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Questions about character I'm planning on making

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by I_Punch_Llamas, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. I_Punch_Llamas

    I_Punch_Llamas New Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Alright, I'm making this thread to discuss some features of a character I wish to make. I've looked at the wiki, and there isn't much else apart from human events, so I wish to ask here. I hope it's the right section to ask.

    Am I allowed to have cybernetic implants on a character? For example, a shotgun arm? Would I need to make some sort of application?

    2: What's the official lore on Erchius? Is it radioactive? Can Erchius based weaponry be made?

    3: What area of space are characters on Antares supposedly in? I haven't been able to navigate the site well enough to be able to find it.

    4: Is it possible to, through genetic engineering, give an Avian wings in accordance with the serverwide rules?

    5: Would it go against lore to have an Avian character who's come from a colony that has no awareness of Kluex or the happenings of other Avian civilizations?

    6: Lastly, not really character related, but where do I go to find the server IP and everything?

    I hope I can get these questions answered, as they'd greatly help me with making my character. Thank you.
  2. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    1: Cybernetics, yes. Shotgun arm, no. Keep it practical and you should be fine. A real cybernetic that functions like a normal limb would be expensive and keep in mind this character is going to have it in and out of combat

    2: Its a stable (not radioactive) solid and liquid used for fueling ships. There's a lot not known about it.
    2a. Not that I know of, though some could probably be developed through IC research. Unless you meant just hitting someone with a chunk of erchius. That's fine.

    3. Commonly referred to as the frontier. Seperate from the 'Core Worlds' which function a lot like Earth or another techy planet.

    Rest coming later
  3. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    1: Yes, but weaponised cybernetics are frowned upon. If you really want a weaponised cybernetic, clear it with staff.

    2: Erchius isotope in its refined liquid form emits radiation, yes. However, the probability of there being Erchius based weaponry is low.

    3: Council Space-Antares Border Sector. Slightly more civilized than the former Antares but still a largely lawless fringe.

    4: I doubt it, but I'll let Haplap, our avian lore writer, answer this one.

    5: I'll let Hap answer this one too.

    6: Server IP is sb.antaresroleplay.com. Username and password should be included in a conversation started by a whitelist bot.
  4. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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  5. I_Punch_Llamas

    I_Punch_Llamas New Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Noted, I appreciate the useful information. I'll keep that in mind when making my character. I think I'll go with him not having the cybernetic arm after all, since he's not that wealthy. I must've missed the part in the message with the bot. I didn't notice the access details. Thank you!
  6. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I'm not the Avian Lore writer, Florans are more my thing, however;

    I'm gonna go with... Nooo...
    It'd be considered blasphemy and I don't see the Avians focusing on genetic manipulation, especiallly because that'd be seen as some form of heresy or hubris towards Kluex and the Sunborn. Genetic manipulation is more an Apex thing.

    Empty Life Support Pod:
    [​IMG] Avian : This is dark science...

    Apex Life Support Pod:

    [​IMG] Avian : What monstrous process is this?

    Also, creating a jetpack instead is a lot less messy and less dangerous than messing with one's genetic code.

    Considering the fact that the Grounded are sometimes persecuted by the Flightless, it would be unlikely for a colony of Grounded to NOT inform their progeny of the existence of the Flightless and their belief that Kluex is their god and their whole crazy religion. So no, I think any Avian will know who Kluex is.
  7. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Giving Avians wings is a nono. Avians wouldn't be very advanced in genetic engineering, and certainly wouldn't engineer themselves wings, as the idea is rather blasphemous. You could argue that the Apex may be capable of altering an Avian to have wings, but they would have little reason to try. In general, making an Avian with wings is heavily frowned upon. Sorry!

    And don't mind Khaltor, there's probably a few ways that an Avian could be oblivious to their own culture, but it'd be rare. If you're creative and make a believable reason, nobody will bat an eye at the character. For example: raised in a megacity outside Council-Space, Xiuh never learned of Kluex. His family had lived there for many generations, and their Avian culture had been diluted by the numerous other races they mingle with daily. When Xiuh was hatched, Kluex was such a distant and unimportant idea to these Grounded, they failed to mention it to Xiuh, even through his entire childhood.
  8. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    5 seems unlikely, but not impossible, I suppose.
  9. I_Punch_Llamas

    I_Punch_Llamas New Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Thanks, I think that should be all the info I need on making my character. Is it considered acceptable to revamp a character that has previously existed on another Rp server to fit into Antares lore? I was intending on remaking one of my first Rp characters when I was new to Rp. Icebeak He had a ridiculous amount of backstory and off screen events going on due to me connecting him to another character who I played. In his old backstory, he had a daughter who was genetically modified to have wings and he grew up on a grounded colony in a snowy planet where they didn't know much about Kluex due to the isolation.
  10. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    So long as it fits with Antares you can re-use any original character. Of course the wings would be out, but I'd say you're probably fine to use him if you do a bit of modification.
  11. I_Punch_Llamas

    I_Punch_Llamas New Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Great, thanks. I think I have everything about him decided. Thanks for the help, everyone who answered my questions.
  12. I_Punch_Llamas

    I_Punch_Llamas New Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Oh uh, two last questions, actually.
    How old would an Avian be to have them be relatively old but still able to move without major impairment?

    And where does the RP happen on the sever?
  13. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    -Since (most of) our lore isn't written yet, it's hard to say. But I'd say you'd be fine putting him/her in his/her 40s or 50s.

    -The Frontier (slightly lawless space just outside the core worlds of the sector)
  14. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Avians have an average life expectancy of about 125 years, so you can get a feel for aging off that.

    As for our location, Krug is mostly correct. The setting is on the outer reaches of Council-Space, an area governed by a council of representatives from each of the seven races. Now, as for where the actual roleplay happens, that would be generally on colonies. These can be found in the colony forums, but currently none really exist due to the 1.0 wipe.
    #14 Haplap, Aug 4, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2016
  15. I_Punch_Llamas

    I_Punch_Llamas New Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Well, since it's 120, 60 would be around middle aged. Would 70~ be a good age to have him be old but mobile?

    Also yeah, I was referring to the actual location of hubs. I assume most of it is going to take place on the outpost until colonies are rebuilt?