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Council Space: You Are Here!

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Node, Jul 3, 2016.

  1. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Core; the heart of Council Space. It is here that the Council leads its many denizens towards a prosperous future. It is bustling with commerce and trade from all sorts of different species. Though not technologically the most superior sector, life in Core is comfortable and peaceful. Most goods and products found in The Fringe, typically originate from Core.

    The Fringe is the area just outside of Core space. Ironically, it is much larger than Core Space itself, and has a bunch of smaller colonies and planets, mostly governed by themselves. However, the Council does still have some power here, and will use it to protect the Fringe when necessary.

    The Antares-OE refugee zone. After Antares was invaded by the tentacle menace, and Orion's Edge was evacuated, this zone of Fringe space was established for the refugees. This zone is still populated by a variety of smaller colonies, both recently established and old.


    Council's reach stretches out into Antares and a small part of Orion's Edge. Though typically they avoid Orion's Edge, the Council effectively has created a barrier to prevent the tentacle plague from breaching Council Space from Antares.


    The Antares Frontier. The old wild west of Council Space, this sector was rife with crime. Many people would escape to the Antares Frontier to get away from the long arm of the law, or to start anew and forget the past. It has sense been flooded with tentacle demons, and is general uninhabitable.


    A sector once politically contested by the United Systems and Miniknog fleets. Several decades of diplomatic conflict began to threaten all out warfare. After small galactic border skirmishes, the two parties realised the futility of continued occupation, and left a now resource sapped sector to the many hostile entities waiting to scavenge and raid from the sidelines. Facing total collapse, many of those whom where left behind by the retreat of their militaristic protectors fled to seek refuge within council space. The Orion Spur has since become a breeding ground for raiders and criminals alike.


    Murai Ducote was first settled by the Hylotl. They settled several fairly extravagant water based colonies, and were the first sector to set up a trans-planetary waterway. This feature quickly caught the eye of other sectors who realized the potential for a tourist industry, and the colony quickly grew. It has a strong alliance with Council Space, who once shipped them a number of goods, however it is
    currently difficult to reach due to having to pass through Antares.

    Earth was here. Now it's not. It was destroyed. There's some other stuff here too, but who cares about that?

    The Tormenta Sector is a zone of space not too dissimilar to Council Space, though technologically superior. Pioneered by both Humans and Apex, Tormenta is the very definition of tech commerce. The entire sector is largely dominated by huge corporations that bought the government out. It is currently difficult to reach due to having to pass through Antares.

    This map is not the end of the universe, and is instead just a small snapshot to show where Council Space lies, and a handful of its surrounding sectors. Beyond, there is certainly much more.
    #1 Node, Jul 3, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2016
    3 people like this.
  2. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    Not shown: The shining beacon of hope, order and peace that is Holy Avos. Praise be.
  3. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Not shown: David
  4. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    This is pretty interesting. I think we should have some form of stellar "map" for our RP.
    I have a few questions and/or comments though.

    If we're going to acknowledge Orion's Edge existence, to some extent, in our own lore, we should probably give it a proper description.

    I like this. Perhaps this is where the Hylotl migrated to after they lost their home world to the Florans?
    Having the Hylotl support and pursue a benevolent relationship between Murai Ducote and Council space would make sense.

    How does this work? Is this like a giant tube that is connected from one planet to the other, or is it a network of waterways to travel between locations on one planet? (I think it's the latter because otherwise it'd have been interplanetary and not transplanetary, right?)

    This also deserves a better description. Technically Earth isn't quite destroyed, it's just occupied by "The Beast", a gigantic tentacle monster organism, but is being contained by human military forces, who are based on Mars and a few other colonies (
    "The United Systems of Sol, Alpha Centauri, and Tau Ceti").

    It seems unlikely that humans or Apex would have pioneered a large, technolgically superior community of independent colonies.
    Humans supposedly were one of the last races to achieve FTL travel and were expanding before the tentacle monster hit earth.
    However, since then they have evacuated to Mars and other territories, but these are under control of the United Systems.
    Similarly, the Miniknog would possibly have a collection of research facilities and smaller, regulated colonies (like the ones you see in Gundam), who are under strict control of the totalitarian Apex regime.

    Personally, I'd replace Tormenta by three other zones which represent the native zones of: Florans + Hylotl (now predominatly under Floran control, after the Hylotl moved to Murai Ducote), Avians + Glitch (have Avos and their colonies nearby the Glitch worlds) and Humans + Apex, with Sol and their colonies bordering the territories of the Apex home world and their colonies.
    Council Space itself, originally the Council Space representatives were tied to the main lore factions, I'd prefer it if it were its own little faction, which was created by the minority groups and colonists who left their main factions to settle their own independent colonies, who later united into what is known as "Council Space".
  5. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The map was just meant to give a sense of space and where we are, we don't need to dump lore into every tiny nook and cranny.
  6. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Khaltor post. I should have known. Let's get on with it.

    • I don't know dick all about Orion's edge. To be honest, I didn't realize that this was lore submission, and thought it was the (now defunct) lore discussion. Someone else can do it, but we've acknowledged that Orion's edge exists simply because of the volume of people that hopped over here.

    • Ask Haplap about Murai Ducote. I also don't know much beyond the blurb he gave me other than it basically being an island resort sector. The transplanetary waterway was my idea though. It's a series of enclosed sky elevators piping water from planet to planet to create an extended ecosystem. Realistically, it's functions are irrelevant since we're never going to Murai Ducote anyway.

    • I don't give a shit about Sol even remotely and I threw it on the map for people that do. That's the pleb sector as far as I'm concerned.

    • Tormenta has loosely existed in lore for quite some time, so whatever you are saying, no. Miniknog would be defunct there and forced out by humans. Remaining Apex would be rebels, contributing to their society. Once again, the lore is somewhat irrelevant, you're never going there and the only person that ever calls upon Tormenta lore as it is, is me.
    You're more than welcome to suggest whatever you want to the map, but as Doc said, it's really just to give a loose sense of an idea on where everything is located in space, since I noticed that there appears to be some confusion on it. The inclusion of outer sectors is simply so that people remember that they even exist.

    I'm not a lore master. I just threw together a map and some blurbs of info to get the roughest, most general sense of what these spaces are and represent. I'm not writing a twenty paged document on each of them, since its entirely unnecessary.
    4 people like this.
  7. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Sorry Node, posted my comment at the same time you posted yours.

    Back to the map, what I originally wanted to say was just that it'd great if we could get a tiny bit more info in for Sol and OE, probably just from USCM folks for Sol and the people who can help with OE info are obvious.
  8. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Went ahead and removed the unrelated posts, no need for discussion over an unrelated topic here.

    As for the map, I like this a lot. In fact, this is a big step in the right direction towards interesting fluff lore for the setting; I like the amount of info provided for some of these sectors (with the obvious few exceptions still needing some more fleshed out stuff from the people who can provide it), I think it's a great way to give some extra, non-consequential details about our setting without overwhelming people.
  9. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    That's literally one of the things I asked for too, but that got dismissed outright.

    I'm not asking a 20 page lore description for the map of the system, I just felt like there were things that could be changed. Aside from that, the map looks fucking great and I think it's a good idea.
  10. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I didn't dismiss it Khaltor. I acknowledged I didn't know/care enough.

    Stop making this about you. Its been requested, and it will get done by the people who can do it.
  11. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    OE Lore in relation to Antares canon & map

    A sector once politically contested by the United Systems and Miniknog fleets. Several decades of diplomatic conflict began to threaten all out warfare. After small galactic border skirmishes, the two parties realised the futility of continued occupation, and left a now resource sapped sector to the many hostile entities waiting to scavenge and raid from the sidelines. Facing total collapse, many of those whom where left behind by the retreat of their militaristic protectors fled to seek refuge within council space. The Orion Spur has since become a breeding ground for raiders and criminals alike.
    1 person likes this.
  12. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Calm yaself, Node! Calm yaself!!
  13. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Angre already deleted a ton of posts that you missed Ricardo. I don't want to have to ask for the thread to be pruned twice.
  14. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Oh shit! I'm sorry haha! Holy shit I don't wanna get the whippin' on me! Good lookin' out!
    2 people like this.
  15. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    Nah. The original idea for the council was an alliance of necessity between the major factions so as to better combat the looming threat from the tentacle monsters. It's not supposed to be a peace-and-love for the people by the people affair, more of an awkward meeting place of busy empires that would rather be dealing with their own problems. Except for the Hylotl, who see it as a crowning achievement of theirs.

    Council space is sort of like a defense/buffer zone between the more important worlds of the galaxy and the encroaching tentacle beasts. I'm not saying such a place can't be prosperous, but that's not the council's goal.
  16. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    If you want it changed, please write a new blurb. I'm maximum lazy and thought I was close enough.
  17. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    -Core Worlds-
    Home to the council chambers aboard the Dae-Ilseong station and many of the most developed worlds in council space, this sector is abuzz with both military and trade vessels of all species. While the council's primary objective is defence against the tentacle beasts, several council members believe that a prosperous, ordered sector would be a far more effective defender than a sector fraught with poverty and lawlessness; as such the core worlds contain a number of relatively high-grade population centres, some of which rival worlds in the more civilised sectors of the galaxy.

    -The fringe-
    Far from the core worlds, the council's influence is lessened due to limited resources and the vast emptiness of space. Colonies in the fringe tend to be more militarised and feature less of the comforts the core worlds are accustomed to. While still officially under council protection, their presence in the fringe is often limited to sparse outposts and the occasional patrol. Strategically, the fringe serves as an early warning and defence zone against any tentacle incursions, detecting and harassing any creatures until council re-enforcements arrive.


    Bleh. There's that. Feel free to dispute anything since I made most of it up on the spot. Basic idea is that RP happens in a sort of semi-patrolled buffer zone between the civilised core worlds and scary tentacle monsters, thus allowing people to engage in crime rp that people enjoy, without feeling like the coucil's going to kick down their door at any given moment.
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  18. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    A small, now-depopulated sector on the outer reaches of Council space, plagued with grand, sector-wide natural disasters of cataclysmic magnitude, as well as some of the most unsightly, twisted, inhumane technology and colonies known to civilized space. Some say it is still haunted by visions of the long-dead, hence its name.

    Not many people give a shit about the place but there are still a couple dozen characters on Antares which originate from Memoria, i.e. Unbound Travels.