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In Memoriam

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by phantam, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    The half written manuscript lies on the bookshelf of the Floran known as Kniferoot in his home on Mud, wrapped in twine, growing larger as new chapters are added and previous chapters are revisited.
    A chronicle of the Memoria Sector
    And the trials and tribulations faced by it.

    Written By: Kniferoot of Floran'Da,
    Doctor Jason Grammaticus, MD.

    Despite growing up on one of the many colonies in the Memorian Sector, the circumstances of it's abandonment and the nature of many of the events within the sector are shrouded in mystery.
    Though these days, I call the grounded colony of Mud home, I find myself wondering what occurred in my sector of birth which led to an entire sector being abandoned.
    This coupled with a few other strange coincidences surrounding me have led me to try contacting various individuals from the Memoria sector to try and piece together the history of Memoria.
    I hope those of you who read this text find it informative.

    Dedicated to:
    Khroa Amos, may Kluex smile upon her.

    Chapter 0

    Memoria, a sector abandoned. One moment thriving and overcoming it's violent roots, the next moment collapsed, it's people fleeing en masse save for the few brave souls who remained, only leaving once they realised they were now alone.
    What could have caused an entire sector's worth of people to flee, What kind of catastrophe merits such an immense response and why is no one willing, or able, to speak of it.

    To understand the nature of this response, we must first look to the people of Memoria, and to understand them, we must look at the sector itself, how it came to be and what kind of people made it the way it is.

    Memoria was and remains mainly uninhabited, an entire sector of unpoliced frontier space within which exiles, rouges and other sorts took refuge. Communities forming and cities being raised to support these individuals.
    Time has proven again and again that these individuals, perhaps looked upon as unsavoury by their home cultures, are perfectly capable of not just fending for themselves but creating working societies and that is exactly what happened in Memoria.

    The colonies of Memoria are like fires burning in the dark, one is lit and moths flutter to the flame, it burns and soon reaches the epoch of it's heat, then it sputters and dies.
    Such was the fate of a colony on the Memorian frontier, a moment in the limelight and population before the curtains fall and the colony fades in obscurity, whether abandoned by it's leadership or simply collapsing due to an economy built to sustain itself on the constant flow of visitors it's first few months of existence has suggested would be the norm, meanwhile others are torn apart by the violence and struggles these very visitors they rely upon bring with them.

    Very few colonies in Memoria survived the test of time, but those that do stood proud and strong, enduring where others had fallen, among them were Lenna Prime, and Floran'Da. While both these colonies have a plethora of history behind them and it would be easy to focus on them, one must not forget the others. Refuge City, Sevastapol, Gyushal, Terminus, Mahali Mauti, New Eden, Sanctuary to name a few.

    It is with the colonies of Refuge City where Memoria begins, the first city to rise up in Memoria proper and where the beginnings of the groups which would stand firm through Memoria take place.
    #1 phantam, Aug 11, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2016
  2. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Chapter 1
    In the cold void of the Memoria sector, there was a beacon. A rusted thing, built from scrap and held together by ingenuity and the hard work of it's inhabitants.
    Refuge City it was called, and for a long period of time, it was the first stop for those arriving to the sector.
    A post it-note is appended to the half scrawled draft.
    Need to find out more, find survivors, anyone who might know about Refuge.
    Topics to cover;
    The formation of the Tree-Council of Floran'Da, the formation of the Crimson Cross, the split off to Sanctuary and the fall of Refuge.