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Hylotl History

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Kralion, Jul 14, 2016.


Is this Lore acceptable?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. This needs some more work

    5 vote(s)
  1. Kralion

    Kralion Lore Writer

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Hylotl history stretches thousand of years ago, beginning in their homeworld of Kyoiku, a planet covered in grand marshes and rivers that strew across the divided landmass that existed. The Hylotl are said to be the first race to have emerged from the water and manage to develope in the unhabited land, away from the predators that filled the water, yet the land that they could use was few, and was used to develope the technology that could not be done underwater, such as smelting metals. This dire need for land quickly exploded into warfare, with Hylotl being lead by generals dubbed Kyobi, who ruled over these few lands.

    As if the war on the land and sea was not enough, the Hylotl found that the predators from the sea they had feared now began claiming the land as well. Soon, war was no longer a posibility as Kyobi were forced to divert their troops to protect their own people as they faced the danger of extinction. These desesperate years gave birth to a new breed of thought among the Hylotl that quickly expanded among the new generations. New leaders, throwing away the title of Kyobi, met once more, but instead of crossing blades, they exchanged gifts and kind words. With these new alliances, the Hylotl were able to drive on both land and sea.

    No longer preoccupied with the act of war, Hylotl quickly began to research new technologies. Soon, they were able to create artificial land for all their needs, and it wasn't long before great Hylotl cities floated along the waves, their citizens traveling by boat or swimming along the river-roads. Hylotl tadpoles were allowed to grow in large nurseries near the surface, and when they finally emerged to their true form they were given to an expecting family at random, as Hylotl believed that birth should not decree ones standing, since that is how the original Kyobi emerged.

    However, the Hylotl also realized that their need for warfare to protect themselves against savage animals or even themselves, but the average Hylotl citizen had a great distaste for the act of killing, even if it was an animal. And so, the Hylotl found two ways to obtain their soldiers. The first was to recruit the scum of their society, those who did not hesistate to use violence. The second was to elect the most physically apt of the tadpoles to be given the best training possible, becoming the new Kyobi that now ruled over a small amount of troopers, teaching them discipline and respect. Every 100 Hylotl troops were lead by a circle of 4 Kyobi.

    In Space

    As Hylotl technlogy finally granted them the ability to expand to the stars, the need for an armed force that would protect colonists from unknown beasts and criminals rose. The Kyobi where given large spaceships with barracks for their soldiers, alongside with anything they would need to maintain their gear and feed their troops. Each sector were given a certain amount of Kyobi to be able to protect their own from any danger.

    Despite the safety they brought, the general public still looked at the soldiers as a "necessary evil" for their expansion. Hylotl society preached for peaceful resolutions and for a unity with the circle of life, and while death and violence were indeed part of this circle, the Hylotl were still taught against the war that almost destroyed their race.

    With this concern in mind as Hylotl technology continued to advance, a failsafe was put in place. Local goverments were given codes that would allow them to disable their weapons, lock them in their advanced armor and powering down their ship engines. The Kyobi protested this, but their complains fell on deaf ears.

    The Hylotl's diplomacy allowed them contact with other races with virtually no conflict, weaving intricate treaties and trade agreements. Some still believe the Hylotl third eye was developed to simply allow them to go through paperwork faster.

    The Floran War

    The Hylotl's first contact with the floran were brief conflicts as colonists began to encounter worlds filled with the flesh-eating plants. The Kyobi sent their troopers, but even with all their technological advance, the floran numbers were enough to simply overrun them in some cases. The florans also proved themselves quite apt at guerilla warfare, something the Hylotl had never encountered before.

    As the Kyobi continued to battle the florans were they encountered them, with mixed results, they turned to the goverment with a debate that raged amongst them. Some of the Kyobi firmly believed that the floran menace should be fought with everything they had until it was exterminated, while others stated that their duty was to protect the citizens, not cause warfare. The goverement ruled in favor of the non-aggression policy.

    As the Hylotl populace continued to see the news of the floran menace with unease, several files were leaked into the public revealing that Kyobi were funding the development of biological weapons, something that the Hylotl had always seen as a taboo. The responsible Kyobi and their troops had the failsafes activated against them and their ships, still containing the prototype bio-bombs, were brought to the homeworld to stand trial for their crimes.

    As the trials developed, however, the Hylotl found themselves once more at the brink of disaster. Several hundred hijacked ships appeared in the atmosphere of Kyoiku, all of them containing countless florans. The Hylotl orbital defenses could simply not keep up with the vast amount of ships that kept appearing, and neither could the ground forces. The Kyobi and their forces were freed from their prisons and helped in the planetary evacuation before finally escaping to orbit themselves in their ships, no longer bound by the failsafes. They watched as one by one, the signals from the different Hylotl cities faded away.

    At this point it is uknown who gave the original order, or if they even knew of the true potency of the bio-bombs, but it is known that the Kyobi ships assumed formation around the planet and fired their payload of prototype bio-bombs. The virus in them did what it was designed to and quickly began to destroy the plant matter in the florans, but also began to destroy all other plant matter in the planet. A vast majority of the floran forces perished, with a few of them escaping with their FTL drives. The Kyobi lost their title, becoming now Fumeiyona, or simply Fumei.

    As the Kyobi ships dissapeared as well, they relayed a single message to all their ships. They had acquired and disabled the failsafe codes for their equipment, and they urged all of those who wished to fight the floran menace like them did the same before the codes were replaced. An unknown number of Kyobi then used their FTL drives to go fight the floran menace, while another part of the fleet decided to stick by their old ways and remained to protect their various planets.

    Current time

    While the Hylotl goverment denied and continues to deny any involvement with the actions that took place at their planet, a good amount of their rogue Fumei fleet continues to fly through space, using their power as they see fit. The results are mixed, sometimes resulting in Fumei ships jumping in to save a settlement under attack by pirates or florans, but cases of Fumei attacking colonies who welcome florans or acting no better than bandits are also known.

    The common Hylotl are also divided. Some citizens believe that the Fumei's actions were acceptable, with some colonies even welcoming and trading with the fleets in secret, while others still firmly believe in their pacifist ways, saying that open warfare goes against everything their ancestors tried to teach them.
    2 people like this.
  2. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    There's a lot here that is really good, but the general idea of it is not something I can agree with. Things such a 'choosing the lowest scum of the society' to be soldiers, for example, doesn't seem like a thing the hylotl would do. Also, there isn't really a good sense of when these things happened, which makes it all seem either very very recent or ancient history. And the way you've worded the section on the war, whether intentional or not, makes it sound like all the florans died, the planet died and all the hylotl on the planet died with it. If this is the case, that's simply unreasonable. Still, good stuff. Needs some work.
  3. Kralion

    Kralion Lore Writer

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Well, the idea was that the Kyobi would be the ones to impart the common soldiers with discipline and respect, and train them to be actual useful soldiers.

    I did avoid mentioning dates, as I know some others are also working with lore and all dates are a bit iffy. If you ask me, however, the events of the floran war happened around 50 years or so.

    The bio-bombs destroyed plant life. Without plant life, "the cirlce of life" is pretty much fucked. Hervibores can't feed, so then carnivores can't feed, etc. And if it wasn't clear, this didn't happen in the period of a day. The florans had plenty of time to massacre the Hylotl cities.
  4. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    The Floran war part is at least unacceptable.

    Vanilla lore implies that the Hylotl were sent running and the Florans conquered the homeworld.
    Again, the Hylotl are supposed to be pacifists, they wouldn't do something as drastic as destroying their own world just to spite the Florans.
    Even if they would, they wouldn't have that kind of armaments, as the invasion was most likely a surprise attack which quickly overran them, by sheer numbers. There's no way they would have that sort of weapon.
  5. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Also, last I checked, the Hylotl were Clem's project...
  6. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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  7. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    rip, this is an old post, someone liked it so i thougt it was recent
  8. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Staff, please close this thread.