A simple, black journal bound in leather sits under a pillow in the Mud barracks. There are no complex locks or drawings on the front of the journal, and the pages are an aged light yellow instead of white. Pressed between the pages in the middle of the journal is a long, red feather that appears to be clean. The avian glyphs in the journal are black, written in ink by a quill. The handwriting (unless stated otherwise) is neat, tidy, and very easy to read if the reader understands avosian. Heya! This is Nochitl Beakmourner's diary/journal/book/autobiography/etc. If you aren't me, then, please stop reading! Unless I allowed you or something. Then, you're fine! Keep on reading. Anyways, this is the first time that I'll write in something like this! Woo, celebrate! I'm gonna try and recap the things that have happened over the past few months up to a year. Or, at least, the 'major' events, like the events that kind of change your life? Let's get started! -Mother and Father divorced, still don't know why -Father started another barfight -Father went to jail for a long time -I moved into the Outsider's District with Sparrow Linnaeus as my guardian by law (thanks Ernal!) -Met Moonfeathers, Kahlua, Volare, Ernal, Nalcotl(?), a few other people who I can't remember -Found out about the Rabbits through Volare -Moved into Hope Springs, had my own room for a bit -Found out through Ernal that my Father never actually truly cared for me (don't dwell on it!) -After a rather eventful night on the Springs, Volare and I are together <3 (also kind of sharing a room) So, yeah! I'd say that wraps up today's entry or something. I dunno, I'm feeling lazy, so I might not write something for tomorrow. Or the day after. Or the day after that. Or the day after tomorrow after the day after that after that day. You get the point. Anyways, ta-ta for now! XOXO, Nochitl
8/1 Hey again, journal. I have some bad news to report in with. Hope Springs was destroyed by Sunshine(?) Sparrow told me, or at least took a very educated guess. I'm going to assume the latter. One of the Rabbits is dead-- a mammal. I probably shouldn't be writing, at least not right now. I have to constantly wipe my eyes, I'm choking, crying because another home I loved so much is gone in an instant I haven't seen Volare in a while Sparrow says i'm safe with him and home is with him hope springs was my home please where are you i want to see you again
8/11 It's been exactly 10 days since my last entry. Wow, am I bad with keeping track of this thing! Oh well. Well, I found Volare a couple of days ago! Since the Springs incident, he just didn't know what to do. Didn't mean to leave me is one of the things he said. But, it's alright. We're together again and that's pretty much all that matters. Gonna be living with him anyway. Well, we're going to have a talk about our future soon, I think. In the mean time; I decided to take his last name. Said I could, and we're together now, so it's alright! I don't mind having Hearthfeather as my last name anyway. It's actually kind of funny, with me being black-feathered and him red-feathered. Maybe I'm like the coal that lets the fire burn? It's an interesting and a little bit of a funny question. I'm gonna try to write more in this journal soon, but definitely not as long as my last entry. See you later, diary! XOXO, Nochitl