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1.0 Looks Awesome

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jetniss, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    That isn't what I'm doing at all, but OK. I'm just wondering why the point is even being raised if the point itself is that the community is dedicated to making it our own story, therefore we have the right to not want the Protectorate even integrated.
  2. Edward_Norton

    Edward_Norton New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    Antares won't add the Protectorate.
  3. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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  4. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    That's exactly what it is though. A compromise, not an agreement. Constant middle-ground compromises means half-measure writing and cobbling things together, instead of things being concise.
  5. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    I'd rather compromise than lore Nazis.
  6. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    The Floran NPC character at the Terrene Protectorate graduation site for the intro mission states that it is not often that a Floran gets to join the protectorate.
    Despite all the lore, where there's Floran characters pleading for their species to become more civil, the majority is still savage as fuck, otherwise these more reasonable Florans wouldn't write in a way that is pleading for a drastic change.

    Someone obviously hasn't read the new lore codices...
    + Our own lore still uses the legacy lore as well.

    There's not much in 1.0 that completely creates a 180 spin on lore concepts.
    The Ark will never be featured in our lore, the Cultivator will never be featured in our lore and the Ruin will be more like a plague of parasitic colonies of single-celled organisms that form big tentacly monsters that eat and corrupt everything. The protectorate isn't needed in our lore setting, but we "could" put in the effort to mention it and to mention that it basically doesn't exist anymore.

    I've always thougt of the Protectorate as a Green Lantern rip off, with a Matter Manipulator instead of a power ring, but we can indeed just make it some sort of Unicef/Red Cross-like charity organisation, with officers/helpers who support small communities, colonies who have no means to defend themselves, answer distress calls etc...

    At any rate, they would've been disbanded after Earth got rekt. Their small outposts would've been abandoned and looted, if not by the "protectors", by Florans or other raiders, because the Humans sure as hell don't have the luxury to guard those places anymore and the protectorate shouldn't have any power left or be chaotic as fuck. Humans would return to mars and get drafted into the military, the USAF and the other races would either go back home or join the human army as foreign forces? Because there was that one codex in the past that said they were looking in to recruiting members other races and I think the USAF faction has done that before.
    2 people like this.
  7. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Khaltor's post is refreshing after being bombarded with such strong anti-chucklefish/anti-starbound propaganda; and after so many unnecessary disagree ratings.
  8. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    So voicing a negative opinion is "propaganda" now? Plus, the rating system is there for the specific reason of showing your views on a post, they're far from unnecessary.
  9. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    You really like to shove words in a person's mouth.
    But to explain what I've said--

    It is refreshing to see someone actually explore the lore and make sense of it-- understanding it, and taking in its value. Instead of never touching it, and shouting a bunch of inaccurate information about said lore based on the months and months of hate-mongering that has occurred in this closed off Starbound community (regardless of other small groups that might share the sentiments).

    It is comforting knowing that there are those who actually tackle the situation rationally and are open-- rather than people kicking and screaming with a bunch of complaints they can't back up with valid information, just feelings spawned from ghost experiences of others.

    It is the very behavior I described in contrast to comfort and refreshment that I consider propaganda-- because it's hate speech built off of rounds and rounds of hate and little to no actual substance.
  10. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    You claim there is no substance to our criticisms, yet in many of these posts, we have provided reasoning for our criticisms. Rather than come up with a reasonable argument against our criticisms, you seem to be taking to calling us hate-mongerers who are unjustly complaining about a game. Rather than make such personal attacks against us, try to understand our reasoning.
  11. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    Saying these things is both incredibly ignorant and offensive to people who are upset with the game's development. I'll admit people have been overly critical of 1.0 at times, but their disappointment and anger doesn't just come from nowhere. If anything, claiming "nothing is wrong, stop complaining" is just as much propaganda as "Everything is ruined"

    Major starbound devs have quite openly stated that RP isn't the focus for the game (in direct contrast to things they've said in the past about starbound) and that they don't really care about RP communities. This is a justifiable cause for anger and something you have to take into account, claiming hatred of CF is just due to a closed community reflecting off of itself is being incredibly inconsiderate.
  12. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    At this point, it really isn't worth the energy to dive back into it. The complaints here-- mostly revolve around "TP is stupid, the lore is dumb because _________," which I don't consider valid complaints. I understand the criticisms, believe me. Most of the people complaining sound like they've never played before and can't back up what they say. Their complaints come off as just petty and unrelated.
    (And who am I to deem a complaint valid or invalid right? But considering what this thread was made for, it was just the appreciation of the assets, the scenes available, the story, and all. Whether it was uninspired or not.)

    And your complaints aren't like that, you seem to have been through 1.0, but then your complaints still revolve around this idea that they should have an insanely provocative and ground-breaking story which is just an unrealistic expectation of this kind of game. Your complaint also comes off pretentious like-- Because this story isn't groundbreaking and different, it invalidates the entire story overall. Which is why my response to your complaint-- and other complaints about the story have sounded like "you're expecting a lot because you're a roleplayer."

    And other complaints I've acknowledged was Chucklefish's PR-- which I don't think should translate to a criticism of Starbound itself. So the developers aren't walking on egg-shells or trying to appease everyone or explaining their reasoning for every single thing. I as a person don't need that, so I'm not going to outright agree with those complaints, and that's ok. But to take those complaints, and somehow use it to justify that Starbound is shit when the most damage they've done through this behavior is remove some art (that no one has specified) from the game? I mean, so what if some art is gone-- was it really that important? And yes, we roleplayers like our customization and we sandboxers like our content, but come on. That's real nitpicky. Especially during a early access/beta where changes are frequent and random.

    See a little bit of what I said above, preferably of the last two paragraphs. I'm not trying to tell people "nothing is wrong, stop complaining," my message is more-- "complain about what's wrong, don't mix complaints." If you hate Chucklefish, and you hate their public relations, fine, but don't turn that into blatant ignorant hate of Starbound and its lore or whatever. People have been spouting off for weeks how much has been removed and how race stories have been completely undone and the world is one giant hugbox-- and I've been mostly silent because all of that sounded exaggerated and ridiculous, but I haven't played the 1.0 beta. Now playing the release, I can see how insane and how made up all those complaints are, and it's like-- "Guys, I get it. You hate the devs, but be real. Stop calling bullshit on the game."

    And sure-- the devs aren't catering to RPers, they don't love RPers. I-- again, don't know where you guys got the idea that they would cater to RPers. Someone linked a page about "Director's mode," which I believe may come in the future(because that type of thing should probably come after official release, not pre-release); but Director's mode isn't an RP thing. It gives the game an RPG multiplayer-- so a group of friends can sit down and have a DnD night on SB-- but the game never came off as an RP, or a RP supported game. I've tried to get roleplayers I know on board in the past, and we've all seen outright that SB never had RP-support, but some of us would RP anyways. There was no emote feature, no local chat, just galaxy and universe chat. Chat box was small. Party sizes were decent, but again, it's more of a sandbox dungeon crawler than an RP game. So my counter-response to people complaining about how the game isn't fit for RPers have always been-- It never was, and it never seemed to be the intention, and I don't understand why that's a problem now. Maybe being on a private server with these neat little mods have caused these people to forget all of that, but it's never been intended to be an RP game; and the most we can do is lobby/petition for features that make RP a bit more barable.
  13. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Followed by one of the biggest TLDR's I've seen in a loooong long time. Hahaha -- I'm just buggin'. It's sorta funny though, gotta admit.
    4 people like this.
  14. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Whatever happens, happens. It's whatever those in charge decide.