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A Guide to Custom Furniture

Discussion in 'Modding Guides' started by Angre, May 21, 2016.

  1. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Hey there, and welcome to this (probably terrible) guide to making some custom furniture. Lemme start this off by saying this guide won't explain how to actually sprite up custom furniture, because I'm an awful artist and any advice I give will be equally bad. This really only explains how to take a string of values from one file, and move them into another. So, without further delay, let's get into it!

    First thing's first, you'll want to find your .png and makes sure the sprite is situated in the top left corner. This is just to make sure you don't have difficult placing the object later on, because placement on the sprite inside the image does matter, even if the surrounding pixels are erased. From there, save your .png and upload it here. That links leads to Silverfeelin's Instrumentalizer tool. I highly recommend checking out the rest of their mods, by the way; they're all very useful.

    Anyway! Just upload your .png and then generate and download the file. The output will be a .json file, you can open this with any text editor. Do so; once you have the file open, find the line of text that starts with the keyword "activeImage". You'll want to copy the line of code the starts with assetMissing all the way to the end of the string, excluding the ending comma. An example would be "assetMissing.png?scale=3?crop=0;0;136;32?replace;ffffff=000000". Next, open up Starcheat and in an empty slot in your inventory, spawn any object, though a hazard tape item is preferable due to its small dimensions and background tile reliance. Create a new parameter named color and then paste in that line of code from before and you're done! Save and then load up Starbound and you should be able to place your new object with no issue. The object can removed at the bottom left corner of the sprite, once it breaks it'll revert to a normal hazard tape item.

    I'm not great at writing guides, and pictures would probably make this one better, but unfortunately, I didn't have any on hand. If anyone has trouble with this, lemme know down below and I'll try to help out. Otherwise, hope this is useful to everyone!

    #1 Angre, May 21, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2016
  2. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    You should do this again with pictures
  3. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Updated the guide with a GIF, because somehow that appealed to my lazy mind more than just taking a few pictures.
  4. DmanriquezS

    DmanriquezS New Member

    Jun 28, 2016
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    That one GIF has explained me more than 10 tutorials/videos. Thank you.
  5. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Updated guide with link to the nightly version of the Instrumentalizer. Will consider making a new GIF for spawning the item via commands in-game.
  6. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    If someone can figure out how to make these with a wireable and lighted item, I will kiss their ass for basically eternity.

  7. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    You might be able to use signs for that? Perhaps that no longer works, but I believe that it used to. I definitely don't have any step-by-step instructions, but you might wish to experiment with that!
  8. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    View attachment 4419
    For my lab, I did use signs, last update, and I was able to wire them and make them lighted, however that took quite a lot of time and I'm bit lazy to do it AGAIN. You can see 5 different custom furniture things I used here, the small tanks were 8 signs, whereas the larger tank was 16 signs.

    Now that wouldn't be an isse, if it weren't for the fact that I have to make every damn of those tanks and change the json manually with fucking starcheat which takes AGES... So I was wondering if I could use a shortcut, using this furniture system, but it looks like i'll have to do it with signs again... :(
  9. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I'm sorry to hear it. But! Perhaps someone can make a script to turn different images into wired signs. That'd be very useful.