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IMPORTANT. Androids, robots, AIs and custom races.

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by Awe, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    For a while, several weeks in fact, the rules regarding custom race characters have been tightened to include ANY character that is not a vanilla race. This means robots, AIs, androids, or anything of the same ilk fall under the same jurisdiction as non-vanilla aliens. Unfortunately, when this change was made, there were already a lot of these characters in circulation. It didn't seem fair to disallow their use at the time, and people were simply told to apply for new characters only. After a while, though, this system highlighted a different problem. How could we tell who is an old character and who is new and needs approval?

    In response to this, from this moment onward any character (pre-existing or new) that is anything except a vanilla race needs to submit an application. Any characters currently being played will be allowed to continue without approval until the 19th, which should give plenty of time (at least a full day) to write and submit an application. After the 19th, the use of any custom race character that isn't approved will be seen as rule-breaking.

    There is no format for an application, it is down to you to decide what is written and how. However, if you wish to get your character approved as quickly as possible be sure to include as much information as you can. Here are a few suggestions; name, appearance, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, origin, purpose. It is also recommended that you consider why the character idea could not be done with any of the vanilla races.

    Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.

    Link for the character app forum: https://www.antaresroleplay.com/forums/character-questions.309/
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  2. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Though Awe seems to want to deal with no formatting and make his own life more difficult, I think that for the purpose of documentation, that these applications should have formatting, and thus I suggest something simple akin to the following. This server needs more standardization.

    You should be able to just copy and paste this directly into a new thread.



    Brief Description

    Abilities or Features Granted by Custom Race
  3. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I see you've decided to consider playing an Android/Robot/A.I character. Let me tell you a little bit about the path you've decided to stroll down.

    Androids, as they will be referred to from here on out as an umbrella term, are synthetic life forms. In the setting, Council Space has restricted many of the necessary components for building and creating autonomous robotic persons. On top of that they are exceptionally cost-ineffective and difficult to create, meaning that androids will not simply be built by an average mechanic.

    They are often built purely as a symbol of status and tend to lean more towards subservient roles. In most cases, they don't have status of their own since they are meant to represent that very status. In Core space, the few Androids that exist, exist as nothing more than property. However in Fringe space, several androids have found themselves as free people.

    For simplicity, I've created a list of things Android characters are, and are not. If you follow this guide you should be able to get your android approved by the staff.

    Androids ARE NOT:
    • Indestructible metal monsters. Most are durable for day to day use, but will still take damage from combat situations.

    • Capable of interfacing with any and all technology. You can not "hack" things. Your mind is built to emulate a human, and there are better, more dedicated tools for hacking that are less expensive than an autonomous human

    • Modular to the point of disregarding your body. Since it is expensive to build an android, naturally it is expensive to replace parts. Do not throw yourself in harms way and lose an arm. It will hurt, and you will need a skilled technician to repair it for a high cost.

    • Superheroes. You do not gain any real special abilities from being an android. In a lot of cases life will be more difficult because you're an outlier. It will be difficult to get medical assistance, since most doctors and mechanics will not be trained to aid you. You don't have supernatural strength or durability.

    Androids ARE:

    • Still people. They are designed to emulate sentient life, and have feelings, emotions, and goals. Playing an android means you are still playing a character, and their mechanical nature should be a feature of their character, not their sole character trait. Being an android is purely a detail to the character. They dream of electric sheep. If you remember that they are still a character, and do not play them as a special snowflake, you should have no issues.

    I know it might all seem obvious, but hopefully this little guide should help you out. Remember, you need to have Androids approved by staff before taking them onto the server.
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