I've seen lots of characters floating about who play an instrument but only on their spare time, or to impress someone. But what if instead of it just being a side thing, why not have some people for a "Band"? First things frst, I already have a ton of songs (of my choosing of course) that I've made ABC files for for their respective parts. Which means, the group would actually be able to play the music IC and IG without it sounding like a clusterfuck of sound! If anyone is interested, feel free to contact me please.
I don't see how band RP would be an issue. It'd bring something up that isn't -just- bar, military, or closed event RP which is a little too common in SBRP from my experience. So? TwoFiveTwo you should organize up a band if you think you can pull it off proper; you get around to recruiting a band? Do a few practice sessions beforehand with a few friends as a bit of RP, then bother some colony heads for some performances. I'd say it's worth a shot, just be sure to keep an open mind to criticism and always understand failure is an option.