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Resolved Nano

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Thewaltham, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Name: Nano

    Appearance: Humanoid in shape, however, you can clearly tell it isn't a human. The bodyshell is made up of a light grey polymer material. The head and face are the least human parts, roughly resembling the following image... http://cdn.luxuo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/toyota_robot.jpg (not put up as an image in BB code due to its size)

    Abilities: Is capable in electronic warfare environments, capable of compromising other computer systems assuming direct control of machinery etc. These abilities are solid, however, they aren't unstoppable. While Nano's synthetic nature and processing capabilities certainly do help it would be roughly on par with a skilled organic hacker. However it does have the advantage that it can directly jack into a computer or device via cable.

    Strengths: Optics are very sensitive, in raw terms superior to human eyes. The aforementioned hacking capability is supplemented by its robotic nature.

    Weaknesses: Highly vulnerable to EMP, while the optics are technically superior definition and have features that human eyes don't they are slow to focus. The "adaptive AI" is primitive, and incapable of feeling the wide range of organic emotions. Prone to malfunctions and errors.

    Origin: Nano is a NanoWerx industries R400 slimline. These were essentially designed to serve a similar role to the protocol droids in Star Wars. The R400 series is an older design, first constructed in 2399, the slimline being released in 2400.

    These robots were recalled due to laws regarding sentient AI, due to its "adaptive AI" systems, which were designed to enable the unit to assimilate new data and adapt to new situations. However, once enough data was assimilated, a large number of these units gained a rudimentary sentience. This naturally scared the users of these machines.

    However, turns they weren't too happy about being shut down. The R400 series with this adaptive AI often acted in self defence, injuring or in some rare cases even killing their users. Naturally there were lawsuits -everywhere-. Over 4000 of them, in fact.

    Some R400 series units have survived to this day, Nano is one of them.
  2. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    If what you've posted here is true, you've broken character a few times in the past. I've seen Nano do things like scan people's biology and provide medical assistance, you haven't mentioned anything about that. They've also displayed the ability to 'hack' much faster and more effectively than any 'organic hacker' could, even doing so wirelessly on occasion. There's also no mention that Nano is strong enough to get up after being severely damaged and rip a robot's head off it's shoulders with their bare hands. And this is just what I've witnessed personally. It comes across like you don't have a complete understanding of your own character and their limitations, and that you'll invent new abilities or strengths whenever the situation calls for them.

    Regarding balance, the weaknesses you've listed can't really be considered as such.
    - Weakness to EMP is standard for robot characters, and while it is a weakness it isn't anything that any other robot won't have. Also, very rarely are EMPs ever encountered in RP.
    - Having eyes that are 'slow to focus' isn't a weakness either when the eyes have superior focus. It means that it takes longer for Nano to see things to their full ability, not that it would be harder for them to see.
    - Lacking true human emotions is also standard for robot characters, not a weakness. If they have anything beyond a basic comprehension of emotional ranges it would be considered a strength.
    - Prone to malfunctions and errors could be considered a weakness, but you haven't listed any reason for it. I have also witnessed the character be severely damaged and then completely repaired the day after. How could this be considered a weakness when any damage is fixed so quickly?

    The backstory I was told previously was that Nano was a military android designed to interface with machines, hack enemy software and decrypt messages, things like that. Was this wrong or has it simply been retconned since? Either way, if this is the backstory you've chosen, how do you explain Nano's proficiency with guns and combat?
  3. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    The backstory you've heard previously was incorrect. The proficiency with firearms is from security droid software which is a software update that can be downloaded to allow the R400 to act as well, a security droid. It isn't perfect, but it enables the robot to use light firearms like pistols and SMGs. Rifles at a pinch, but that's going beyond what the software was designed to cope with recoil wise.

    The slow focus is in fact a weakness. Think about it, if you for example had to track a fast moving object, or something moving quickly nearby you. This gives Nano a disadvantage in melee as it's operating with far less visual data than a human.

    What I have posted is true. Previous stuff like the whole ripping a robot's head off thing and the wireless hacking was before a serious nerf. As is the biology scan. However, the optics can still scan for thermal and energy emissions stuff like that, to figure out if anything's particularly weird. What has been listed in the app is its current capabilities.

    I would hardly count lack of proper emotion a strength. Especially in regards to interactions.

    Prone to malfunction and errors? Due to some components being old and worn out, the AI itself being glitchy due to operating at a level it was never designed to, etc.

    Quick severe damage repair was a sloppy thing on my part, and should have been done more carefully.

    The whole getting up thing after severe damage is a result of Nano not feeling pain. However, this is something I have re balanced as of late. While Nano can remain active with severe damage that doesn't mean it is capable of moving properly.

    The quicker hacking thing is due to the fact Nano's directly linked into whatever it's hacking, and using the full speed of its computer "brain". This, precision movement, and figuring out maths problems is really the only things it can do better than most organics, although an augmented organic would be able to match this capability.

    In regards to the medical stuff, yes, Nano has some first aid programming. No, it's not extensive. Yes, more can be learned in the future.
    #3 Thewaltham, Jul 19, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2016
  4. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    So... what's the news on that? Am I free to continue using this character? I get the feeling that you guys don't like Nano and well, I don't blame you considering its first appearance.
  5. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Sorry, we've been a bit busy. Ok, so;
    The main focus of concern on this robot seem to be the combination of uber-hacker skills, weaponry skills, and metalness. The metal comes from being an android, so thats a given, but either nerf the ability to use weapons or the hacking ability. I'd suggest weaponry, maybe dumbing it down to that Nano can only utilize a weapon if she is directly threatened, and even then only so far as to protect herself.

    As for the rest of it, I don't want to completely rip this character away from you considering how long you've been playing him/it/her, so alot of it just comes down to smart RP. All in all, just nerf one of her major skillsets, and play smart.
  6. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Wow, yeah, I forgot about this. Okay. this seems fair. Only capable of utilising weaponry in self defence, and I'd add another thing. It sort of twists on Asimov's laws of robotics, but Nano will do its hardest to not kill a target. It will take non-lethal shots wherever possible, because yeah, self defence but NanoWerx didn't want the risk of a killer robot. Even though that happened. AI is a crapshoot.

    Essentially, think of this thing as a less annoying more mobile C3P0, with some of R2's abilities thrown in.
    #6 Thewaltham, Oct 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2016