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Razor Vines' Voice Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by phantam, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Ship Databanks: Sword of Thorns.
    Voice Logs/User/RazorVines
    Log #1

    Hssss, hasssn't donesss one of thisss in a longsss timesss. Lossst sssome of my old logsss from beforesss.
    Sssso, here I amsss. Vrak-Lofn Razor Vinesss, Thornblade Pack-Leadersss, Retaliator Mercenaryss Sssergeantss, Tree-Mother of Floran'Da and Chiefsss of the Thornbladesss Tribess. Andsss lassst but notsss leassst, Wyvern-Knightsss of the Knightss Order of Taranisss.

    Sssseemsss ssso long ago whensss I ransss awaysss. Leftsss my kinsss to burnssss on thatss desssolate fieldsss. Andss it wasss ssso long ago. Sssome forty yearssss... by humansss ssstandardsss. Ssstill here the cracklingsss firesss in my ssssleep sssometimesss... althoughsss notsss asss much asss alwaysss. Mossstly I remembersss the crimssson crosss, Lynasss lifelesss body, Borinsss in a madsss rage. Tcloasss denouncationssss... allsss sssortsss of blursss togethersss now.

    Butsss thatsss isss the passsst. Borinsss isss here, asss iss Tcloa. Wisssh they had arrivedsss before thisss ssshitssstorm ssstarted brewingsss thoughsss.

    End logsssss pleassse.

    End of Log #1
  2. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Ship Databanks: Sword of Thorns.
    Voice Logs/User/RazorVines
    Log #2

    Warssss ssssoon theysss sssay. Notsss sssure whether to be excitedsss or afraidsss. Hasssn'tsss been in onesss in a longsss timesss.
    One wouldsss thinksss it getsss easssier to killsss but wouldsss be wrongssss. Asss you growsss olderss, meetssss peoplesss. You ssssee more of yourssselfsss and your friendsss in the meatsss. Getsss hardersss every year that passsess.

    Hsssh hsssh hssssh... Wassss right, isss growing ssssoftsss. Wondersss if havingssss a bigger sssship would fix problemsss.

    Anywaysss. Willsss ssssee how thingsss go. Isss movingsss up to Bannermansss of the Wyvernssss now. Notsss exactlysss the dropsss in resssponsssibilitiesss I wasss hopingsss forsss. Butssss willsss followsss through with itss. Isss... wellsss... End logssss pleassse.

    End of Log #2
  3. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    The last few years of logs on the shuttle are scrambled, corrupted through time and years of being unused.

    Ship Databanks: Journeyman.
    Voice Logs/User/Razor Vines
    Log #837

    Hssss, hass not feltsss pain likesss thisss in long timess. Likesss firesss on arm whichsss no longer exisstss.
    Iss not knowss why wasss tasssed, butss hopesss Aviansss hass good reassson for ssstupid thing hass causssed Floran great painsss.

    Isss foundsss Kniferootsss againss, likesss a ghossstsss of the passst keepsss bumpingsss into himsss every few yearsss. Each time isss colder and more dissstant.

    Humansss have ssaying, apple doesss not fall far from tree. Butsss Kniferootsss ssstandss far away from tree. Hasss builtsss homesss where tree cannot followsss.

    Hsss, isss tiringsss, to watchsss all fadess away. Friendsss leave. Peoplesss leave. Sssoon city isss left in darknessss and I mussst leavesss asss well.

    Hasss not sssleep well in weeksss, dessspite making home in sssmall savvanahssss, finding comfort in sssimple lifesss...
    Floran hasss not changed, worldsss hass changed. No moresss refugesss for me to hidesss in exceptss oness of my ownss makingsss.

    Makesss me remembersss what Lyna sssaid whensss Floran'Da wassa founded.
    Isss a place where Floran can go and be Floran. A refugesss for thossse who needsss to be accepted but willsss never be.
    An examplesss of being bettersss than what oness expectss.
    Wasss meant asss home for Floranss back thensss. But becamesss home for outcasstss and losstsss.
    Only now realissess I wasss losst asss well. Lynasss gave Floran sssomething to fight for. Tcloass and Borinss gave Floran sssomeone to protectsss. Franz and Johnsss gave Floran oathsss to upholdsss.
    Now Floran mussst keep her promissesss. Isss bessst to ssstartsss with thisss cultsss of flesssh.
    Isss itchingsss to beamsss back down to Mudsss. To retrievesss what Floran left behindsss. Axe ofss the Chieftansss, Ssword of the Knightsss, Sssidearmss of the Sssoldier, Daggersss of the Sssisster.

    Hssss. Cannotsss waitssa for the huntsss to beginsss.

    End of Log #837
  4. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Ship Databanks: Journeyman.
    Voice Logs/User/Razor Vines
    Log #838

    Floran messssed up, but isss hopeful. Sssseeemsss Floran only doessss logsss after getsss injured.

    Cultsss of flesssh isss dead, Markusss gibbedsss by big gunsss from human called Wessley.
    Likesss humansss gun, isss good at unlocking doorsss. Hsssh hsssh hsssh.

    Fuckedsss up thoughsss, wentsss to check deadsss but not deadsss cultissst and got footsss blow off for troublessss. Hsss, will not fallsss for that againssss.

    Hasss been drinkingsss and beingsss aroundsss Ssstar-Dancer andsss Avian Polly moresss recently, isss like minded peoplesss. Wantingsss to defendss and ssslaysss threatsss and notss afraid to get boodsss on clawsss and gizzardss in throatssss in processs.

    Floran hasss dream of firesss. Isss like worldsss burning. Floran'Da burningsss like whensss crimssson crosss came for Floran.
    Gyussshal burningsss.
    Lenna burningsss.
    Hssss, everything Floran heldsss ass... wordsss, wordsss. Minessss.
    Everything Floran heldsss asss minesss gonesss. Isss already in passst, no ssscentsss or sssoundsss of thossse Floran knew asss kin. Butssss asss sssun dragsss on overhead, Floran thinksss perhapsss iss alwaysss hopesss for better dawnsss.

    Huntsss isss difficult without footsss but Floran hasss lived through worssse. Floran digsss out ssshotgun and crosssbow from sstockpilsss and beamss down old bikesss, ridesss along landssscape. Noissse ssscaresss off sssmaller creaturesss but bigger onesss isss sslower to move off, race alongssside herdssss and pumpsss buckssshotsss into themsss.
    Cressstsss hill and waitsss for kill, crosssbow at readysss.
    Issss not Floran'sss normal methodsss of huntingsss but isss.
    Relaxing in waysss.
    Kniferoot, ssspiritsss-blesssed childerss hasss kept promissse. Keepsss in contact with Floran.
    Talksss about ssstudiesss in core ssssectorss and outsssidesss council ssspace. Triesss to explain thingsss which Floran not undersstand. Likesss Amaryllisss, Likesss Darrensss, Likesss Tcloa and Borinssss. Sssseesss all of them reflected in Kniferootsss. Isss not Floran qualitiesss, not proper Floran, but isss ssstill goodsss qualitiesss. Disssapointed yesss, but notsss upssset. Wouldsss be. What isss wordsss. Hippocraticsss.
    Yesss, wouldsss be hippocraticsss to be upssset at Kniferoot.

    Issss good childersss after all, may not likesss Floran but ressspectsss.

    Isss ssso much like Darrensss.

    Floran misssesss sssilly humansss, alwaysss talkingss, advisssingsss.
    Misssesss Lilithss, Havoksss. Wasss one of fewsss who truly underssstood Floran. Issss amazing womansss. Wondersss where ssshe issss. Takingssss good caresss of Razkasss Floran hopesss.

    Floran... hopesss.

    End of Log #838
  5. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Ship Databanks: Journeyman.
    Voice Logs/User/Razor Vines
    Log #839

    Local Databanks: Serenity Valley
    Voice Logs/User/Razor Vines
    Log #840

    Floran hasss leftsss little retrymentsss cottage. Isss grow tired of sssitting aroundss.
    Huntingss cultsss of flesssh andsss workingsss with Ssstar Dancersss bringss Floran back to better timess.
    Foot hasss regrown and Floran isss findsss no sssolace in sssittingss roundss doingss nothing.
    Ssso go findss Ssstar, isss helpingss run familiesss ssettlementss, Floran think might asss well chipss in and helpss out.

    Isss funny, hasss ssspent ssso long aroundss humansss and apex and aviansss. Feltsss old and sssoft.
    But when isss around Nova, sssee how old isss, feelsss younger. Isss not ssso old, iss not have reassson to give up and disssapear jussst yet.

    Ssso here Floran isss, in Nova townsss, hasss made homess in tree on hillsss overlooking town, isss nice place, clear liness of firess from topsss and plenty of hidey holesss. Hardsss asss fucksss to breachsss and clearsss. Floran put sssome trapss down, iss sssafe asss anythingsss.

    Will sssee how can helpsss out aroundss place.
  6. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Ship Databanks: Sword of Thorns.
    Voice Logs/User/Vrak-Lofn Razor Vines[[User Corrupted]]
    Log #2835[[Datestamp Corrupted]]


    More of thessse bassstardss keep coming. New Eden isss razed to the ground. Their ssshipsss punch through from the neighbouring sssector. [[CORRUPTED]] Tcloa ssstandsss with me, raisssing hisss fleet to assisssst mine. He fearsss for Khroa'sss life. [[CORRUPTED]] Willsss gutsss thossse basstardsss like the cowardsss they are, in the namesss of Floran'Da and thossse lossst in it'sss defence. Yuikamisss, Kniferootsss, Leafwalkersss. Ssso many lossst. [[CORRUPTED]] Razka mournsss for hiss bother, they were not clossse but bondsss of blood isss ssstill bondsss of blood He pussshesss Havok to let him take a sship, to retaliatesss and I ak tempted to let him have hisss way, to prove how worthy he isss of my titlessss.[[CORRUPTED]] Kon'da liesss bleeding in the clinic. Darren can't sssave everyone.
    Amaryllisss or Kon'Da.
    Ssso many choicesss ssso many folliesss.
    We will win thissss fight, Floran'Da will ssstand.

    Ship Databanks: Sword of Thorns.
    Voice Logs/User/RazorVines
    Log #842

    Floran isss home.
  7. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Ship Databanks: Sword of Thorns.
    Voice Logs/User/RazorVines
    Log #843

    Floran'Da sssstandssss.
    Ernal, little green birdsss from Mud asssked if Floran knew waysss to Memoria.
    Ssso Floran offered to bring himsss down to Memoria.
    And now here isss, homesss at lassst, after fifteen yearsss.
    It isss like Floran had never left.
    Sssso cold, sssso empty but notsss lifeless.
    Asss Vrak-Rae wasss grown from the environsss, sssso it isss that the environssss take it back.

    Ssspit-rippersss and ssslither-bitesss are aboundsss, asss are bloat-ssshellsss. The ssswift-horsss run freely outssside the trunk asss well.

    Floran sssaw Lyna todaysss.
    Heh, isss familiar wordsss, lassst time Floran sssaid, wasss lying at edgesss of Deathsss.
    Thisss time, hasss never felt more alivessss.
    Hopesss Lyna forgivesss Razor, isss many thingsss could protect the city from, time wassss not one of themssss.
    Isss misssesss Borin, Tcloa, Darrensss. Hope one makessss contact sssooner rather than laterssss.
    Tomorrow, will head to Lenna Primesssss.
    Hopefully Sssstar and Xoh will behave ssself thiss time.
    1 person likes this.
  8. phantam

    phantam New Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Ship Databanks: Sword of Thorns.
    Voice Logs/User/RazorVines
    Log #843

    Darrensss, Darrensss, Darrenssss.
    What have you donessss now.
    Who isss Ernalsss. Isss not Ernal from Memoria but hasss sssame face, sssame ssstyle, sssame voice.

    Issss thisss your worksss pinkyss? Anothersss attemptsss to bring sssomeonesss backsss from the deadsss?

    Floran isss lossst at what to do. Darrensss would have ansswer on what isss going on, Tcloa what to do and Borinsss how to carry it outsss. Havoksss would get it donesss.
    Feelsss lossst withoutsss them.
    Like wasss part of sssomething greater, closssed even than bondsss of tribe, but isss gone now.

    All gonesss, cotsss where Khroa usssed to ressst isss empty, all gonesss outsss of Floransss reach.

    Ernal wasss ssscared of Floran, of Floran'sss sssuggesstion that Darrenss may have done for himsss what didsss for Lyna.

    Wentsss down to temple, to Gyussshal but Floran doesss not think little bird found anssswersss there, only more quessstionsss.