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Not Approved [Colony] Serenity Valley

Discussion in 'Colony Questions' started by JackGrimsly, Aug 6, 2016.

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  1. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    I'm not exactly sure how to format this so here goes nothing.

    Serenity Valley (Official town name)

    Originally built by Novakids whom left to explore the universe it it mostly a ghost town now, with only a handful of Miners and Farmers remaining behind to keep it running, The Dancer Family ranch being the biggest and Keeping them Financially Shackled to the Colony. The mine is close to drying up and has been converted into a large underground forge that is pumping steam and smoke out into the air on the more industrial side of town at the far end of the Valley.
    At the mouth of the Valley is where most of the Crops and Animals are, along with some mysterious ruin that "ain't ever done anything so none of us tough it" as the locals put it. In its hay day the planet was mostly used to film god awful Spaghetti westerns and a warehouse full of old movie props still sits next to the entrance of the Towns bar.
    While on shakey Financial ground the Colony is still somewhat thriving, albeit in a very catatonic state.
  2. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    On the subject of it being denied after a decision of staff - The settlement is allowed to remain for now under the pretence of no more structures being added. Mainly for the reason that come planet chat it will be taken down.

    We understand you've put a bit of work into it, and that it is currently being actively used as a roleplaying envionment for the time being, and thus we respect that. However, rules are rules, and each staff contact and colony request is treated the same. Just because you built it and then sought for permission after does not excuse the establishment from being denied.

    Regardless, enjoy your time.
  3. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    The only reason I'm pissed about the Colony is That there was no alert anyone had even responded to it or that it had been declined. The only reason I have continued building it for this long was I didn't want to fall behind the other colonies being built, or not have it looking up too snuff if it did get approved. Haplap even helped build one building so I thought that was a good sign. A few people have built their homes here.

    My main question is why? Why was the app not approved or even responded too? It kinda annoys me that there is no reason given but I know it is well within your right as moderators and administrators too do so. In truth my plan from the beginning was to Finish the Colony and fill it with NPC's So I can use it as a art piece / the homes of the players that built them there.
  4. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    What do you mean by "Taken down?"
  5. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Well, to my knowledge, you had this colony up and running and public before you even submitted an application for it. If that is wrong, please correct me. But if that is the case, then the fact that we had other matters to attend to and did not prioritize your application above all others should not be an issue because, regardless of if we had responded immediately or not, you would have already made considerable progress on the colony and people would have already started populating the colony.

    However, because the server is currently lacking an planet chat and your colony is the only open one that people are actually roleplaying on, we're generous enough to allow it to stay running until planet chat is added. But, once we do have a functional planet chat feature, you will be expected to shut down the colony. How you choose to go about this is up to you, but it will happen.

    I apologize if this seems unfair, but it's the decision we have come to as staff and we will enforce it.
  6. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Well... its complicated. First I just made my house there. Then I made a Bar and a little Town becuase I was bored. some of my palls saw it and went "you should totally apply to make this a colony" so I figured "well more then 5 people seem to like that idea so why not? and /THEN/ I submitted the App while we all just kinda built our homes and other small buildings.

    My primary concern was the Planet itself being Wiped since I'm not the only one living there. Sol [Exo], Xoh [Someonewithapen] , Eva [no idea what their discord name is.], my friend who just joined Sam, Razor Vines, and a few others hos name I can't remember all helped me build it and It was legitimately frightening to think you guys might off offhandedly wipe all that work.

    I'm also confused why the forums didn't alert me when the app was changed to not approved, when did that happen? I did not even notice.
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