 'ave.

    I think I see the camp comin' up now. See lights at least. Gonna come off this, maybe switch to text in future. Better if people din't think I was a fuckin' loon in their distressed state eh?

    *He barely manages a chuckle, before switching off*
    #1 Diddums, Jun 1, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
  2. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *The voice sounds a lot more neutral than last log. A lot less lethargic, but hardly jovial*

    Alright. Should be far enough.

    *There is a yawn*

    The camp's a-fuckin'-shambles. I mean... Maybe you wouldn't doubt it by the name like but... Eh. Call me optimistic but I thought... Well I thought it'd be better than it was. /Is./ That's the top an' bottom.

    Good news though, I've uhm... Met the boss lass 'ere. 'Least the girl who's organizin' everythin'. /Blaze./ Stupid fuckin' name aside she 'as a fuckin' microwave for an' arm so she must've seen some shit. Probably can see us through, least for a few days till I get off 'ere. 'Opefully. An' speakin' of robot parts, saw Fritz an' all. It's good. Nice to see 'er. She din't seem that bad back on the Grid, plus it means maybe Cy got out an' all. Maybe Cy was crashin' there for a few days 'fore everythin' 'appened. Should've asked 'er.

    *He sighs*

    Other than that. Nowt much goin' on really. I uh... Been picked for cuttin' wood an' movin' shit. 'Parently we're gonna need to start expandin' the camp. Sounds reasonable, 'ead's not together 'nough yet for anythin' crazier than that far as I go. Jus'... Gonna fuckin' try get through the night 'ere. I'm fuckin' knackered. See what tomorrow brings.

    I just need to find Cy. Jus'... Fuckin' /find out/ what's 'appened. I can't fuckin' think straight elsewise.
    #2 Diddums, Jun 2, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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  3. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *The recording opens with a coughing fit, before clearing into tired and frustrated voice*

    A few fuckin' days 'ere an' I'm already on me last fuckin' legs. Out in the fuckin' forest choppin' wood. It's fuckin' /constantly/ pissin' it down. Will /not fuckin' stop./ An' now I've got a fuckin' cold /and/ a cough.

    *A few more coughs, before a loud groan can be heard*

    That's not even the fuckin' least of it neither. Fuckin' saw /'er/ today an' all. 'Ence why I'm recordin' shit down. Bugger all else 'as gone on bar the expansion. Got a generator an'-

    *He pauses for a moment, before continuing*

    Fuck that shit. Not fuckin' important. What is is that I fuckin' saw Laur'. Aye. An'-An' I really was /fuckin' 'appy/ to see 'er. An' that's genuine as well it were! From me to fuckin' 'er I was /'appy/ to see she made it out.

    An' well of course she didn't give a fuck 'bout me. Not in the slightest. As if... I don't fuckin' know what it's like. /'Ow/ can you jus' not give the slightest fuckin' shit?

    *He took a heavy breath*

    Fuck it. It'd 'urt a lot fuckin' more if I actually expected much emotion from the vile fuckin' cunt. But I din't, an' I don't. But I tell you what I /do/ fuckin' expect. /Common fuckin' decency./ She fuckin' /KNOWS/ Cy's alive. Cy fuckin' /lives/ with 'er on 'er ship. 'Parently. Like that makes any fuckin' sense at all but 'parently it's all fuckin' /FINE!/

    *There is a pause, before the voice returns, a lot quiter, but still as angry*

    Laurel won't let me see 'er. An' I know for a fuckin' fact Laurel won't tell 'er fuck all 'bout me. Not a fuckin' /thing./ She won't know I'm alive or-...

    *He sighs*

    Need to get that fuckin' phone fixed. It won' t turn on. Get it fuckin' workin'... Callin'... Fuckin' /whatever./ Need to at least let 'er now I'm still 'ere. Maybe... She tried gettin' in contact wi' me. I dunno. I need to sleep on it.
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  4. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *An oddity within the PDA, a text document is in with the rest of the audio logs, along with a title of: "camp macca"*


    switching to text because i cant find place quiet enough for talk. monsters and plants in woods apparently so cant go there but not sure might try out there because i dont likt yping on phone tyakes too long. anyway dont want too look weird so just typing 4 now.

    still no sign of cy because laurel wont tell me anything i know she wont. not out of anger out of not caring i think. i cant be doing with her. one of these days im going to snap i know it. still phone not fixed. need it doing. saw fritz but couldnt ask her. was about too but i gave her keys back and she started crying. i feel bad. also met a guy named kade later on. seems ok. later on told me he was bullied by his ex. apparently soldier or smth. i laughed. but now i seen her when looking for blaze with kade and she looks like a pretty mean dykeasaur. <-- write this one down on notepad. looks old too. feel sorry for kade but hey ho. that must mean hes girly too lol. he wants to build pub with friends so i guess he stupid too. but apparently he electrishin so dont know what to think. we have a lot i think.

    later on blaze came up to me and said i should be guard because i said camp is moving too fast and wood not needed for long. she asked me if i shot a gun b4 and i said yes airsoft she said doesnt count and asked me to practice using rifle. i went and started shooting at some pillars with green stuff on. apparently nearly hit camp and kade. felt bad and stupid and apprently nearly hit laur. felt less bad. that robot who was bullying silk around when i arrived saw me later on aiming at tress and told me what to do. doesnt seem to bad now. didnt ask name even though i gave mine. wonder if robots can be dykes too

    nothing happened otherwise. i stay in guard tower a lot now. where i am now. its quiet out here but if visitor saw me talking about myself in log i would die. thought id shoot more but dont just pat people down usually. im happy about that.

    still hate it here though. but cant leave. now i know where cy is and i cant get too her i dont know where to go. home gone so try and make it here i guess. probably not but who knows. i feel good helping keep refugees safe though. maybe do it for them. feels bad i cant do it for people i know because theyre all cunts
    #4 Diddums, Jun 4, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  5. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *Another text log follows*


    still nowhere found too speak in quiet. realized other day though i cant visit mum and that cuz no taxi on camp and dont kno coords. no ship anyway. felt bad so went for walk without thinking. didnt get eaten tho so guess it not all bad. nothing much else happened so no logs.

    saw robot again. said name was gearheart and gave me pistol with cool cowboy holster. not as bad as first thought. maybe nice. hope not snake like max but who knows. maybe slow down with dyke stuff too. kade gets maungy about it. maybe he should get a sense of humour tbh. everyone would do better 4 it im sure.

    talked to laurel too. asked her if we would ever be like we used to and regret it. cant forget about cy yet. i bet my phones full of msgs from her lol. still need it fixed but not seen fritz yet. dont think laurel caught on. hope not. don't think she knows what day it is. so blank nowadays. feel bad bout it but tried to get through for too long and she doesnt respond. wish we could be friends again.

    wonder if these logs look as whiney as old ones lol. cant get into the old ones. bit sad but less cringe is always good i suppose.
  6. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *A voice recording this time, opening with a bored McKenzie rattling through, the voice at some points being met with interference from gusts of wind. It sounds like he's outside*

    Found a quiet spot finally... I'm in the tower wi' the 'ill leading up to camp behind me, it'd probably look like I'm on the radio to most. So 'opefully I won't be gettin' chucked in a loony bin for speakin' into this shite. Got the teleporter in front of me though. 'Opefully it stays quiet. It's /pretty/ fuckin' odd 'ow much folk we get comin'. What the fuck're they doin'? I pat 'em down an' all. No fuckin' food wi' 'em. Quite the fuckin' opposite matter-a-fact. Why the /fuck/ would ya come down wi' guns to a refugee camp is well beyond me. An' then they 'ave the fuckin' /cheek/ to complain when ya -

    *He cuts himself off with a sigh, before a pause*

    ... I think I might be gettin' too much of a cunt nowadays. Jus'... I dunno. I'm jus' dead spiteful all the time now. I dont fuckin' get it... So suspicious of everyone outside... Even fuckin' those inside to be honest. Can't be doin' wi' it... I need to sort me fuckin' 'eas out some'ow man... Got me phone fixed off Sid an' all.

    *A long pause, before the voice returns, spiteful*

    Not one fuckin' phone call. Not one text; not one fuckin' /owt/ off 'er. /Nothin'./ Laur' asked to me ring 'er meself so i fuckin' /know/ she's got 'er phone on 'er but... Nothin'.

    That 'as to be it. It 'as to be it... I can't message 'er. I've tried like but...

    I dunno.
    #6 Diddums, Jun 16, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2016
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  7. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *A text log follows soon after*


    we got attacked tonight. the big gun tower by the planes is still on fire i think. some randoms came and just fucking attacked. out of nowhere. no reason. heard bout people with guns near bridge. they came from west forest. need toosecure out there more.

    they had no reason to come. none. why. why come here. were fucking refugees. we did nothing. outsiders around this sector must be scum. i dint get a good look at the attackers. had helmets and that on. armour and guns. so not plants. they had fucking firebombs for fucks sake. i bet they were aliens. fucking birds probably. or glitch. they wont be scared of fire right.

    kade laurel me blaze and the fish girl started fighting them. fish girl got set on fire by some fire bomb. i pulled her back. tried to get her armour off. my hands are all fucked up and burnt. kills. i hope she is okay. she is in med bay now getting sorted. shes new but i trust her. kade got hurt too i think. had to. he was right in the fire i think. blaze flew off in this ship. thought she was ditching but she came back. drove them off. some ace pilot shit. stronger than i think maybe. drove raiders away from big tower.

    laurel got trapped up there. i was shitting it. kade also got trapped near the fire. was a bit scared for him. but i was sick over laurel. they were able to get her out though. thankfully.

    they being some new guys. seem stupid. very stupid. same jarhead shooty shoot fucks. led by that sarah girl. dont trust them. they dont trust me either. looked to be starting shit afterwards. not my fault. i warned them. one of them had some big fucking shoulder cannon and started shooting. no clear shot but did it anyway. nearly brought whole tower down. fucking clowns. other than that i dunno what they did. sooner they leave the better i say. they sure as fuck didnt help me dragging in they fish girl when she was on fire. that was me.

    im so angry all the time now. i dont get why. need to sort it.

    i saw bodies near plane. one of raiders got crushed by plane wing. others around. some got away

    its still raining.
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  8. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *Another voice recording this time. Containing a monotone voice, as well was the tell-tale sounds of wind detailing the recording once again took place outside.*

    Haven't updated in a while. Not been much to talk about like. Jus'... Nothin'. Nowt that sticks out...

    I looked over the last couple entires lads an' I'm surprised at 'ow spiteful I seem. Honestly. 'Ating folok jus' for 'elping. For not listenin' to a whingey cunt. At the end of the day it's not like I can really blame 'em. I mean... Now that I think 'bout it... I 'ant really done fuck-all since I got 'ere. Nowt. An' when shit goes down, it gets sorted some'ow. So... Logic suggests that I'm /not/ one 'aving any fuckin' impact 'round 'ere.

    *He sighs*

    I jus' don't get why I'm stickin' 'round to be honest...

    Well actually I do. I 'ant got a fuckin' ship to leave on. I'm fuckin' trapped 'ere. Probably the only person 'ere out of all these fuckin' /cunts/ that actually needs it. It'd make sense then why I'm the only fucker 'round who seems to fuckin' care 'bout it. The only fucker who does guard shifts consistently... I put up a fuckin' notice the other day. Tellin' people 'ow to perform at the tower an' that when people are comin' through. Before I fuckin' realized 'ardly anyone'll be readin' it.

    There's nothin' left for me nomore. Fuckin' /nowt./ I'm thinkin' 'bout puttin' up a roster but fuckin' /why?/
    Who can be arsed? No one but fuckin' me. I'm pourin' me fuckin' 'eart out for a place no one likes on a fuckin' phone no one listens to. I 'ave no friends 'ere. No one who /wants/ to be a friend. Cy's fuckin' /gone/ an' not even - /not fuckin' even/ 'cause of all the shit that's gone on with the Grid. Not even. It was jus' fuckin' me. I'll never fuckin' see 'er again. I 'ave to fuckin' deal wi' leavin' at like this. Wi' me not explainin' fuck all an' 'er not givin' a /flyin' fuck/ about it.

    It's jus' fuckin' torture. All of it. I'm goin' on wi' /no fuckin' reason./

    It jus' never fuckin' changes.
  9. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *Another audio log follows, the voice no longer permeated with gusts of wind, but the low buzz of what sounds like a fluorescent light. The voice itself sounds a little bit more awake than last log, but still hindered by occasional sighs*

    Well... Can't say shit's not lookin' up for me.

    *Footseps can be heard, before the voice returns, the first sentence emerging in a jovial tone, before a pause, and slowly back to the norm of recent logs*

    I've only gone got m'self a flat lads!... Yeah... One o' those pre-fab deals I think. Blaze whinges 'bout money but this 'ole camp's startin' to look a wee bit posh to be honest.

    *He sighs*

    ... It's good though. I can't say it's not good. A good move on 'er part I mean. Like... she's chargin' a fuckin' bomb for the folk livin' in 'ere an' I'm sure it'll be goin' back to the folk in the camp to 'elp out. 'Opefully. At the end of the day she 'ant given me reason to distrust 'er. Tsk. Fuck it. I don't think she realizes I'm even on the guard 'alf the time when I see 'er. No point slaggin' 'er off even if I was livid, not like anyone's givin' a shit... I think I'm jus' bein' a cunt 'bout the probs.

    *He chuckles a bit*

    I've been a maungy fuckin' cunt 'bout a lotta shit lately eh? Honestly.

    *Another pause, before a quiet contemplative tone emerges*

    It's smaller than the one on the Grid though. And the one on Piney. Much.

    ... Much quiter an' all.
  10. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *Yet another audio log! The log opens with a tap, as if the PDA was being propped up, before further rustling around can be heard as it sounds as though someone was getting dressed. The voice emerges as groggy*

    /Bloody 'ell/ man, maybe Pook's pub fallin' off the map wasn't a terrible plan. No life this. 'Ungover like a proper fuckin' alcky over 'ere. But... Well... Can't goo dossin' it though eh? Now /that's/ what makes a proper jakey. No lie. Not that there's been much to bloody do like. Though don't get me wrong lads ... *A yawn can be heard* I'm 'ardly complainin'.

    Yep. New shifts an' that now. Courtesy of the Overlord. 'Bout fuckin' time, been donkeyed about far too fuckin' long by Blaze an' the stupid fucks who thinks a refugee camp is a nice place visit...

    That bein' said though... Shit's lookin' rather spacey nowadays. Proper. New flats... Pooky's gettin' a /new/ pub 'cause the one 'e 'ad got replaced by a bloody /lift./ Honestly. I won't fuckin' miss trekkin' that bastard 'ill. Kid you not.

    But yeah! I 'ave got /some/ shit to do... Need to set up a chat wi' this bird lad uh... /Ernal/ I think it is. On be'alf of Whitey. *He chuckles* Stupid fucker only went an' 'parently got a couple killed. Told some fuckin' Tinner to give someone a boot off the landin' for banter an' now... Tsk... Well now 'e's fuckin' 'anging 'round 'ere. But a mate's a mate I guess. Might as well see what I can do 'bout gettin' shit lifted. That is... If it's not already sorted 'course.

    ... Oh! Got a fuckin'... Chase up that Kathy. Goth lookin' lass. Gridder 'case I forget. She don't /seem/ bad but... Dunno. Got talkin' to Mimi the other day yeah? Sounds awful lot like a date rape kinda deal way she said it. Granted... She din't seem to care much... Kathy's not 'alf a nice lookin' lass to be fair.... 'Ardly an excuse eh? Yeah... Best be caredul 'round 'er.

    ...Maybe say sorry to Mims an' all... Eh. She's probably over it by now... 'Opefully... Either way... I need a shag /real/ soon. It's beyond a joke now.

    *The straining of material can be heard, before a few more taps, different to the ones in the opening, before the voice returns, oddly jovial*

    Got some new armour an' all! /Proper/ 'ard shit. Look the part now... 'Eavy as fuck though. They din't tell ya that on telly. Oh yeah!

    *More rustling can be heard, before the voice returns, muffled*

    Got some new 'eadwear! One of those old gas masks!

    *More rulstling, then the voice is clear once more*

    ... I thought all the breathin' shit got built in nowadays... Think it might be a prop y'know. Either fuckin' way I can breathe fine. I'll use it as like... Intimidation! Yeah! Fuckin' Maccomando burstin' out the fuckin' gnoll, send any fucker runnin'. I've been prwzcticin' wi' the rifle y'know! Constantly. I'm a fuckin' surgeon wi' it now. No lie.

    *A clap can be heard, before footsteps grownig g gradually louder as they approach*

    This multitakin' business don't 'alf 'elp wi' 'eadaches man.
    1 person likes this.
  11. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *Another audio log, opening to a quick bit of tapping on a surface, before an unusually awake and jovial voice rings through*

    Whew! So much keepin' up wi' the bloody logs eh? I tell ya, the las' few days I've been fuckin' /'ectic./ I even lost the ol' recorder for a bit there y'know. Honestly, 'ead's been chocca.

    Tell ya what! Let's do that thing I used to do back on the Spur, jus' give a proper massive /recap./ I'm gettin' bloody /proper/ bone idol since these new shifts man. Got nowt but free time! Though best not start 'ummin an' 'arrin 'bout it mind eh?

    Anyways... After the last log it was ooh... Donkeys ago. Week or two now? Anyway, not long after it aye? You've probably 'eard of that party on that Upside place by now if you're listenin' to this. It was /that/ what I attended. I /know./ Fuckin' tell me 'bout it. Shit show.

    Basically yeah? Everyone gets an invite to it. Least that's as far as I know, Kade was there so out goes me suspicions that this might've been a right posh do eh? But yeah, 'parently some celebration for some old monkey bloke who was the mayor. Was retirin'. Argus 'is name was, met 'im at the party when I went, din't seem 'alf bad truth be told.

    So I'm there aye? Minglin'... Catchin' a few eyes y'know 'ow it is. The blonde 'air /an/ the blue eyes /an'/ the accent? I'm a magnet innit? Not that there was many eyes to catch truth be told. I pretty much 'ang 'round wi' that green bird off of The Bird Nest an' Pooky the 'ole night. Aye. I know. /Pooky./ Deffo not a posh do.

    The bird seemed the type for poshness though to be fair. Don't get why 'e was 'anging 'round Pook like. By bird a 'course I don't mean like... A /proper/ bird, like the girls eh? Nah, one of those /birdmen./ Weird types innit? Turns out the green bird's that Ernal fella. I snooped 'round 'im a bit yeah? Y'get me? Secret Agent Macca an' all that. Anyway.... Shit wi' Whitey far as I know was sorted as far as I was concerned. An' nah, I don't expect ya to understand that. But it /sounds/ like a pretty stella' fuckin' story way 'e tells it. Yeah, fuckin'... Stella'.

    *He pauses for a moment, before coughing, then continuing*

    ...Anyway yeah. Minglin' was over. Pretty much where the fun stopped that night. 'Cause you'll never guess what 'appened next yeah? This monkey man; Argus, comes on up. Yadda yadda. 'Appy to be 'ere an' all that. Thanks for comin' ya bloody prole shites an' all that. Blah, blah, aye?

    Suddenly yeah? 'Is monkey /mate/ comes up to the stage after 'im. Said 'e wants to give a few words an' that. Now this monkey don't do no blah, blah. Nah, 'e goes fuckin' /blam/, /blam/ aye? Fuckin' /mental./ Argus is fuckin' shot /through./ Goodnight my sunshine. Dead.

    That's 'bout the time I 'it the floor yeah? Me an' everyone fuckin' else. Me an' Kade fuckin' 'ightail it back to Camp.

    /Turns out,/ the 'ole place only went an' got turned inside fuckin' out by some /proper/ space men. /Shields/ an' shit as I 'ear. Y'shouldve seen that Kade's bird - the McKinley one - /oh bloody 'ell./ Face likes a staffy's fuckin' arse now. Swollen an' shit. 'Parently 'er ribs got done in as well. Proper job done on 'er, poor cunt.

    Yeah... Now we's all on alert for 'em. Those shieldies, though, quite rightly, Blaze's pretty much shut shit down as far as fightin' back goes. I mean... 'Ow can we? Jus' gotta 'ope they don't take no interest now. I tell ya though, if they do? It'll be Kade's fault. The lad's fuckin' catatonic nowadays. Honestly, 3/1 'e's toppin' 'imself soon. No doubts.

    *He lets out a sigh*

    An' yeah! That's that for that night. Got some more stuff though. 'Cause this was 'round the time /Con/ caught up wi' me. Well... Actually she caught up wi' me 'round the time that dyke McKinley came in lookin' like a Yid at a Gooners game, though Con'll take some backsotry a bit. So I'm gonna get back to that. So uh... Yeah.. 'Ere's 'oping I don't fuckin' lose the recorder again eh?

    See ya's later.
    #11 Diddums, Jul 18, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2016
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  12. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *Yet another audio log follows, however the audio quality seeming leaps and bounds above previous logs, however the speaker still speaks in hushed tones. and as if the microphone is placed close to his mouth. The voice carried no tiredness, instead almost a little bit of excitement*

    Does ya 'member when I said: 'I's 'ope I don't lose the recorder?'

    Well you'll never believe it lads, but I honestly went an' lost the recorder.

    *He snorts, before coughing a bit, then groaning*

    Me fuckin' legs are killin' me man... Anyways! I's got a new phone innit? Been a few months since the last log entry I know, but I'm gettin' more tech savvy me now man! Learnt 'ow to get those logs onto this phone. Aye. I didnae really lose the las' one it jus' went a bit... 'Aywire innit? Dropped it in the bath back at the flat.

    *A pause came after that, before a low snicker*

    Fuckin' flats man, gotta lotta fuckin' talkin' to do 'fore I catch ya's up to the present boyos, tell ya that for fuckin' nowt. Might not get much chance neither, laid up in the fuckin' 'ospital right now wi' those fuckin' jar'eads who used to come 'round the 'fugee camp, an' I'm fuckin' well gassed man, jus' got back from-... Well... Plenty a fuckin' catch-up as I said lads. Cross the bridge when we get to it innit?

    Start from beginnin' eh?

    *Another sniff, before a quiet sigh*

    Well then... The camp's fuckin' gone lads. 'Bandoned. I dunnae know what's proper gone on, but I's got told the fuckin' green crystals I used to shoot for target practice to become the Dead-Eye Warrior I am now? 'Parently they's got dead angry, fuckin'... Glowin' or some shit. Dangerous. Couldn't stay there no more. Always seemed a wee bit fuckin' ominous if ya asked me lads. I mean... The 'ole place was built on this massive mack-off old bridge innit? Old. Old shites are dangerous 'round 'ere.

    Anyway, 'ere nor there that. Got sep'rated from everyone since then. Blaze, Kade, Laur', that Mimi lass... Connie. Tsk. Big fuckin' mess there man. Giant fuckin' mess of it.

    Fuck it, anyway's, so's I sort of made the trek back to the family innit? I gots job out there... Odd ones. Part-timin', 'nough to live off at the end o' the day. But... Well who knows, gotta payday comin' in, sort of the reson why I'm stuck laid up 'ere...

    *A pause for a few seconds*

    Speakin' of 'ere boys, I'm gonna come off for now, don't want to go actin' too conspicuous too long in an 'ospital eh? Might start thinkin' I'm for the loony bin next.

    I'll see ya's in a bit.
  13. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *Another audio log follows, the improved quality consistent with the last*

    OK, got another bit o’ privacy, keep it quick fire eh? Consistent.

    As of right now lads, they’re set to get us on crutches soon ‘parently. Thought I might milk what R an’ R I can get off ‘em for now though, though they is getting’ pushy. The cast is on the leg, plate ‘parently fucked up the bone when it crumpled, th- ‘Ang on a sec! I’m getting’ fuckin’ well ahead of m’self ain’t I?

    I think I jus’ ‘bout got done talkin’ ‘bout leavin’ Loswake yeah? Glowin’ crystals an’ shite? Anyways, took the armour, gun an’ some ammo out wi’ me, ‘swell as a wee bit o’ dosh courtesy o’ the boss lass Blaze yeah? Fuckin’ months o’ work gone in a bloody flash… Or glow I s’pose.

    Anyways, pretty borin’ after that. Got back in touch wi’ the ma an’ siblin’s, still cunts all ‘round truth be told. ‘Cept Tommy ‘as a bird now, poor slag. I think they’s got a wee bairn on the way an’ all. Marie drops ‘round me mam’s pretty on the dot, an’ don’t tap ‘alf as much as Tommy still does, no usin’ ‘er bairns for an excuse for money at the very least.

    Other than that nowt much new, got a wee job they’re fillin’ skips up, not ‘alf as dense as that fuckin’ Grid shit’ole, so bit chiller. Still get ‘round over ‘ere deeper in the Fringe when I can though eh? Fat fuckin’ load o’ good it’s done me like, stuck in their fuckin’ ‘ospital. I innae payin’ this bill lads, I fuckin’ promise ya that boyos.

    Anyway, I got back for an’ ‘Alloween party, meant to go as one o’ those vampire lot, got me ‘air done up for an’ everythin’, couldnae get a fuckin’ cape or nuthin’ for it thoughe, I saved it though. Got the idea to go as Prince Charmin’ instead yeah? They fuckin’ loved it they did, beautiful.

    Not the point though! Point is, I saw old faces yeah? Gear’eart an’ Blaze most notably. Oh, an’ that Mimi bird, she still seemed to be on the blob though. Gear seemed to be in a bit o’ a boo as time went on, though she wasnae rude or owt, ‘least not for the first night, though she was justified…. Dependin’ ‘ow ya look at it like.

    An’ I remember that was that mainly, the party went on over like three nights or summin’, first night… Well first night not much’part from like… Well summin pretty big but I’s not gots to talk ‘bout it right now an’ uh... Second one didnae include much truth be told. Bit of a bollocking but uh… As I say, keep that ‘til later. Di’nt go to the third one.

    Decided to stick ‘round for a wee bit, got m’self in at a wee B n’ B for now, mainly ‘cause o’ what ‘appened on the first night. An’… Well now we getting’ to why’s I’m in ‘ospital yeah? I’ll leave that to the next log eh? Can’t go yammerin’ on too long like.
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  14. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    *Another log follows*

    Best keep these up eh?

    I'm up an' about now like, so's I 'ant got much excuse to be puttin' it off eh? As for up an' about, it's mainly a matter o' them stickin' me wi' some crutches an' sendin' me off to be honest. Still gotta go in for check-ups an' that, stay 'way from anymore absolutely-bangin'-'ero shit, as I am one to do eh?

    *He chuckles, before giving way to a content sigh*

    S'posed I'd best get on to explainin' it eh lads? Well to put it simply lads, it was jus' a wee escort job. The 'ook was I was gonnae get paid /Three. Thousand. Smackers./ I know right? No word of a fuckin' fib though, swear down. I thought it 'ad to be some /proper/ shady an' illegal shite eh? But nah, 'parently not, else I wouldnae be talkin' 'bout it 'ere rest assured, I'm no that dim kidder.

    Aye, 'parently the... Owner or summat? - of that big fuckin' station 'ad me an' some jar'ead cunts an' some mercs go down wi' 'er to... I dunno, she plugged 'er 'ead in to some fuckin' telly at the end of the day, I dunno. Not illegal it dint seem but deffo fuckin' shady.

    So we go wi' this green-'aired lass under the cause o' fuckin' savin' the 'ole station or some shite like that I think. Me, that Scheffler, two of 'is boys - one's called Mike an' the others that Britton lad, 'member 'im from pattin' 'im down a few times back at Lowswake, regular visitor that one. Shady. So yeah, me, jar'ead trio, this other cunt in fancy light-up armour an' some other jumpy lanky prick wi' a mask. We all 'ad masks on, fuckin' gas or some other science shite.

    To be fair to the lass, she did warn us prior that they were these big animal fuckers down in the buildin' we was 'eading, but /fuckin' 'ell/ lad.... I can honestly say I fought fuckin' /monsters/ now pal, jus' bloody... /Giant/ fuckers they were. Like... These big fuckin' 30 stone-weighin' dog-lookin' bastards wi' these green shards out their back. /Disgustin'./ Them's what did me legs in, one of 'em crumpled the plate, that's what fucked up the bone, an' he other one jus' got a nice fuckin' mouthful of me other one, wonder 'e didnae rip the 'ole thing off to be honest.

    End o' day though... We's all got out... Amazin'ly. I mean... Truth be told that Scheffler got the worst of it, this big fuckin' /mother/ one swallowed the cunt 'ole. I dinnae know 'ow 'e got out like, all I remember was shootin' that bitch in the 'ead 'fore one of it's kiddies got me leg an' dragged me down the stairs. /'Orror/ movie shite.

    Anyway, maybe I'll give a fuckin' synopsis when they make a movie 'bout me eh? More... 'Bout the why than /what/ truth be told.

    Basically like... That first night o' the 'ween party yeah? On the station? Well I's got off wi' some lass 'parently, pulled 'er an' all that. Back to the ship yadda yadda an'... Well I dunnae bring fuckin' johnnies to a fuckin' fancy dress party, I'm sorry, but that shite's jus' fuckin' /well/ pervy innit? Well... Great minds think a fuckin' like 'parently man I mean...

    We know's where I'm goin' wi this eh? She's up the duff. Preggo 'parently. I mean... I dunno where she even is right now truth be told. Try callin 'er but... No answer, phone's always off. Might jus' be bad luck on my 'alf or... She's got a new number or what. I jus'... I thought I'd get the cash for 'er eh? I mean... Whatever she's plannin' to do wi' it.

    ... I'm no ready for a kid man, not me. I... Well's 'oping she gets rid truth be told, but ye cannae tell 'em that can ya? An' I won't be doin', I jus'... Gotta fuckin' deal wi' whatever she picks now. I dunno if they charge for that shite but... Well I got the cash to pay for it, least I can fuckin' do. If... Well if she decides she's keepin' the thing then... Guess I's payin' for that instead wi' the cash. Not nearly 'nough like but... Well 'opefully the legs will 'eal eh?

    *There is a pause for a good 5 seconds*

    Mabel 'er name is. Lives wi' a fuckin' /plant./ Crazy I know but... She's nae bad. Nice like. Why I can't jus' fuckin' bounce out innit?

    An' /that's/ what Gear gave me the bollockin' for... Might be justified to be honest. Wonder what she'd think o' the cash though. Blaze approved. Not 'nough for a wee blowie for the injured like but... Approved.

    Jus' gotta 'ope everythin' works out in the end don't ya lads?