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Floran History

Discussion in 'Floran' started by L.O.R.I.E., Oct 7, 2016.

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  1. L.O.R.I.E.

    L.O.R.I.E. Lil Ole' Record & Info Editor

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Era of Isolation
    Era of Conquest
    Era of Growth
    Current Era

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    Era of Isolation

    Ever since first contact was made with this peculiar species of highly aggressive, sapient plant life, the Florans have been at odds with other sapient lifeforms. Sometime after instigating hostilities with the Glitch, the Florans were discovered by the space-faring empire of the Avians, who, upon learning of the highly aggressive nature and eerie ability to break down and integrate alien technology into their own, decided to continue observing these terrifying, yet intriguing species from afar, labelling their home world “FL1-4”.

    However, due to a gas leak in a reserve ship, which was tasked with ressuplying the Avian research vessel, a huge explosion occured, killing several crewmembers outright, disabling the ship's autopilot and hurling the ship towards FL1-4, where the surviving crewmembers would meet their end. Upon discovering the Avian wreckage, the Florans began their signature patchwerk style of repairs. Observing this with some alarm, the Avian research vessel called for military intervention. After receiving the transmission, a nearby Avian military patrol set course to FL1-4 to intercept the stolen supply ship.

    The patrol arrives a few days before the Florans launch, and prepare to initiate armed intervention. Barely spaceworthy, the stolen supply ship launches, and within moments it is immediately under fire by the patrol ship. The already heavily damaged supply ship sustained more damage, however, due to the combination of the fact that the patrol ship wasn't outfitted with particularly heavy weaponry and sheer luck the Florans manage to engage their FTL drive for a rather short jump, sending the ship once again crashing into another planet of the Floran home system, resulting in the first successful Floran exodus. This triggered an ongoing conflict between the Avians and the Florans, with the Avians trying to restrict the Florans to their home system.

    Era of Conquest
    Despite the Avians’ heavy military presence, the Florans have managed to spread across multiple worlds. However, the Avians were successful in restricting the Florans to their home system, for now. As a result of the Avians' interventions, these new Floran worlds were isolated from their kin, resulting in the formation of numerous major tribes. Cultural differences and tribal disputes arose and as such, the Avians had succeeded in dividing the Florans.

    Confident in the fact that these primitives would be preoccupied in their inner struggles, the Avians loosened their tight grip on the Floran home system, which in turn would lead to their salvation. An extraordinary Floran, hailing from the Floran home world, FL1-4, had heard stories from their elders about these bird creatures from across the stars, who had been oppressing their people for ages. This prodigal Floran, by the name of Greenfinger would eventually succeed in rallying their kin, uniting the many different tribes and lead the great Floran Horde.

    Greenfinger and his Florans discovered that there were multiple research facilities, built by an ape-like species, hidden away on various planets in the Floran home system. Coordinating their assault, the Florans located the majority of these facilities, infiltrating them and striking down their personnel before they could sound any alarm. Utilising the Apex's resources, the Florans started building a crude fleet.

    The Avians, negligent of these developments, were taken by surprise when one day, seemingly out of nowhere, a massive emigration occurred, on multiple planets, simultaneously, in the Floran home system. Destroying many in an attempt to intervene, the Avians were overwhelmed by the sheer number of ships that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere and engaged their FTL drives, leaving their home system as one.

    When the Avians had learned where these Floran ships had gone off to, they were shocked.
    A species of sapient amphibians, known as the Hylotl, who had cultivated a rich culture of enlightened, pacifistic ideologies, were under attack by this overwhelmingly numerous offensive force of Floran military forces.

    After initially being forced to take shelter in their underwater settlements, the Florans quickly found ways to infiltrate and assault these last Hylotl strongholds as well, forcing them to surrender their home world to the Florans and to evacuate. This event would later be remembered as the Great Invasion, which nearly led to the extinction of the Hylotl species.

    Era of Growth
    After conquering the Hylotl home world, the Florans, following Greenfinger’s directions, started salvaging the Hylotl home world, which resulted in the Florans upgrading their own armaments and ships. Though still majorly inferior to other concurrent militaries in terms of the quality of their equipment and supplies, combined with their overwhelming numbers, the Florans, for the first time in their history, became a force to be reckoned with. In response to this regrettable occurance, the Avian military was ordered to pull back from Floran territory, in order to prevent further casualties and to safeguard their own territory against the threat posed by the united Floran Horde.

    This brought about an era of relative peace, with Florans generally engaging in minor skirmishes with other species, when they formed an obstacle in the pursuit of their own expansion. Under the guidance of the first Greenfinger, the Florans continued to consume, to spread and to multiply. Greenfinger was also responsible for the mending of relations between the Florans and the Glitch, which led to a lasting friendship and cooperation between the two peculiar species.

    Additionally, Greenfinger brought about many innovations, in areas of Floran culture, war tactics, technology and cultivation of plant life. These teachings were of great importance, in particular to their descendants, who would be responsible for the cultural and technological progression of the Florans, the greatest among them would receive the title of "Greenfinger" themselves, gaining positions of significant authority within tribal hierarchies.

    Current Era
    The Floran by the name of Greenfinger has long since passed and no Florans exist who have experienced the Great Invasion for themselves, resulting in the fact that many Florans are either ignorant of the event, or have heard stories which have been passed down by their elders.

    The great Floran Horde has been divided into many greater tribes, led by extraordinary Florans, commonly counselled by Greenfingers. These greater tribes have also spawned many minor tribes, each with their own customs and levels of aggression.

    In addition to this new development, Florans have been known to question the more savage and aggressive tenets of their society, often resulting in exile and sometimes in abandonment of their tribes in order to attempt to explore the possibility of coexistence with the other sapient species of the galaxy.

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    #1 L.O.R.I.E., Oct 7, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2016
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