In 1.0, in the Sahara sub-biomes found on some desert planets you can find a bunch of fox-people, and im wondering if it would be possible to actually play them on the server! I found a mod on the workshop and im wondering if it would actually work in the server, I can think of a lot of different characters using them as a base.
I'm assuming the mod introduces new assets, in which case it won't work on the server. Regardless, we have no intentions of allowing players to play Fenerox as of right now, but this may be something we consider in the future once the server actually updates. I'd recommend creating a thread in the staff contact forum about it if you'd like to request a character that belongs to any race that isn't one of the pre-existing seven playable races in the game.
You don't even need a mod to play Fenerox, starcheat, as expected, allows you to select them under the race option.
My answer remains the same; regardless of whether the race requires a mod to play, they are not playable on the server at this moment without individual staff approval or until further notice.