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Poll Opinions and Options on Server Direction

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by Smokestack, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Let's stop attacking eachother...
    I'm of the opinion that anyone who's 100% convinced they're right is most likely wrong.
    One should always try to have an open mind and doubt their own convictions, in order to complement them with those of others and to evolve as a person.
    #21 Khaltor, Sep 30, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2016
  2. Pyro_Sanders

    Pyro_Sanders Warcrime Sprite Creator

    Nov 18, 2015
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    I'm no staff member, or lore writer, or really anything, but. I think the lore writing team should stick to writing lore, it's already been ages since we've had any official lore. And we shouldn't weigh them down with more

    Now, calling Recluse's attitude "sour ass" and proceeding to say he can't see things the way they are is wrong, you're being just like him. Maybe you should think that people who've been here far longer then you could be right?
  3. TrashHound

    Apr 11, 2015
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    Although he is rather sour about it, I do feel like Michael brings up some fair points. My greatest peeve with this server, however, is that everyone complains about the lack of events and things to do, but no one does anything about it. When people try to introduce something cool to the server, a handful of other people shoot it down for not being 'accurate', then proceed to complain about things being too bland on the server.

    My advise, bluntly put, is to do something about it or stop complaining.
  4. Candelaio

    Candelaio New Member

    Sep 29, 2016
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    Alright, I am greener than Iceland and less known about than Greenland but I have an idea.
    Every other Serious roleplay I have been to has had a "Fiction Primer" I think that this would be an immense asset to your community especially with this being Starbound. It would need to be collaborated on and written by trusted, respected members of this community. It would take a lot of work and even more time but I truly think this would help.
  5. Edward_Norton

    Edward_Norton New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    nice explanation of what that is. made me want to choose you!
  6. Candelaio

    Candelaio New Member

    Sep 29, 2016
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    Sorry, new here and all, Everywhere I have been its been a common term. A fiction primer commonly and usually explains the tech, the uncommon and common materials, sometimes the factions and notable figures. It makes it a lot less messy and easier in my opinion. It stops people from bringing in these overly outlandish things or, even better has people bring in these overly outlandish things that still fit within the lore.
    I will say though, it does go by a lot of names, lore primer being one, and my favorite: Idiot's guide to this server.
    #26 Candelaio, Sep 30, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2016
  7. Edward_Norton

    Edward_Norton New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    It's fine, thanks for the explanation, but we sort of have that.
  8. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    That sort of thing is being worked on, yes. It should be happening soon™
  9. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    I'm already running a new event, apparently I'm a glutton for punishment kek.
  10. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    After the past what, two and a half, almost three years, of being around here, I've had a lot of opinions and experience on the matter. Angre makes a very solid argument. Factions and settlements are what largely started events. It'd be nice to see people taking more initiative when they take on the responsibility of running their own thing. Periodic (But not necessarily regular events) would help a lot. Almost every faction or settlement I've seen becomes more of an "Old Boys" club more than they become a roleplay element. Just having a place with a bar that looks cool for people to talk in and occasionally fight is no fun, there has to be actual activity. Having seen both perspectives of staff and player, player driven events are going to be better than anything the staff can come up with. Server-wide events are fun and necessary, and something I would like to see the staff do more, but as far as the daily struggles go, that relies much more on the players to get what they want out of it. Raids or missions would be great fun for people to have.

    Another issue that gets in the way of events is that the "Throwaway character" idea is so horribly bashed as soon as even the idea of it comes up, that people get discouraged from realizing the potentials of it. Throwaway characters were dubbed as such because people would make them just to bolster faction numbers in events, because people can't take losing or they want their faction to be some great superpower. However, the term got applied to ANY temporary characters. Characters that show up, fulfill a purpose, and move on are great for RP, whether it's some threat to civilized space, or just a sort of neutral party for an event. If a character runs a gang of thugs and their group is eradicated in a hellfire of bullets, it makes sense that the character would run away or be killed, not hanging around at the local nightlife the next day because just getting rid of the character would be neat.

    Last opinion. A sort of overarching 'theme' to the server would be great. I'm not by any means saying a plot, the server doesn't have to have a beginning, middle, and end, or some forced story arcs - Just some solid backstory and some structure. For awhile the old staff team I was a part of toyed with the idea of Antares being Council territory. While the council didn't have much presence, the idea was that there'd be very minor infrastructure and the occasional military party checking around for whatever reason. More or less, it would be like the American territories back in the 16 and 1700s, where England technically owned lands outside the official colonies, but they were still full of natives, foreign nations' troops and civilians, and there was no real power the government held other than name and the occasional crooked official.

    Lots of this was just rambling, so I'd love to elaborate or discuss anything there.
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