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Smoke's Stop

Discussion in 'Market and Trade' started by Smokestack, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Smoke's Stop is a business run by me, Smokestack. The primary focus of my shop is the advancement of future tech projects, the repair of damaged mechanical equipment, the upgrading of mechanical equipment, and the production of mechanical equipment.

    A little about myself as a business owner is that I am entirely taught by the experiences that I have. I have worked in a ship production facility since I was a child and worked in a pit crew as lead mechanic for pod racing and ship fighting. I specialized in ship weapon construction, ship engine repair, and ship body repair. I also worked as a pilot, so I have an intimate understanding of all things mechanical as well as a love for all things mechanical.

    I wasn't satisfied with just ships though after realizing that my knowledge and experience can be used to create things beneficial to others. And that's why Smoke's Stop exists.

    As much as I'd like to work alone, I also like to work with people who also share my passion for technology. Or those that can bear with me.

    What is work like at Smoke's Stop?
    • Inexperienced workers sometimes are placed under mentorship to learn my trade. I like to see people learn.
    • Experienced workers work alongside me with projects.
    • Experienced workers will also be allowed to work on their own projects that are added to the shop's catalog.
    • Workers will interact with clients to determine if they are seeking custom orders, repairs, or products. They get paid a commission alongside their hourly wage. This is because it isn't right for someone who's making the pitch to not be rewarded for it. ((that and I like encouraging RP))
    • There are lots of explosions, weapons testing, and material retrieval.
    What is the pay like at Smoke's Stop?
    • Apprentices get paid 150 pixels a week and then they can be classified as inexperienced workers. Apprentices work along side experienced workers as assistants.
    • Inexperienced workers get paid 300 pixels a week. Inexperienced workers work on body repairs and general mechanics.
    • Experienced workers get paid 450 pixels a week. Experienced workers will work on their own projects as well as future tech projects.
    Everyone gets paid commission alongside the base salary for the sale of certain products. Workers that get a contract also get commission. The rate is negotiable.

    The Application
    • Name:
    • Age:
    • Gender:
    • Experience:
    • Position Applying for:
    • What makes you happy?:
    If you have any questions, please contact me through Smokestack@starnet.com
    1 person likes this.
  2. Cynirr

    Cynirr O15

    Mar 27, 2014
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    ((so a mechanical engineer from star wars
  3. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    • Name: Amadeus Evanovske
    • Age: 49
    • Gender: Male
    • Experience: Three decades of work on energy and entertainment technology
    • Position Applying for: I"ll leave that to you
    • What makes you happy?: ((A smoking gun and a pocketful of caps)) Vexillology, Pine, Imperfection
    #3 Krug, Aug 11, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2016
  4. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    • Name: Larson(Starnet name: Alphawolf)
    • Age: 22
    • Gender: Male
    • Experience: I have worked with robotics for a while as a personal hobby, I'm mostly familiar with Omnicomputer brand machinery, but I have varied knowledge on other brands of robotics. I am also a bit familiar with cybernetic limbs, though anything actually connecting it to the body is far from anything I'm aware of. Also, I have a standard DSAD unit I've spent a few years modifying, if that shows any of my expertise.
    • Position Applying for: Inexperienced or Apprentice, whichever works for you.
    • What makes you happy?: Merely seeing my work come to life can bring a smile to my face, though for recreational fun, I usually go with video games on that front.
  5. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Sadly I'm going to turn you down.

    Approved on Apprentice level pay probation. Wait for call-in.
  6. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    (( >:CCCCCC ))
  7. Trra_Snowfeather

    Trra_Snowfeather New Member

    Nov 22, 2016
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    Still accepting applications for helping hands?

    • Name: T'rra
    • Age: 28
    • Gender: Male
    • Experience: Avosion University degree of Crystalline Engineering. Only 3 years OTJ training; worked on a freighter for three years as the designated mechanic, keeping the old bird alive. My experience is knowledge-based and limited to one ship, and I'm anxious to learn.
    • Position Applying for: Apprenticeship. I'm trying to make myself marketable, so throw me where you need me, and I'll try to prove something.
    • What makes you happy?: Watching a machine stir to life after everyone else thought it dead. Nothing is too broke to fix.
  8. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Questionable application. I will contact for an interview.