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The Pub at Armageddon

Discussion in 'Concerns and Suggestions' started by ScarletSongbird, Aug 9, 2016.

  1. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    So I just want to drop this idea officially somewhere. This isn't really a settlement suggestion, it's a place to go, and it could eventually expand if there's enough interest, but that isn't the goal here.

    The goal here is this:
    Building a Pub and a ship refueling station in a stretch of space far from any stars ICly. This station-ish deal, would be built in an asteroid field formed by two orphan planets colliding in open space. For those of you who don't know what an orphan planet is, it's a planet that has been ejected from its home system by the force of gravity, and they're fairly common in the Milky Way. This asteroid field would be in orbit of the two molten cores of the planets that still drift through space in a doomed waltz.

    The station itself would probably consist of the Pub, a landing and docking area for ships, and the refueling station. The Pub would either be a family owned business. The owners keep the Asteroid the station is on as a no mans land. To elaborate, if a wanted character shows up on the asteroid, for their time there, they aren't wanted and any authorities following them are not allowed to capture or attempt to injure them. The system works both ways, the felon cannot attack back. Though this is a simple rule, and it's bound to be broken, it's meant to make the pub accessible to all characters as a neutral ground.
    As the Pub is just that, a Pub, its only attraction would be booze, talk, and soggy pub food. In any case, an additional use for the Pub would be an event jumping off point, an area for rumors to accumulate and form to allow a different medium for events to be talked about.

    So that's it! I have a location picked out, I believe it's even in an area with only triple digit coords, and the needed blocks. I'm looking for both clearance, if I need it, and opinions.
    1 person likes this.
  2. SquirrelChaser

    SquirrelChaser New Member

    Jul 17, 2016
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    I very much approve of this idea and would be interested in making a character for it. Perhaps the younger brother in the family or somesuch.
  3. TrashHound

    Apr 11, 2015
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    A neutral ground where criminals aren't hunted and authority figures have no power, a place where people may meet on equal terms without penalty... It sounds very interesting, and could definitely provide story and content to Antares as well as help others to further their own stories, and I like it!

    My only worries are that someone, most likely a criminal might abuse said neutral powers by never leaving, thus making their capture impossible. If you don't mind this, or have a workaround for it, I'm all for the idea!
  4. SquirrelChaser

    SquirrelChaser New Member

    Jul 17, 2016
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    I unno Trash, it says "the rule is bound to be broken". Seems to me like if a criminal did abuse those powers for long enough a big enough group of people might just get ticked off enough to break the rule.

    That's just my opinion though.