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Novakid physiology(open for discussion)

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Khaltor, May 2, 2016.


Novakid: breathing and metabolism?

  1. must eat & breathe

  2. must eat but not breathe

  3. must breathe but not eat

  4. removing eating and breathing makes sense

  1. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Can we please make this more simple? Just throw out the details please. No paragraphs; make it easier for us regular denizens of Antares to read over. Throw us the main points for novakid and we'll vote on it.
  2. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    He did, didn't he?
  3. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    I have no idea. If I'm missing it I apologize.
  4. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    We're getting closer to something that resembles excellence, and thanks for being the person actually putting all of it together. It's still pretty lofty, and when I can I'll try and compress it (and some of your other lore posts) into the bite sized pieces I'm thinking may be really helpful as a reference.

    I think it's worth mentioning somewhere (and I may have missed it) that no matter where a Nova gets cut/shot/whatever, unless it's the brand it's basically equally lethal depending only on the size of the wound. Seems like an easy leap to take based on the imformation, but it's good to give people a guideline on how to assess the severity of their injuries.

    On that note I also think we should talk about how quickly any wound closes. The "bleeding' is also going to be a constant rate based on the hole, contrasting Human wounds. In my opinion, I don't think the wound should be able to close unless the plasma is kept from venting so severely for a time. This either can come slowly by a Nova pressing against the wound with their body (hand, arm, what have you) or the "magnetic bandages" that sort of popped up as a solution. It just seems like a good way to keep the idea of that fragility in theme of Novas, while still being able to keep from dying to a pinprick by putting pressure (utilising a hand that likely takes them out of a fight) on the wound.
  5. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    New Novakid respawn animation
    1 person likes this.
  6. iClearSkies

    iClearSkies Military Veteran

    Feb 8, 2015
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    So, Ive read your lore and Id like to contribute a small but so Ill be doing some quoting and some ideas of my own. PLEASE READ THE IN SHORTS IF YOU TL:DR

    if the Novakid is a single cell organism then the scientific term of cell density should apply, Although uniformly dispersed a normal Nova retaining his shape would have average density in everything with his shell leaving a average density all around (which is still pretty weak).


    If Novakids are like Single Celled Organisms they can move their internals and concentrate their density and weaken the density throughout the rest of their body with the only thing remaining constant is the location of their brand. So why would it not be possibly for a Nova to temporary boost plasma density inside a specific part of their body strengthening the shell by reducing the amount that the shell gives in to an object.

    With this statement in mind this furthers the fact that Novas CHOOSE their shape based on their whim or what they are taught as they are protokids, somewhere there is a natural occurrence that Novas take a Bi-Pedal form otherwise they could all be horses for all we know. So in short what im getting at is that If a nova maintains his shape naturally into a bipedal form whats stopping him from temporarily forcing his plasma to NOT be in its natural form such as forcing all his mass in one arm while the other arm deflates like a balloon strengthening his now super dense punch?

    Although this could be considered un-cannon I guess, but with the current lore you have how can you disprove it and whats not to stop a Roleplayer from making the same assumption?

    According to the research docket written by Senior Assistant Fulister, Theoretical physicist
    Peter Gray, Senior Journalist Bame Thompson ; states that plasma particles can be canceled out by hitting the plasma with a focused energy source (such as a laser or another plasma weapon) with the opposite charge of the plasma matter. IN THEORY if a laser with an opposite polarization and with enough impact energy to break past the shell you could seriously harm a Nova by causing a beam acoustic instability within the plasma reaction and cause INSTANTANEOUS damage to large areas of the Nova or if you want to get into more damaging theroys there are those such as the Magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability theroy which can destabilize polarity in plasma causing a ion energy explosion which DID happen during the initial phases of the Atom smasher located within CERN melting 5 miles of tunneling causing delays on construction.

    Also Gas and Liquid Neon (most commonly found in Neon lights and specialty devices within CERN for metaphysics can be immediately canceled out or seriously weaken by the introduction of Thermo-Instability agents such as cold plasma or large amounts in liquid nitrogen, Plasma itself is a heat based reaction and within the lore of the novakid that's written as of this moment if someone possibly injects or gets past the shell with a device/cold bomb/liquid that can cause collapse instability by slowing down the molecule speed of plasma itself can slowly poison a novakid to death unless its purged by the addition to new plasma.

    In Short:
    • Novakids can be weakened by a strong laser/plasma shot that is opposite to their natural plasma polarity (Male Positive, Female Negative or a headshot on the brand IF VISIBLE see Below for details).
    • In balance of opposites hitting a Nova with its own polarity laser/plasma can STRENGTHEN it GREATLY.
    • Means that laser weapons/energy type weapons would need to be defined by lore itself to be either positive or negative OR have each individual weapon made choose to be Positive or negative and CANNOT BE CHANGED due to energy systems needing the entire design to be based on a single molecule polarity.
    • Novakids Can be Poisoned by liquids or Solids that cause Thermo-Instability within the plasma reaction, The novas shell makes him OK to touch but as you state 'the plasma can cause burns to people when touched itself' meaning its a heat based reaction and slowing down the reaction speed can slowly make a nova EXTREMELY SICK to where new plasma must be introduced to counteract it.

    Regarding the senses of the Nova you have to look at it from a Celluar point of view, Novakids do not have nurons in their body that can define certain actions such as a regular body can. For example in the taste category it can recognize the energy value of food and sort of assign it a 'taste' through assumption. Such as spicy food having a high energy reaction or bland food having a low energy reaction. You could even go as far to state that Nutrient Density or Molecular density is how a Nova defines taste and is told what it is by outside sources, Like if a Nova and a human are eating spicy tacos and the Human says 'DAMN THATS SPICY' and when the nova consumes it by putting it through his shell he can feel the high energy content and could assume that reaction as 'spicy'.

    For the smell category I can see the Novas being able to smell different types of energy, such as heat, elemental gasses and different types of fine particles because there gas based. But even within this regard as the outline is, A nova cant really smell a flower or a well cooked meal, he can just associate certain energy dispersion as certain things.

    Sight, You mentioned that speech is based on a series of pulses in rapid succession; why not associate the brand with a form of rapid echolocation meaning that they can see just fine like a human but the problem would be that they would be colorblind as vibrations cannot sense color and their vision would be in a focused area in front of their brand (Excluding other novakids and being able to smell gasses and maybe assign a color to smell). An alternative to this would be that the entire shell itself allows the nova to see with focused effort by condensing certain 'sight particles' to give him sight, but at the same time you open the door that a Nova character can take off their boot and look around a corner with their foot.

    Touch, The best way to explain this is go go into your kitchen and grab a pair of yellow/purple/pink? sink gloves and put them on, then fill your sink with VERY HOT and VERY COLD water and place your gloved hands within the water. You will feel a warm pressure or a cold pressure, now take a table spoon of baking soda and drop a scoop into each side and repeat. you will notice that the water feels grainy but you cannot be able to define it accurately. A novakid's senses is partially dulled as they are a shell membrane and can feel 'pressure' but not the actual neuron sensitive touch. Same goes with rough objects, you can feel a sharp or rough object but it will be dulled like a more focused intense pressure.

    Hearing, Reverse echo location; sounds emit waves which can be picked up by the brand. this means that Rpers could use vibrations to sense audio much like a directional mic could; if they focus really hard and if the material is thin enough like glass a conversation could possibly be heard. Being sensitive to sound they can possibly be heard if looking towards another nova due to feeling vibrations cast from their sight, if they want to stop their vibrations they will become blind but can sense noises just fine.

    Speech a more audible version of echo location, as the sight pulses and vision pulses are quite high pitched beyond normal hearing (maybe Hyotol can sens them with fish hearing) Speech can be defined as a set of tones practiced over time as protokids will just make loud noises, but as they grow they will be able to tune them to words almost having a metallic ring to them like a pitchfork communicator (Soup cans with a wire string)

    In Short:
    • Novakids use echolocation for sight, the rapid vibrations from their brand cause a black and white sight but no color can be seen (light intensity is good though) But as a drawback sensitive creatures could pickup the waves with hearing or special equipment leaving a sort of six sense of 'being watched'
    • Sight Alternate, Novakids can focus plasma through their body to see anywhere that their plasma can view from their shell, resulting in corner peeking using limbs if necessary, but they cannot see everywhere at once.
    • Novakids use the same method to speak, Protos cant form words well causing loud shrieks of sound but over time they can learn to pronounce sounds better with a vibration effect resulting in their drawled accent.
    • Using Reverse echo location Novas can hear many sounds and sense vibrations that normal creatures couldn't hear, But using vibration as a source Novas could be able to focus and listen through thin materials such as glass to a degree with some effort. This also give the negative effect of areas with excessive sound such as grinding metal or loud explosions leaving them deaf as they cancel sound waves.
    • Novakids cant essentially feel perfect touch due to not having neurons, but they can associate certain pressures and temperatures on their shell with certain things like a sharp pressure as a pointy object, a large heated pressure could be warm water, or just general pressure from a nonspecific direction could be wind.

    On Gender and reproduction

    I have no complaints that a Negative and a positive can make a child, BUT for a unknown cultural thing it should by the parents who must go out and find a conductive metal and determine the 'sex' of their child, plasma at any temperature cannot make solid matter (Though theorized not solid enough to hold ground) Therefore a parents job should be to decide the shape and type of material the brand is made from, Its just like naming a boy Susie, he cant choose his name but his parents can before hes born same with nova parents if they choose their child's brand should be a cowboy boot. The way its referenced as it is now means that brands are just lumped together and somehow with magic they form into a shape over time.

    Another thing that isn't referenced is that Novakid's themselves are a natural creation of space physics, What stops a novakid from being born by accident with a conductive metal object being hit by a thermal vent of plasma from a star? As the composition of a star is a magnetized core and opposite plasma gases, Not saying that throwing a iron bar at a sun makes a novakid BUT the possibility is out there which could lead to some very interesting nova backstories.

    For example what if a nova is created by chance by an old dying star? It could mean that the novakid itself is VERY WEAK in large light/heat conditions but because the reaction is so cold and radically different from normal heat based plasma you could have Ultra Cold Plasma Reaction which could cause the novakid to be the opposite of bright but dark in color (like the black core novakid mod with a colored shell reacting to the touch of cold plasma and hot air making them stronger to their hotter counterparts in cold areas making heat their primary weakness.

    What happens if a Nova does not have a visible brand does that make their character void?, No It should mean that their brand is not a shaped one and could mean that the Novakid was possibly created by artificial means (Like a lump of magnetic rock in the chest/head) Although this allows more dexterity with their limb control it also means that if the shell is breached enough it could kill them quicker instead of a more stable crafted brand from their parents. A trait that could be added is that if the brand is inside them their sight could be omni-directional to a degree (like 180 degrees) or if placed in the head only as an alternative it would be the same 45 degree wedge as a shaped brand.

    In Short:
    • Novakids brands are forged by their parents and be negative or positive to forceably choose the sex of the nova. Star Generated novas which are rare have lumps of 'brand material' in their head or chest depending on lore acceptance.
    • Novakids that are born of chance inherit the stars current life state, Red and yellow stars make for brighter shades while blue stars make for cooler shades. Dying or Dark Stars can cause a 'Inverse Novakid' That is ultra cool plasma based, that is harmed by light and heat as the normal are harmed by cold and darkness.
    • Inverse Novas (Dark Core) would excel just the same as a regular nova but instead of forge and fabrication they specialize on super hardening materials and creating sharper edges and projectiles.
    • A Forged brand by the parents depending on the material type is stronger than a chance brand.

    On Aging

    The mind is a fickle thing, Even humans have theorized IRL that if a human was immortal they could not handle ALL the information they receive forever. Eventually gaps would occur in long term memory as old information is removed to make room for new information. But there is no basis to go off of due to humans having a short lifespan of 70-100 years (excluding the oldest recorded humans) But as Novas plasma reactions slow down or age over time gaps can appear in their memory such as faces, names, places things that arnt accessed every day such as their name or sensory information. Leading things such as knowledge useless to a novakid unless they could do something like 50 first dates and every century or so refresh their memory with books or videos. But something that I cant really agree with is the fact that novakids are a chemical reaction meaning that if properly sustained they should have the benefit of immortality, but as with all creatures sentience means laziness and as most novas constantly are absent minded they forget to take their meds and live shorter lives then they could have.

    In my opinion novas should be relevantly rare, and exceedingly uncommon to find so to speak (unless you find a village) or especially Dark Core Novas which could be exceedingly old and rare being found only in the darkest of planets.

    In Short:

    • Novakids are a pseudo immortal race, if their chemical reactions are maintained accordingly they could possibly live huge lifespans that could rival a sun. BUT that is if only a shell is not weakened considerably and if they remember to refresh they plasma daily. They are not gods and can be killed quite easily with the right tools but if left unchecked they could rival ancient races.
    • Novakids have a fickle memory as time goes on their cells could purge older information to make room for new information, but in theory this could be countered by setting reminders to read books or watch videos regarding past events, For example setting a personal history book with a large red title that say 'SUPER COOL ADVENTURE BOOK - READ ME!!!' could result in a Nova whos lost his memory to pickup the book and rediscover himself.

    On Mental Capacity

    Novakids are stupid smart, They can quite easily pickup on things by just watching and imitating but they also have a natural ingenuity and thought process which is to constantly think of new and exciting things (Big Dreamers) and improve ideas and make them better. Novakids are not stagnant and do not lead comfortable boring lives as their nature causes them to constantly move on or seek adventurous tasks or thrills (thrill seeker personality) Leading them to cause havoc sometimes in settlements resulting in law enforcement or security response (Like a Novakid having a good idea to throw a highly reactive material inside a facility reactor to see what cool colors it could make could be a downer on the settlement). Novakids are natural pranksters and on the scale of things they can be considered a Neutral Chaotic not being inherently Evil or Good but can be one or the other depending on their current personality.

    Novakids are extremely adapt with the forge, being made of dense plasma energy themselves they can see matter composition like no other race can and feel the metals being forged resulting in finely crafted weapons, armor and materials. Though most weapon-smiths in the Nova circles will base designs on bigger, better, explosive devices such as projectile based guns and firearms and bombs they wont shy from making a decent sword, hammer or other physical weapon from time to time. As for blacksmiths Novas can use rare materials and survive the heating process that most races could not, leaving them as forgers of VERY RARE armors made from RARE materials that cant be normally forged safely without super heated conditions or great technical machines.

    They are no scientists or doctors (but some can be), but they work as decent Physical Engineers and Construction Contractors as they can simply be provided materials and a general idea of what they need to accomplish and given a map (with Pictures) and a group of Novas can work well enough together to build something amazing with great craftsmanship and possibly make it better with their ingenuity (for example a group of novas set to build a basic building might take it upon themselves to make reinforcement to the foundations or use super heated rare metals for supports to give the building a better overall strength).

    In Short:
    • Novakids have a capacity for speedy learning through visual and hands on methods, most novas will not study a book as they are a race of action.
    • Novakids are always looking for the next big dream, this leads to very rapid times of technology growth and production and sometimes some very slow times as well if they forget.
    • Novakids are natural Physical Engineers and Masters of the Smithing Arts making great structures, bridges, and complex engines and machines (like trains or physical generators) and craft very sturdy and fine crafted armor and weaponry. In hindsight they are no book worms as science and study does not relevantly interest them (but does not exclude a rare few)
    • Novakids are great collaborators and love working in groups especially with other novas, if you hire a pack of novas to build something, expect it to be finished very quickly and possibly with better (or worse sometimes) additions but mostly if you give them a well drawn map they'll get it close enough.
    • You could say Novas are a Neutral Chaotic and can be a good addition to settlements or a plague as they are natural pranksters and thrill seekers shooting for the next big thing.

    This concludes the TL:DR Post as I was very inspired while reading and writing my books. Thoughts and comments are appreciated.
    #66 iClearSkies, Aug 2, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2016
  7. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    contribute a bit, rofl, sure, lemme read that first
  8. iClearSkies

    iClearSkies Military Veteran

    Feb 8, 2015
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    You know, a writers quote <3
  9. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    What's stopping humans from putting all of our blood in one arm, to increase its weight, to hit harder? Simple, we're not built for this.
    Neither are Novakid. Novakid may be able to change their shape, however, this is not an at-will ability, it's achieved by running an electric charge through the membrane or shell. We also know that the Novakid aren't a race that prefer physcial confrontation, and as a result we can deduce that this isn't something they'd be able to do. Additionally, while I did say Novakid are similar to single-celled organisms in some aspects, that doesn't mean they are similar in ALL aspects. Novakid are similar to Suns in the fact that they give off some warmth and the majority of their mass is in the form of plasma, however, they aren't the same size, they don't have their own gravity (or at least nothing noteworthy) and they don't last billions of years.

    Well, it still isn't poison, but it might be worth mentioning in a future draft.

    While true, this seems somewhat redundant, as you can achieve the same effect through using a grenade launcher. It's like saying: if you fill a human's stomach with nitroglycerin and shake them really hard, they'll explode!

    However, the Brand is responsible for maintaining the Novakid's plasma. I wouldn't put it past the Novakid's natural "immune system" to be able to expell affected plasma as a defensive response.

    Aside from the brand and cytoplasma, there's also a small amount of metal spread throughout the Novakid's body.
    This is a result of imbibing plasma, which also contains regolith (asteroid stone? or moonstone, i don't recall, basically metal and byproducts), as such this metal is collected and forged into a new brand during reproduction.

    Actually, the Novakid are fragments of the "Cultivator", the god of the starbound universe, however, we don't recognise the singleplayer campaign as canon, therefore we're going with the interpretation that science doesn't know how the Novakid could even come into existence, as they're super irregular existences, implying a supernatural origin of sorts, but keeping it shrouded in mystery.

    Not really, as their brand is made from a special metal, cannot be repaired or maintained, and will degrade over time. They have a lifespan of 500 years, which is plenty.

    Don't know what these are, but we're probably not acknowledging the possibility of their existence in our server lore, or at least not as a playable race.

    That's something I'll need to look into, to make it seem less random and out of nowhere... It's interesting, but it seems a bit... Well badly thougt out. The idea that Novakid are supposedly geniuses with ADHD and alzheimers is something that people have come to dislike quite a lot.

    I agree on their overal style/culture/way of life, however, I do not think Novakid would ever use melee weapons, as they are quite fragile and don't possess a lot of physical prowess. However, they are exceedingly skilled gunsmiths.

    That sorta contradicts an earlier statement. It'd be more likely they each come up with an idea and the finished product is a mess of different styles that barely fits together strucurally.

    I'll look into the senses in the near future, however I don't know how people will react to Novakid being colour blind, as they are pretty vibrant themselves.
    Another theory could be that the brand is able to see by analysing light reflection, as: " the ability of an organism or machine to distinguish objects based on the wavelengths (or frequencies) of the light they reflect, emit, or transmit."
    So they'd pretty much be able to see in a similar way to humans, using their brand instead of eyes (retina) + brains to recognise colors and to see in general.
  10. Caws

    Caws birb

    Jan 15, 2016
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    This is pretty much all I'm gonna say on the matter, but he did qualify Dark Core Novakids pretty well.

    Opposites of 'normal' Novakids that are usually bright and vibrant that are harmed by light and heat opposed to darkness and cold. Apparently, they are pretty much only found on darker planets, and hence 'dark core', their shell and plasma are relatively dark.
  11. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    This "dark core" doesn't make sense, even "cold plasma" is relatively "warm" when compared to normal temperatures.
    Novakid's cores are metallic brands, the majority of their body mass is plasma, which is highly heated and energised gas.
    A Novakid having a dark core and somehow being harmed by warmth and light, is ridiculous.
  12. iClearSkies

    iClearSkies Military Veteran

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Cold Plasma is not warm at all, Ultracold Plasla reaches temperatures of ~1K or -457 Degrees Fahrenheit or -272 Degrees Celsius for Metric Folk. If you expand the idea of plasma on the particle physics realm there can be cold reactions located in space. Whats to stop a Novakid from embracing this type of cold plasma or being born from it?

    Researchers in conjunction with the ALMA telescope has identified the Spooky Nebula as the coldest plasma based nebula known to man. It rests a a frigid minus 458 degrees Fahrenheit ( or minus 272 degrees Celsius) which goes against common laws on particle and molecular physics. It has been more recently theorized that the plasma gas is being super cooled by the death of a ultra dense star venting plasma at a extremely rapid state.

    Those interested in the article can take a look here.

    If the single player cannon is void in nature whats stopping life from existing or trying to exist in a cold plasma environment? Albeit that maybe the light weakness was a bit too far but warmth weakness or something that emits such enough heat that can permeate past the shell shouldn't be too far fetched as something as heat would be poison to a cold based life form.

    If the brand cannot be repaired or maintained what can define the shape if its so impermeable? using the magic of 'Special Metal' could be grounds for loopholes if it cant be identified within at least of a scope of a metal type that can hold a magnetic charge or Ferromagnetism resulting in possible super solid brands that couldn't be damaged except for extraordinary means sine there made of a 'Special Metal'.

    And the issue of novas with non-outwardly brands was never really answered, is it a lump of metal located in their head or chest? are fragments of the brand just constantly cycling through their body? Some people don't like the idea of brands as it makes their character look bad or something but im just trying to validate those people who think that their nova shouldent have a outward brand.

    An idea is never badly thought out unless asked or thought upon that's why the idea process requires collaboration or more definition and more to the point adding '....well badly thougt out' is a offhanded way to call ones idea stupid but i digress.

    Im not saying that novakids should be 100% adhd or alzheimers, like one day having a conversation and the next day not remembering it cause.. novakid. People are playing a novakid in a 'snapshot' of their long lives as within anything in this snapshot is current and memorable to them. anything outside of their snapshot if they are a older nova for example and say 'hey where were you born?' its quite possible that that moment of time is outside the 'snapshot' of the novas memory to which he cant recall. I wont put a number stamp on the length of memory but its something that should be defined by the character itself.

    In regards to learning capacity Novakids are constantly losing and expanding their memory, meaning that the pathways if lost are still open for new information and can be filled or learned quite rapidly by filling in the cleared out space. But as the years go on and they start to lose some of their older knowledge their progress or skill set could slowly diminish because they are losing critical information in relation to the tasks memory.

    For example lets say you are sharpening a sword with a white stone there are a few forces involved such as speed, pressure, time applied and degree of angle. In the middle of your action lets say you forgot the knowledge of speed during this task, you would apply all the other factors but you would move the stone slowly across the blade, to you it might not seem the biggest thing in the world cause memory loss is very slow and you wouldn't really know something is wrong, but to others they could see it.

    As for the smithing abilities of the Novas Im not agreeable that they should be limited to Gunsmithery, A smith in general is a master at fabrication and shaping of metals and materials. While true that Novas are more prone to firearms this does not exclude them from being masters of their craft which is smithing in general. A Nova might give a small distaste in being asked for something other than a firearm as to them, a firearm is a physical science (unlike lasers or plasma weapons) which interests them greatly; but in the same regard they are master smiths and could forge a blade for others if asked in the terms of Weapon/Armor smithing oriented Novas). Which could also boost the roleplay of those wanting to play as a Nova with a Construction or Smithing background, lore in general is supposed to help guide the story not force specific actions to players.

    I was kinda tired at that point of writing so yeah blame me for grammar or structure of the idea What I meant to say was that 'If you give them a well drawn map or blueprint if what you want' it would be less likely to go off rail. Like if you ask a weapon smith to make a sword and you just say it has to be sharp, you come back and the sword as very awkward serrations on it making it look not pleasurable but it is sharp, if you give a Nova a blueprint it takes their big dreamer thinking out of the mix and they will produce something more akin to what you would want. But that's up to debate as it would force thinking of a nova to be quite literal versus thoughtful so im a bit more iffy' with that idea.

    As the lore is right now the brand is a filter of sorts, yeah it can filter out some minor bad issues such as small discrepancies but anything major would be very hard for the brand to filter out requiring specialized medical attention or if desperate enough a nova could breach the affected area forcefully venting the area at a risk to his own life (such as sucking venom from a wound or causing a neutral blood drain to prevent toxic substances from reaching brain matter). eventually the shell would seal normally but it would hurt and would take a decent amount of time.

    The explosive reaction is just a possibility, and even 'if you fill a human's stomach with nitroglycerin and shake them really hard, they'll explode!' is quite a childish non-proven experiment (thank god) at least scientifically. Im being literal in the sense that the plasma is a REACTION and if you introduce completely opposite effects into a reaction you get one of two responses, a neutral response or violent response depending on the action inflicted. I was just merely stating that a nova could explode with the right additives essentially making them a walking grenade OR on the neutral end they would just start losing plasma internally with no breaches into their shell..

    Where is this referenced in the OP draft of the lore? To me it sounds like a kneejerk addition, but it is true that regolith or 'lunar / space sediment dust' is highly charged but also outlines that the dust material itself needs to come from somewhere not just 'space magic' and needs to be defined if a lore wants to be solid and not have cracks in its foundation and if you cannot recall neither can we and leaves us to our own devices which could cause problems down the line.. In short either acknowledge the material of the brand or quite possibly half accept the maker as a part of the lore but not fully.

    Im not saying your way of lore is better or mine is superior, but I am offering sight from a critical point of view as someone who would want to disprove the lore in general or find loopholes. This isnt an attempt to make you look bad or anything as because I like to play novakids and I can agree with a lot of what your saying but theres a few large gaps that I could insert my own ideas and still be withing the realm of server cannon.
    #72 iClearSkies, Aug 2, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2016
  13. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    It's in Bietol's orignial post.

    Cold plasma Novakid isn't happening.
    This is sub-species territory and we don't do sub-species.
  14. iClearSkies

    iClearSkies Military Veteran

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Link? If you don't know im prone to long stays in the hospital due to my war related injury and sometimes I dont see everything.

    Also nice to see that you disagree with a whole post based on one idea of it, I thought this was open for discussion?

    according to kazyyk:
    and if you want to rub official lore in my face well heres a link that might surprise you


    SURPRISE! There is nothing on the wiki except for a reservation so it means that the current lore is up for discussion. Cold Novakids are not a sub race they are a vanilla race with custom traits that would have to be applied for in reference to the staff announcement located here by Awe


    As it is now any lore on novakids are just community speculation and no wiki lore stance is evaluated or posted. And if you think that my ideas are 'ruining your thread' then I can simply make my own to prevent an unnecessary argument in a supposedly open for discussion topic, just because your a 'self proclaimed lore master' does not make you the only source of information period.
  15. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    I think A mash up of both lores would breed a good middle ground for novakids on the server.
  16. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    No need to be cheeky, that "title" is something I made up as a joke.
    However, I am a lore writer and I personally don't think "dark core novakid" are a thing that's worth adding to the lore, or frankly, worth discussion.
    Unless the other lore writers somehow do love this idea, it's not going to be a thing.
  17. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    I agree with Khaltor on physical limitations, but ClearSkies on everything else. I don't really see what a cold plasma Novakid would add.
    1 person likes this.
  18. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    It's not because the concept of cold plasma is a thing, that the Novakid would necessarily need this in their lore. It's incredibly snowflakey, adds pretty much nothing to the roleplay experience, in my opinion.
    It's like saying there's some Florans who, without interference of Drysap, have cactus-like physiology and are capable of surviving on desert planets.
    While that "may" be possible through genetic manipulation or evolution, it's not a thing we allow people to do. Each race has their physiological limitations, despite what may be realistically possible. Exceptions like these "may" be used in events, after gaining approval of staff, but generally these things aren't meant for people to RP as.
  19. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    iClearSkies, while this thread is open to debate and discussion, we expect discourse without subtle jabs and passive-aggressiveness towards other users. This also applies to everyone in general; it's important to remain civil during discussions.

    Now, from a lore writer's standpoint, I have to agree that 'cold plasma' Novakids are a bit of a far-fetched and unneeded bit of info. I just feel it wouldn't add much to roleplay in general.
  20. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    I have to Side with Khal on this one. Nova kids are already Special snowflakey enough without there being new breeds of them wandering around.
    ClearSkys definitely has some good ideas tucked into his post though