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Engineering Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by GuardianPotato, May 9, 2016.

  1. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    ((These logs are present on Jask's PDA, and thusly in order to access the PDA require a password.))

    Log Date:
    5/8/2416 10:28 PM

    Starting a new log since I've entered council space. Going to try a new format this time.

    Current Balance: 1,029 Pixels

    Current Main Project:
    An RCS Module for my EVA getup. Trying to use pressurized Oxygen, also looking for something a bit more effective. I wont have it hooked up to my oxygen supply, just in-case I get knocked away from where I'm working for some reason.. Don't want to have to use up what little air I have to stop myself from tumbling. Speaking of tumbling, working on a way to get it to automatically stop a tumble if something hits me, I don't trust myself to not panic in a situation like that. Also trying to figure out where to even put it, the oxygen tanks already take up a large area on my back. So it's still in the design stage, don't even have a physical blueprint or anything out yet.

    Current Side Project: Like normal, that engineering power suit I want. Working on designing the hydraulic system right now, the helmet's finally done being designed. But I'm waiting to actually make it when I have the proper funds, and rest of the suit laid out. The power issue is still unsolved, along with funds.

    Other Notes: Not much really. Got a non-paying job at a USCM bunker. I'm probably just going to fix their stuff, but I get food and shelter. Lets me idle the shuttle for once, although I'm gonna have to move Smokey down to my bunk whenever I get one.
    #1 GuardianPotato, May 9, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  2. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log Date: 5/10/2416 4:48 PM

    Current Balance: 1,019 Pixels
    -10 Pixels (Upside Restaurant Burger)

    Current Main Project:
    Starting something new actually, Josh asked for a kinda Heavy Battle Rifle for his powersuit. Hope he doesn't have to use it but it gives me a reason to learn more, especially about guns. I've been doing some research and I think I've gotten the basic design down so far. Just a quick sketch is all I have right now until I learn more.
    M-1 PO-HMG.png

    Current Side Projects: Due to the new main project, both the RCS and Engineering Powersuit are put to the side. Nothing new to report on either of them.

    Other Notes: Yesterday I met a Glitch. I've seen them from a distance but never face-to-face. She appeared to be really curious about us 'organics'. And I'm actually fairly interested in Glitch, as well.. They're mechanical, but they're also AI's. I learned that they're all apparently in a hive-mind, but a few like her can break out of it. I hope to see her later, I enjoyed talking to her. Just never got her contact info, so most I can do is hang around Upside and wait.
  3. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log Date: 5/10/2416 10:32 AM

    Current Balance: 1,019 Pixels

    Current Main Project:
    Spent the last.. A lot of days, doing a lot of research into guns and all of the different types and specifics. There's a lot to work with, but I think I finally got down two solid designs. Later today I'll go show Josh and see which one he likes best, in the mean time I might go out and socialize again.. Maybe. Whatever he chooses, only issue after that is pixels for the proper materials, and renting out the equipment to make the damn thing form Omega.

    Current Side Projects: I've made a bit of progress on the RCS Module, just simple placement of the main bulk of it as well as the gas tanks. Nothing new for the EPS, like usual.

    Other Notes: I've been stuck in this ship for eight days.. Might be good to get some fresh air and breath. See how people are doing.. I guess.
  4. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Log Date: 5/21/2416 9:18PM

    Current Balance: 365 Pixels (Owch)
    -3 Pixels (Soda)
    -1 Pixel (Water)
    -120 Pixels (Three .45 ACP Magazines, Full)
    -550 Pixels (.45 ACP Compact)
    -25 Pixels (Clothes)

    Current Main Project: Back to the RCS module, starting to model the main body of it now.

    Current Side Project: EPS still, but nothing new on that.

    Other Notes: This is likely going to be the biggest out of them all, a lot happened. Where to start? Alright, I got a pistol, a compact .45 ACP for self defense. I didn't want to have to lug my PDW around everywhere. Still carrying my knife on me, but that's concealed now too. Both are just kinda in my jacket. Anyways, next.. Nona, I guess I could consider her a friend now. Glitch, really tall.. Everyone's really tall out here, I always feel like I'm the shortest. Anyways we've just been talking off and on, nice to be able to talk with someone.

    Next uh.. Right, Josh. He chose the more complex design, but I think I can get it done, it's really nothing too complex. I'll need to talk to him eventually about materials and renting out the proper equipment. Been having to do research on that. Really don't want to let him down and botch up actually making the rifle. Uh.. Funds are low, really low. But I got a 2k job from Omega to help build an extension to his shop. Right, gotta PM him about that after this.

    Finally, for some reason I thought it would be a bright idea to respond to.. A sorta distress call? SAIL translated it from Morose code for me and then pinged it and notified me via my PDA, due to the whole distress call bit. Went there with like, three other people, and we ended up picking up a stranded tech by the name of Mindy. She was, well, is, working on a Starnet relay post. Long story short a lot of shit happened to her, and a three month job turned into a year and a half. Right now she's in the Bunker's medical bay undergoing treatment and diagnosis by Paige. I hope she's alright, really the only person I know with somewhat the same skill set as mine. I also think it's safe to say we're friends now, I'll probably go check on her later, FUCK, forgot to grab her clothes. Yeah I'll need to go back. That's all I can think of that's noteworthy right now.
  5. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log Date: 6/30/2416

    Current Balance: 365 Pixels

    Current Main Project: RCS module, basically done now. All I need now is the parts.

    Current Side Project: EPS, nothing new yet.

    Other Notes: Well, been kinda out of the loop for awhile. First got sick, and then just kinda had no reason to leave. Although Josh finally got me dragged out today, he's starting to kick things off for training and needs me to help around, not sure with what yet. Although I did get to help with an overheating cybernetic arm. Just had to pull the battery out, I'm surprised it didn't blow up there and then. It's port was glowing orange. The avian with the arm also suggested I get less.. Nerdy. Am I really nerdy though? Is it the hair, or just how I act? I guess I'll figure it out eventually. Anyways that's all, I'm stuck down here in the tents with the recruits, but at least it's not really that hot at all. I also got the empty tent, there's just me, a floran, and then this really.. Off putting man. Although I got the bunk farthest away from them both. I just hope the rest don't fill up, I like the space.
  6. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Log Date: 8/3/2416

    Current Balance: 665 Pixels
    Pay +300

    Current Main Project: I'm back on the EPS. I've begun working on the actual structure of the thing. All of the supports and armor panels.. Now on the issue of getting everything to bend properly. This is going to take awhile.

    Current Side Project: RCS is on the back burner until I have actual money.

    Other Notes: Ho boy it's been awhile. Not much has happened, at all. Got deployed a week or so ago to just kinda.. Sit by a weapon's stash, nothing really major happened. I have also been promoted to Chief Engineer, apparently. Going to be sending out a memo-thing today to the.. Total of two other people. I doubt we'll have much to do right now, but it doesn't hurt getting to know the people I'll be working with. But it also means I need to man the fuck up. I've been avoiding interaction nearly my entire time here, but.. Well, I'm Chief Engineer now. That wont work anymore.
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