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A few questions regarding lore stuffs.

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Lizmun, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. Lizmun

    Lizmun New Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Hi. So uh, I'm new, aaand I have a few questions regarding the lore of Antares, more of just what is and isn't allowed.

    -- Would you be allowed to say your character comes from a space station type of dealio?

    -- I know that Artificial gravity is probably a thing, but uh. Are gravity anchors a thing? (Like. pretty much just a device that like. Sticks to stuff. With gravity. yeah.)

    -- If the above was true, could you have a gravity grappling hook? :eek:

    -- Are Synthetic humans a thing? Like, humans that are completely normal looking, except they were created artificially, not 'naturally'. (Dang synths.)

    -- Are there any wars that Humans are currently, or were recently involved in? If I wanted my character to be part of a human military, would've she seen battle?

    -- How common is xenophobia seen in Humans? Is it considered a dying taboo, or is it rather prelevant in human cultures?

    -- Is there an age in which you can legally drink? If there is, is it alright to assume it's about 21?

    -- How is time measured? Is it in years and days, like on earth? or something different?

    -- Has earth been destroyed, just as in the starbound plotline?

    -- Could you have a character be from Mars, or Venus, or perhaps one of Jupiter's moons?

    -- Are rocket shoes a thing. Please let them be a thing.

    I think that's all I have for now. I might think of more later.
  2. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
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    1. Yep, characters born and raised on space stations are in the realm of possibility.

    2. Can't say there.

    3. ^

    4. Those do exist, but you need to apply for them as they count as a custom race. (Unless we're talking test tube babies with nothing remarkable about them, not androids or whatever.)

    5. The resource wars were a thing in our lore, they began in approximately 2376 and never officially ended, at least not until 2406 when the tentacle catastrophe occurred.

    6. All dependent on the person.

    7. I would assume it depends on the place and the people?

    8. The year is currently 2416, which is ongoing for humans specifically, not sure about the other races.

    9. Yep, Earth got hentai'd.

    10. Yep, Mars and the like was colonized by humanity and has yet to be destroyed.

    11. Ehhhh, if you can come up with a way for it to sound plausible, consider pitching the idea to the staff.
  3. Tamurbus

    Tamurbus A-X-O-L-O-T-L

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Wasn't the entire Sol system destroyed?
    Obviously Earth would be the planet most people would grieve over the loss of, but wasn't everything else hentai'd too?

    Unless this changed in 1.0, as my knowledge of the new lore is practically nonexistent.
  4. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Earth was the only planet lost in our canon, unless drastic changes are made to state otherwise.
  5. Lizmun

    Lizmun New Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    No no, I was just thinking along the lines of just a test tube baby, nothing inherently special other than that.

    Also, I have a few more questions.

    -- How difficult might it be to get your hands on a laser or a plasma weapon? Are they rare to come by?

    -- How expensive might a small sized spaceship be? The cost of a semi-expensive car, about? (And I read that 1 Pixel = 1 USD, is this conversion correct?)
  6. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    -Harder to get than kinetic (regular guns), but not impossible. Though energy weapons are mainly used by the wealthy since regular guns do pretty much the same thing for cheaper

    -A ship costs far more than that. The start size ship would probably cost about 20k-50k which is why a lot of people ICly use a sort of taxi service.
  7. Lizmun

    Lizmun New Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Erm. For between 20 - 50k you can get a used chevy van, if the conversion is 1 pixel to 1 USD. You described spaceships to be much more expensive than an expensive car ( Which I was thinking to be around 90 - 120K.) Did you, perhaps, mean 200 - 500K? (Which would put you at around the pricing of a rather small house, I believe.)
  8. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    1. Already was answered by Krug, so I won't dwell on it.

    2. The 1 Pixel = 1 USD conversion is indeed correct. A ship would cost somewhere between 200K-400K for the smaller ships, ranging into the 600K-900K for mid-size. Larger ships would probably clock in at just under or just over a million or so.
  9. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    I missed a 0, my bad, pretty tired when I wrote it.
  10. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    -- Would you be allowed to say your character comes from a space station type of dealio?
    Yep. That's a backstory option.

    -- I know that Artificial gravity is probably a thing, but uh. Are gravity anchors a thing? (Like. pretty much just a device that like. Sticks to stuff. With gravity. yeah.)
    An magnet-style anchor is quite possible. One that attaches to a dock. We have to actually have an explanation for things.

    -- If the above was true, could you have a gravity grappling hook? :eek:
    You could but your character has to be able to make it and explain it realistically. Typically it's frowned upon to have technology that is either made too quickly or made without explanation. I suggest holding off on that until you get a grasp of how things work on the server by interacting with the players.

    -- Are Synthetic humans a thing? Like, humans that are completely normal looking, except they were created artificially, not 'naturally'. (Dang synths.)
    Synths are allowed on the server but are considered a custom race. Custom races have to apply to be allowed in the game. Applications are sent to the staff team via the Staff Contact forums.

    -- Are there any wars that Humans are currently, or were recently involved in? If I wanted my character to be part of a human military, would've she seen battle?
    Not currently. I'm not the Human lore expert.

    -- How common is xenophobia seen in Humans? Is it considered a dying taboo, or is it rather prelevant in human cultures?
    Depends on the player. People tend to discriminate against Florans.

    -- Is there an age in which you can legally drink? If there is, is it alright to assume it's about 21?
    This is a frontier. You can drink at any age as long as the place allows it. The server character age requirement is 18+ though.

    -- How is time measured? Is it in years and days, like on earth? or something different?
    The year's 2416. If you're asking how time works on the server, IC days aren't measure too well. When an event comes up, the GM will determine the time. Otherwise, just assume a normal or somewhat accelerated time is going on.

    -- Has earth been destroyed, just as in the starbound plotline?

    -- Could you have a character be from Mars, or Venus, or perhaps one of Jupiter's moons?

    -- Are rocket shoes a thing. Please let them be a thing.
    Like I said for the gravity hook, if your character can make it with the skills they have, then yes. But players frown upon technology made hastily or made without explanation. And again, I suggest holding off until you see how others have done it in the past. Ask for help, for example.

    -- How difficult might it be to get your hands on a laser or a plasma weapon? Are they rare to come by?
    The frontier currently has an abundance of kinetic weapons since no one makes energy weapons. PEople are starting to break into the market, so they are in fact rare. They typically turn out more expensive than kinetics.

    -- How expensive might a small sized spaceship be? The cost of a semi-expensive car, about? (And I read that 1 Pixel = 1 USD, is this conversion correct?)
    1 pixel = 1 USD is correct. I play as a guy that makes ships and I typically sell 1 passenger ships for 100k+ and everything beyond that for 200k+. I've only sold two ships in the past though because like what Krug said, people use taxi services and the like.
  11. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    For the energy weapons, I lightly dabble in it with my character Omega. But mainly he just does kinetics.